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Poker Returns: What Would You Like to See?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Joanna, Sep 24, 2011.

  1. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
    Valued Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    Hi everyone!

    I'm excited about Poker coming back to Home. I was reading this article this morning and both Bootleggers and Poker appear to be Free to Play.

    In reference to Bootleggers Bruser emphasized: "However, it is completely free. "It's not freemium" and in reference to Poker "What makes playing poker in Home so appealing--more so than its zero cost of entry-" One has to hope the freemium label applies to this as well although it was not as clearly stated. Somehow I have the feeling that this might have some pay to play components.

    Bootleggers: a free to play multiplayer FPS f - - Video Game News, Trailers, Game Videos, and Files

    I know I spent some time with old poker friends yesterday and sent some PM's to many of them as well. They are excited for it's return. They also hope that poker will be something special. EA Poker was super popular and multi-regional and one can hope this game will be as well.

    For those who love poker what would you love to see a part of this venue and perhaps what are your concerns as well. I don't know if this is being beta tested at the moment. It would be nice if there were former players from EA playing it and giving input. They know what worked and what didn't at least in Home.

    I just hope it'll be special because I don't think Poker will get another chance if it isn't. I can't wait to try it and to see people I haven't seen for a very long time.

    • Leaderboards and Season Competitive Play

    • Group chat built into the Game as with EA

    • Various table and room views allowing chat with players both in game and out.

    • Developer interaction with the community to address issues and concerns of the Poker Community relative to the game.

    • Various levels of play – similar to Green, Red and Black with different table entry fees as per the use of bankrolls over at EA.

    Please share your concerns and ideas.


    Poker Returns: What Would You Like to See?, Sep 24, 2011, 3:17 PM,, 4496

    Another free game coming to PlayStation Home is a poker title, featured in the Sports hub. Once again, you'll be able to jump into any game via a matchmaking system. "We wanted this to be a fully-featured game," Buser explained.

    What makes playing poker in Home so appealing--more so than its zero cost of entry--is the fact that the Sports hub features a television in the background that features updates on the real world of sports. Yes, you can go into Home and get a highlight reel of the day's biggest moments in sports. Home will become a virtual pub of sorts.

  2. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    This will be great to see for sure. You covered most of what I would be hoping for, but I would also like to add the ability to kick someone from the table based on votes, a reward system......and bikini clad dealers! :sigh:
  3. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    A.I. Players so you always get eight,
  4. superlatives

    Mar 24, 2011
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    Well all:

    As one of the multitude of EA Poker vets like me, Joanna has -- in effect -- put out a wish list that basically translates to the EA Sports Complex! :)

    Speaking for myself and for a BUNCH of other poker vets AND Crown winners, I think the biggest thing we want is this: for a company OTHER than Sony to directly run the poker space. Most of you already know ALL the reasons why we feel this way -- but to repeat myself, the biggest reason is that Home staff have demonstrated that they DO NOT have the ability or the customer service to directly manage the Poker space the way poker vets are used to and EXPECT ... free or pay.

    However, I've heard RUMORS that another company is managing the Poker area, so it appears that Home staff management is a non-issue, assuming those rumors are true.

    Having said that, I DO like Joanna's ideas -- with ONE caveat. While the idea of seasons and leaderboards will bring back players, having won the Crown, I'd rather NOT see an award for a season winner. Both Texans and I won the Crown, BEFORE the EA Poker Crown was announced. And during those months, play was great and so were the people. But once the Crown became public, the overall game play deteriorated, players going for the crown would play 20+ hours a day, and chip dumping was rampant. All for a Home reward.

    The old EA bracelets were a good idea (for winning a full table) ... but having a Home reward as rare as the EA Poker Crown is probably NOT a good idea.

    HOPPER: while I THINK I know why you'd like the ability to vote off players, I'm not sure I agree. I KNOW that slow players get others mad, or players who freeze. However, the "vote to kick off" feature would just add another tool for the cheaters. A group of players who plan to chip dump could then kick off people not in their group. Or, players could kick off the season leader to keep him or her from winning more.

