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Guide The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp]

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by faga4567, Sep 22, 2011.

  1. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    +113 /3
    Most probably I should start this since alot will have trouble with what's going on in this space.
    Will update as I get more info...and as I go along.

    peakvox labs Official site: [peakvox labs]PS®Home | peakvox
    Playstation Home Japan peakvox labs Official site: PlayStation®Home ƒIƒtƒBƒVƒƒƒ‹ƒTƒCƒg

    Update: 5/23/2011
    Peakvox has updated it's lounge, but I have no plans on updating this guide anytime soon. I don't have the time, interest, and motivation to convert to the new method I'm using right now. And I won't start writing the new stuff unless I convert the old stuff.

    I will like to thank the people that plagiarized my guide since I'm assuming they're willing to continue writing the guide. Pretty much it has given me a reason to step down and let me do something else with my spare time. If you want new info, ask those people instead of me.​

    Update: 2/12/2011
    Rewards are up to date.
    As of today, due to someone's lack of integrity and character, I have decided to not update this post until I use a different method. The newer method will take more time to update and will cause some inconvenience with some people.

    How the lounge works...
    The lounge is constructed with mini games that are either free to play or needs tickets to play.
    The ones with the pink circle requires tickets to play.
    The tickets can be purchased at the store or you can wait every 24 hours for a free ticket, but these are not stack-able.

    About the Free Ticket...(outdated, will update later)
    The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], faga4567, Sep 22, 2011, 9:08 AM,, jpg, peakvoxlabs_img08.jpg Free ones look like this.
    As you see here, the number at the bottom is a run down 24 hour timer.
    When the timer becomes 0, you will see a icon like the one above that illustrates a free ticket.
    These free ticket will not accumulate, so use it before the timer runs out or you'll miss out of getting a new one.
    After the timer goes to 0, it will reset to 24 hours at the time you enter the peakvox labs lounge.​

    How to play...

    • Abduct Earth
    Here's the link from the English iphone version on how to play, but the rules should be the same.
    Abduct | [Abduct Earth]iPhone / iPod touch | peakvox

    There are 3 versions of this game:

    • [*=1]Free Arcade version (up to level 3) - located in peakvox labs lounge, free to play
      [*=1]Paid Cabinet version (up to level 5) - available in store
      [*=1]Big Screen Ticket version (up to level 7) - located in peakvox labs lounge, requires ticket to play
    Reward wise, each have their own condition. (so far paid cabinet doesn't have any rewards)

    • escape virus
    The WiiWare version seems to be the closes one, but I'm not sure if it's entirely the same.
    Viral Survival Official Site

    There are 3 modes and each play requires a ticket: ​

    • [*=1]Normal
    Here are some escape virus (Wii version) Youtube videos played by the creators
    Normal: peakvox escape virus
    Shooter: peakvox escape virus
    Horde: peakvox escape virus


    • peakvox T-shirt - Enter peakvox labs
      The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], Sep 22, 2011, 9:08 AM,, 4468The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], Sep 22, 2011, 9:08 AM,, 4468

    • peakvox labs Chair - solve the number combination located downstairs (try to solve it by yourself :p)
      The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], Sep 22, 2011, 9:08 AM,, 4468
      • Hint 1: (Hidden) the number has something to do with a company or game.
      • Hint 2: (Hidden) the number is not a date
      • Hint 3: (Hidden) ³ô¼°²ñ¼Ò¥ª¡¼¥Ä¡¼ (Company website of the peakvox label/brand)

    • Abduct Earth T-shirt Red - Clear stage 3 in Abduct Earth (Free Arcade version)
      The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], Sep 22, 2011, 9:08 AM,, 4468The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], Sep 22, 2011, 9:08 AM,, 4468

    • Abduct Earth T-shirt Blue - Clear stage 1 in Abduct Earth (Big Screen Ticket version)
      The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], Sep 22, 2011, 9:08 AM,, 4468The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], Sep 22, 2011, 9:08 AM,, 4468

