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Gaming News that doesn't need a thread

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by VampireWicked, Apr 20, 2011.

  1. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Sep 5, 2011Latest Asura?s Wrath Screenshots Depict The Moments Before A Brawl

    Those Dudes Don't Look Friendly In The Slightest.Capcom?s released a handful of new Asura?s Wrath screenshots. The images depict all sorts of carnage, but the shot embedded above did jump out at us. Perhaps it?s the angry looking Buddha foes. Catch the full set over at Andriasang
    :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel:
    Latest Asura’s Wrath Screenshots Depict The Moments Before A Brawl -
    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364
    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364
  2. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Sony Points The Gun At Microsoft?s Content Policy

    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364
    Last week, Microsoft admitted that it reserved the right to decline the release of XBOX Live Arcade titles if they release on the PlayStation Network first. In an interview with IndustryGamers, Sony?s VP of public relations, Rob Dyer, pointed a loaded gun at the policy, accusing Microsoft of ?protecting inferior technology?. Meow.Dyer went as far as to say that Microsoft?s policies stand in the way of innovation, by not allowing multiplatform developers to exploit the PlayStation 3?s high-end features.
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    Sony Points The Gun At Microsoft’s Content Policy -
  3. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    ?I think what [XBOX Europe boss] Chris [Lewis] and the other representatives at Microsoft are doing is protecting an inferior technology,? he explained.?I think they want to dumb it down and keep it as pedestrian as possible so that if you want to do anything for Blu-ray, or you have extra content above 9GB, or you want to do anything of that nature, you?d better sure as heck remember that Microsoft can?t handle that.?Microsoft?s guidelines state that all games released on the XBOX 360 must launch ?simultaneously? with other systems and must have ?at least? the same features and content. Microsoft reserves the right to block content if those guidelines aren?t met.?That?s a huge problem with them,? continued Dyer. It?s now progressed to not just be these smaller indie pubs that are obviously very easy to kick around. It?s moved up the food chain. It?s gone to B and A level publishers,? he said.?
  4. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    ?So potentially any time we?ve gone out and negotiated exclusive content of things that we?ve announced at things like DPS or E3, publishers are getting the living crap kicked out of them by Microsoft because they are doing something for the consumer that is better on our platform than it might be perceived on theirs.?So from a creativity standpoint and what we are doing to try to make it better for the consumer, our view is Microsoft?s doing everything they can to eliminate that because they have an inferior technology.?Dyer added that he understands why Microsoft has the policy in place, but feels that the consumer is losing out in the long-run. I just wanted to make it clear from Chris Lewis? comment last week and the fact that he?s saying, ?Well, this is great for consumers,? and that they?re going to protect their consumers. I think that that is an admirable stance to take.?That being said, while they might be protecting their consumers, what are they protecting them from?
  5. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    And what it looks like they?re protecting them from is the ability to see great content show up on a superior technology.?The problem we?re having right now is these threats and these serious issues that Microsoft is throwing at publishers ? it?s only going to dumb down what could potentially come out for a number of these games.
    :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel:
    Sony Points The Gun At Microsoft’s Content Policy -
  6. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Grasshopper Loses Harvest Moon and Little King's Story Creators

    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364
    Two of Grasshopper Manufacture's high-profile hires from last year have left the company. Yasuhiro Wada and Yoshiro Kimura, two former Marvelous Entertainment employees, left the company as of last month, Siliconera reports. This has since also been confirmed by Gamasutra, meaning the two spent less than a year at the company headed by Goichi "Suda 51" Suda (all three men are pictured above). Following the hirings of Silent Hill composer Akira Yamaoka and freelance Japanese gamer designer Kazutoshi Iida early last year, both Wada and Kimura were brought on board later in the year.
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    Grasshopper Loses Harvest Moon and Little King's Story Creators
  7. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Final Fantasy Type-0 Collector's Edition Has a Postcard Book and Soundtrack

