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SAD DAY it is... On Home Item's u Buy! BUYERS BEWARE!

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by DCS, Sep 8, 2011.

  1. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    Missing items I can handle glitches and bugs I can handle but the one thing that concerns me is it continual crashing which is playing Russian roulette with your hard drive
  2. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Are you crashing alot lately ? If so have you tried deleting & reinstalling PSHome.

    On the subject of bugs & broken items being reported, maybe the acknowledgement those issues need is being reported by the right people. Maybe if more HCVs reported items issues instead of showing newbies things THAT the introductory tutorial already does then maybe item issues would get worked on faster.
  3. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    Have to agree. Bugs are annoying, but par for the course. The frustration comes when you seek help, and hear nothing back. The fact that you paid for this kind of service (PS3 cost plus content) just makes you more frustrated.
  4. the_krackr

    the_krackr Member

    Sep 1, 2011
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    check storage lol
  5. sevas

    sevas Member

    Feb 24, 2011
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    Too bad that didn't work for Missing Rewards like Criss Angel Coffin Couch! AWW!

    I know your pain I loved that couch and my gold boxing gloves the funny thing is I still have the female gold boxing gloves but not the male version
  6. DCS

    DCS Active Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    If Home can't get it's act together they need to close it... Redo it and reopen when they get it right... Well they do!

    At this rate they do nothing to fix anything... I think they need to close Home down let all the teams go and hire new teams do a new Home and start it again with the right team! HA HA!

    We all know that HOME is going away soon anyways soon as THE HUB takes over... Nuff Said!

    By: DCS
  7. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    LOL Don't you know PSHome is fix as you go & Sony will give you the excuse, PSHome is Still Beta (notice how many yrs has passed & it's still beta).
    That's the fall back excuse for any technical problems they can't answer on the spot on PSHome. Haven't you been told that by HCVs lol? It's one of the pre-rehearsed supposed lines of comfort like Try posting your problem on the forums lol
    LOL They aren't going to shutdown PSHome because of a few broken & missing items Sony is still making money, Sony will tell you O'well Sucks to be you! before they'd do that.
  8. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    not gonna happen, home has got more daily users than all of its competitors combined, it has far less issues than any of its competitors, it has a customer service, it may take a long time to do anything but has one, the competitors wipe they hands of it and say contact developers your dispute is with them. In short if Sony took it offline they would lose users and its competitors would be sitting there going how home failed where they have suceeded, which is completely the opposite, home has suceeded where the others have failed,

    what Im not saying is we have to accept it, and everytime home crashes you wonder if its gonna corrupt your hard drive, thing is we all forget how much power it takes to run home from the servers down to the user, slow internet or servers cause issues as well as the user going too fast, we all know konami penthouse lags when you first arrive, if we were on a pc we would wait for it to catch up, but u watch landing zone how many run off as soon as they have landed?

    Is our virtual lives turning into a rat race, does it matter if your the first to get a reward, how many people sat there night after night getting the rare fish pics from vr aquarium, 5 hours it took me last week, do we stop and look or do we jump from dolphy racing, loco island, ufc, aurora to the next home chore. Not saying spending hours with your friends hunting the rare fish is wrong but there isnt an internet based application out there that cope with the bulk of it users hitting one place at the same time, so sometimes there has to be some patience.

    We all have a choice of what we do on home, whether we use it or not and if we do use it, do we buy on it, we know the current risks but do we expect something greater than the sum of its parts.
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