    • peakvox Mat - Clear stage 4 in Abduct Earth (Big Screen Ticket version)
      The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], Sep 22, 2011, 9:08 AM,, 4468

    • Abduct Hologram - Clear all the stages in Abduct Earth (Big Screen Ticket version)
      The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], Sep 22, 2011, 9:08 AM,, 4468

    • escape virus Water Tank Virus (Stress) - Get around 10,000 points in escape virus: Normal
      The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], Sep 22, 2011, 9:08 AM,, 4468

    • escape virus DNA T-shirt Red - Get around 250,000 points in escape virus: Normal
      The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], Sep 22, 2011, 9:08 AM,, 4468The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], Sep 22, 2011, 9:08 AM,, 4468

    • escape virus Water Tank DNA (Red) - Get 650,000 points in escape virus: Normal
      The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], Sep 22, 2011, 9:08 AM,, 4468

    • escape virus Water Tank Virus (Randas) - Get around 10,000 points in escape virus: Shooter
      The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], Sep 22, 2011, 9:08 AM,, 4468

    • escape virus DNA T-shirt Blue - Get around 70,000 points in escape virus: Shooter
      The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], Sep 22, 2011, 9:08 AM,, 4468The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], Sep 22, 2011, 9:08 AM,, 4468

    • escape virus Water Tank DNA (Blue) - Get 150,000 points in escape virus: Shooter
      The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], Sep 22, 2011, 9:08 AM,, 4468

    • escape virus Water Tank Virus (Chaser) - Get around 10,000 points in escape virus: Horde
      The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], Sep 22, 2011, 9:08 AM,, 4468

    • escape virus DNA T-shirt White - Get around 200,000 points in escape virus: Horde
      The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], Sep 22, 2011, 9:08 AM,, 4468The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], Sep 22, 2011, 9:08 AM,, 4468

    • escape virus Water Tank DNA (White) - Get around 375,000 points in escape virus: Horde
      The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], Sep 22, 2011, 9:08 AM,, 4468
    my notes
    (anything below here is a work in progress. nothing is guaranteed to be correct)

    peakvox HELP Information

    • peakvox Jeans - Go to peakvox HELP Information near Entrance

    • DNA(Red) Right Earring - Go to peakvox HELP Information near escape virus

    • DNA(Red) Left Earring - Go to peakvox HELP Information near hammer virus

    • escape virus Mini Water Tank DNA (Blue) - Go to peakvox HELP Information near Shooting Earth

    • escape virus Mini Water Tank DNA (Red) - Go to peakvox HELP Information near Abduct Earth

    • PC Display - Hint: (Hidden) There seems to be a number in the underground lab

    • Microscope - Hint: (Hidden) There seems to be a number when you access the PC in the underground lab

    • Notebook PC - Hint: (Hidden) There seems to be numbers in the peakvox lab lounge
    All can be found in the peakvox lab

    hammer virus

    • DNA (White) Right Earring - Get around 500 points in hammer virus

    • DNA (White) Left Earring - Get around 4,000 points in hammer virus

    • escape virus Mini Water Tank DNA (White) - Get around 15,000 points in hammer virus

    • Moving escape virus T-Shirt White - Get around 45,000 points in hammer virus

    • Large Creature Rearing Big Aquarium Tank - Get to level 9 in hammer virus

    Shooting Earth

    • Abduct Green Hologram - Clear Shooting Earth (Free Arcade version)

    • DNA (Blue) Right Earring, DNA (Blue) Left Earring - Clear stage 1 in Shooting Earth (Big Screen Ticket version)

    • Rev Counter Blue Figure - Clear stage 2 in Shooting Earth (Big Screen Ticket version)

    • UFO Crashing Site Diorama - Clear stage 3 in Shooting Earth (Big Screen Ticket version)

    Notes for 12/15
    15 rewards, 15 confirmed.