    IF there was a season, I would then suggest that players be assigned to tables RANDOMLY. Assuming it's not an empty space, random assignment would help in curbing the chip dumping.

    Or better still, sign up for specified playing times. 24-hour players MAY still have an advantage, but not as much.

    More ideas later as I think of them! :)
  5. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    rewards and friends, that's pretty much all I want there. :D
  6. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    I want the return of those bracelets back again, plus the shirts. And no glitching/hacking problems from anyone.
  7. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
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    Dec 24, 2010
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    I doubt the poker bracelets from EA would return. On the other hand one would hope that there are some rewards associated with achievements like there were with EA.
  8. Mermaid-KT

    Mermaid-KT Member

    Jan 5, 2011
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    I'm really looking forward to Poker coming back, but I am a little apprehensive about it. I hope the tables are tournament tables and not ring ones, I seem to remember something I read indicating it might be ring tables but I could be reading it wrong, guess we'll know soon enough on that account.
    One thing I would like, is multi-table tournaments. I agree with Super that things got a little ugly once the crown became a reward for season play so would rather it not get like that. However, maybe a once a month multi-table tournament with some special reward for the winer would be nice, and their name archived onto an all-winners board would be nice as well for all to see. This may eliminate those that chip dump for 20hrs a day and would be harder for people to cheat on.
    Either way, I am looking forward to seeing it, and really really hope it is compareable to our old EA Poker Rooms.
  9. JamRocks

    JamRocks ...Big Jelly...

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Ability to chat with those at the table or in the area is a must. The social aspect of the EA poker made it popular and at the time there wasn't any other space that really incorporated gameplay with socializing like EA poker did. Rewards for achievements and stat tracking would be cool. Being able to kick players isn't a good idea. I feel it will be mis-used. Having a realistic timer before a slow player is folded will eliminate the "slow" players annoying the table. I like the tournament idea that will give people like myself the chance to complete for major rewards since I have a life and can't spend 20 hours a day in the poker room. Regardless I'm sure people will still find a way to boost there stats but whatever I'm there to play and have fun whether I have that "rare" virtual item means nothing to me.
  10. superlatives

    Mar 24, 2011
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    WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree with Jam!!!

    Jam said it better than me, but I agree that notable rewards should be an indicator of talent, NOT "free time". Perhaps a six-week season where there's a SCHEDULED game once a week (or even once a day).

    Regarding a revamped timer to dissuade those players with "NARC-olepsy" :) ... I'd have no problem with that. When the issue was first brought forth in 2009, the argument for keeping the 30-second timer was that that IS representative of "real life". HOWEVER -- the drawn out 30 seconds in real life is MORE a facet of real life, face-to-face play, where players try to out-psych their opponents. Given the online nature of THIS play, this isn't as much of a strategy.

    And MOST importantly -- I agree about "table-oriented chat". The multi-cam nature of EA Poker was a great influence to the social nature of the space. When OOblag came out, Home staff extolled its virtues as a step to restoring the social aspect that WAS EA Poker. And while the NATURE of Ooblag WOULD lend itself to chat, the "implementation" didn't.

    Face it: when we're in a space chatting with friends, we look at the bubbles, NOT the chat log. And chat during Ooblag REQUIRED the use of the log.

    Anyway, thanks for posting your thought Jam! Again, you put it MUCH better than I!
  11. xMINDBlIlURx

    xMINDBlIlURx Active Member

    Sep 28, 2011
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    I'm sure me as anyone else would agree, we hope there to be a rewards system.
  12. hyperkane

    hyperkane mm (©_©) mm

    Jan 14, 2011
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    Yeah. Graduated tables. Allow beginners a longer time to choose their options, then shorten the timer for higher level tables.
    But I know you all must admit that you miss Narc. Come on. ::p:
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