i too could use help getting the 'first mate' and the 'gulls' capers. send a msg to DjWolfRaver. i shall be on tonight and every midnight eastern.
I'd like to hep get that caper as well, think I have all but that (not including the cabin boy capers)
Rachel I have the cabin boy game at my club if you want to earn them there. I'm gonna add some of the names above if I haven't already. I can't yet get to my own Sunset yacht but I can get to other people's yachts, in a way. From my perspective I'm not yet there, still staring at the white loading screen and the bottom right icon turning and turning and ugh! But! apparently I am there, on your yacht, from your perspective, and that's the one that counts. So I will blindly go where asked. Just please, please dont let me fall overboard.
Yep thanks, had to do that. I also tried deleting the Sunset file alone, the SCRIPTS file alone and then both gone altogether but it just won't let me aboard. Argg matey! As I just posted above though, I believe I can still be on someone else's yacht to be counted as one of the eleven. So if anyone want's to make a date, please do. I won't be able to make it for Saturday and possibly Sunday but don't let that stop everyone else from trying.
I'm not avail at that time and you will never find a time when everyone is available but weekends would be better for most I would think... Maybe we can schedule multiple times... Fri PM, Sat Afternoon, Sat PM? Thanks Pikehkr(Tim)
Ill help you guys n girls get your 11, got mine by getting randoms, was actually best challenge Ive had on home for a long time, best place is EU for randoms because lot of em never seen the boat and they still count