    Abduct Simulator

    • Abduct Simulation UFO Normal - First Play
    • Office Chair Blue - Lv2
    • DNA (Subspecies) Right Earring - Lv5
    • LCD TV - Lv10
    • Thin Wide TV - Lv15
    • Rust Remover Can - Lv20
    • Analog TV - Lv25
    You'll need x^2 *100 (x being your current level) for your next level. (ex. 20 ->21, 40000 points)

    Bomb Headgear - Get 50x multiplier in escape virus: Horde
    DNA (Subspecies) Left Earring - Connect 50 DNAs in escape virus: Normal
    Pill Headgear - Get about 250,000 ± 20,000 points in escape virus: Shooter (Actual condition is still unknown, but your score will be around this number)
    DNA (Subspecies) Slippers - Do 2 FEVER in 1 game in hammer virus
    DNA (Subspecies) Mask - Do 4 FEVER in 1 game in hammer virus
    Valve - Use the "Rust Remover Can" on the valve that gives you a message.

    Limited time rewards
    Snowman - Enter peakvox labs by a certain date (expired 12/24/2011 - 12/31/2011)
    2012 Japanese Traditional Kite 1 - Enter peakvox labs by a certain date (1/1/2012 - 1/15/2012)

    Notes for 2/8
    Teleport - Entering

    Speaker - code hidden somewhere in peakvox labs (number is unique each time you enter lounge, you need to find it and enter it before leaving, getting the number from others is useless) Hint: (Hidden) Use UFO

    Abduct Simulator

    • Card Key Red - Lv30
    • Locker - Lv30
    • Office Chair - Black - Lv30
    • Live Speaker - Lv35
    • Wall Mount TV - Lv40

    Hints found at the basement desk

    1111110100110 = ? : peakvox labs Chair (old reward)
    B=02 P=16 HY = ? : Notebook PC (old reward)
    1001 : Remote
    29,??,37,41,43,47,??,59 : Drawer Desk (*code for paid terminal)
    12:30-00:40=???? : Office Chair - Red (*code for paid terminal)

    You will know the codes when you achieve a certain point (Hint: UFO)
    (some rewards have pre-requisites to obtain, so it's not guaranteed of getting the rewards from asking others for the code)
    Recorder (has pre-requisite)
    Audio Component (*code for paid terminal)
    Telephone (*code for paid terminal, also has pre-requisite)
    Radio Cassette Recorder (*code for paid terminal, also has pre-requisite)

    Limited time rewards
    Limited Earrings 2/14 - 2/21

    Should have listed every rewards.
    Any following updates starting today will be done differently and it will probably take more time before I could post them.

    Required points could be a little off, but should be close. (The ones with the word "around")
    If you have a more accurate number or see any errors, please let me know, so I can change it.

    Special thanks to Chad, Firefly, Carla, the Japanese PSHome BBS community, and PSHome twitter community for all the info/pics that was provided.

    [TABLE="width: 500"]
    * has special condition
    ** unique each time
  2. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    +113 /3
    Space saved for future if needed.

    Most probably will use this post for the cabinet rewards.

    Abduct Earth
    8 rewards

    escape virus: normal
    3 rewards

    escape virus: shooter
    5 rewards

    escape virus: horde
    5 rewards

    Shooting Earth
    3 rewards

    hammer virus
    3 rewards
  3. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
    Likes Received:
    +112 /7
    This Peakvox tank thing is cool...shirt is alright too. The tank is an active item and I'm not sure what that is floating in there, but its kind of cool looking. lol Btw, I didn't have any tokens when I entered the space but I was able to play the Escape Virus game once and win this.

    The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], HOPPER_34, Sep 22, 2011, 4:48 PM,, jpg, PlayStation®Home画像 9-22-2011 11-34-13.jpg The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], HOPPER_34, Sep 22, 2011, 4:48 PM,, jpg, PlayStation®Home画像 9-22-2011 11-34-45.jpg

    ....and this is the shirt from the free Abduct Earth game (I got it after completing the first 3 levels on the arcade cabinet in the space). It has a cool holographic effect on the images on front/back.

    The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], HOPPER_34, Sep 22, 2011, 4:48 PM,, jpg, PlayStation®Home画像 9-22-2011 1-00-19.jpg The Unofficial Peakvox Labs Thread [jp], HOPPER_34, Sep 22, 2011, 4:48 PM,, jpg, PlayStation®Home画像 9-22-2011 1-01-09.jpg
  4. Yoshikawa

    Yoshikawa Active Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    +7 /2
    how do you used tickect i have paid for on alien game Never mind i found out how got 7 rewards so far :D

    escape virus water tank DNA (green) - Get 100,000 points in escape virus: Bomb shooter this need to be added to the list :)
  5. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Is this the one that hopper is showing? Need to verify if it's something else.
  6. Yoshikawa

    Yoshikawa Active Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    +7 /2
    yes it is from the mini escape virus game with the bomb in it :)

    Aslo anyone having problems understanding game
    To play the Abduct Earth you need to get a least two item i the line more then better
    To play the escape virus shooter shoot the virus with the pills
    To play the escape virus Bomb move around until see a bomb hit targets with it
    To play the escape virus ecapse collect the non bad bell one that look like you
  7. KCChad

    KCChad Trophy Junkie

    Dec 31, 2010
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  8. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Yeah, every now and then im going do a dump of my Japan home rewards so that page will update from time to time.
  9. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Are you sure it's not "escape virus Water Tank Virus (Stress)" from normal mode?
  10. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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  11. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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  12. Yoshikawa

    Yoshikawa Active Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    It the third option it could be stress :)
  13. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Carla, don't forget I still have those Liar Game items that I've pictured and won or gotten on here. It's under my albums.
  14. KCChad

    KCChad Trophy Junkie

    Dec 31, 2010
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    Are the free Peakvox Labs tees apart of the 15 rewards? If not, then I might have all 15, if tees are counted as 2 items for male/female instead of one. I have the 2 tees from Abduct Earth (4 total) and the 2 furniture items. From Escape Virus I have 2 different DNA tees, red and blue (4 total), and I have 5 active items. In total that comes out to 15 reward items.

    I don't remember exactly when I got what Virus rewards or in what modes, but I can at least give my highest scores for each one if it'll help out anyone.

    Virus Escape - 658036
    Virus Shooter - 156379
    Virus Bomb - 155580
  15. KCChad

    KCChad Trophy Junkie

    Dec 31, 2010
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    By the way, I have to admit...although the modes can sometimes be a little frustrating (and aside from the fact that its pay-to-play :/) I enjoyed playing these minigames. Love to see a purchasable all access pass of some sort though, unlimited plays for the minigames they have in the space.
  16. KCChad

    KCChad Trophy Junkie

    Dec 31, 2010
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    Okay, scratch the above. I've played each mode of Escape Virus and received rewards from each. I believe each mode gives out 3 rewards: Tank with one of the Virus inside, a DNA tee, and another tank with one of the DNA inside.

    Virus Escape: Tank with Green Virus, Red DNA tee, and Tank with Red DNA
    Virus Shooter: Tank with Purple Virus, Blue DNA tee, and Tank with Blue DNA
    Virus Bomb: Tank with Red/Orange Virus, White DNA tee, and Tank with White DNA

    Btw, my scores are the same for Virus Escape and Shooter, but had gotten 376,660 on Virus Bomb and got those last couple of White DNA rewards from it.
  17. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
    Likes Received:
    +67 /2
    Hmmmm. If it's only one play per day, it's going to take a long time for me.....
  18. sam_reynolds01

    sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
    Likes Received:
    +90 /0
    Wow I still got a lot to do, I only got 2 T-shirts and a tank with a purple virus.
  19. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    +89 /13
    I need to play those games. Funny how peakvox labs games were Wii games back in the day. XD
  20. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
    Likes Received:
    +112 /7
    Wow nice going Chad.....but I think there is one other t-shirt that you can get somehow that says "KCC: Home Reward Hunter Extraordinaire" on it. :bigsmile:
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