    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364
    The status of a North American release for Final Fantasy Type-0 is still unclear. Over in Japan, not only will gamers be getting it on October 27, they'll also have a collector's edition to consider purchasing. As pictured above, there are three main components to the package: a 24-page postcard book with eight pages spent introducing the game's characters, a three-disc soundtrack (a first-print version), and the fancy box. You obviously get the game -- formerly known as Final Fantasy Agito XIII -- as well, which comes on two UMDs no matter the edition that's purchased.
    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364
  8. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Final Fantasy Type-0 Collector's Edition

    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364
    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364
    These sorts of things are usually somewhat expensive in Japan, and this one doesn't buck the trend. The standard game alone costs 7,700 yen (about $99), up from the average price of about 5,040 yen ($64) for a PSP game; the CE will cost 12,760 yen, which amounts to almost $165 in the United States, and is only going to be sold through Square Enix's website in Japan.
    :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel:
    Final Fantasy Type-0 Collector's Edition Has a Postcard Book and Soundtrack
  9. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Crysis Headed to 360 and PS3 as a Downloadable Title

    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364
    What was once upon a time the most gorgeous game available (and one that would easily push your PC to the max) will soon be available on consoles -- as a downloadable title, no less. Crytek and EA today announced plans to bring the single-player component of the original Crysis to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 later this year. While it is the same game that PC gamers got to experience in 2007, today's announcement says the game will be "modified and enhanced" for release on consoles. Although the original Crysis engine, CryENGINE 2, was ported to consoles in 2008, the game will be remastered using the CryENGINE 3 (what powered Crysis 2) with new lighting, effects, and other visual goodies.
    :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel:
    Crysis Headed to 360 and PS3 as a Downloadable Title
  10. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One' Preview (Qore 40: September 2011)

    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364
    Since this is a gaming thread & we're gamers then we should be in the gaming loop as much as we can be, so we can see how things could be. MayBe not everyone has a Qore subscription, i'll add any episodes of Qore here in the gaming news thread i can find....I hope you enjoy them :demonangel:
  11. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Qore - September 2011 - ICO HD collection Report - ps3

  12. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    NeverDead' Preview (Qore 40: September 2011)

  13. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Court dismisses QB's case against EA over image usage in NCAA Football

    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364
    Ex-Rutgers University quarterback Ryan Hart has had his lawsuit against Electronic Arts dismissed by US District Judge Freda Wolfson, reports Reuters. The suit alleged that EA knowingly used Hart's likeness in NCAA Football without his consent, and as such should be required to provide Hart with compensation. In this case, Hart's "likeness" amounts to his physical appearance and footballery stats, not his actual name. Judge Wolfson dismissed the suit on the grounds that EA's First Amendment rights to free expression outweigh Hart's right to protect his likeness, despite the fact that the character in question was "designed with Hart's physical attributes, sports statistics, and biographical information in mind."
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    Court dismisses QB's case against EA over image usage in NCAA Football | Joystiq
  14. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Final Fantasy XIII-3 gets a head start on domain-name registration

    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364
    This is it -- the moment Final Fantasy XIII fans have been waiting for. The announcement of a potential announcement for the third series installment, Final Fantasy XIII-3, in the form of a domain-name registration months before XIII-2 is even released. Please, contain your excitement. Corporation Service Company registered on September 7; Square Enix has previously used CSC to register its domains and this fits Square's modus operandi.XIII-3hasn't yet been officially announced, but XIII-2is expected to drop in January 2012.
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    Final Fantasy XIII-3 gets a head start on domain-name registration | Joystiq
  15. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Atlus continues your King of Fighters XIII video training

    Concentrate, grasshopper. Let these King of Fighters XIII training videos fill you mind. Breathe deep of all seven videos after the break, and let your custom Sanwa brain synapses push directional commands through your fingers, and into the hearts of your enemies.
    Concentrate, grasshopper. Let these King of Fighters XIII training videos fill you mind. Breathe deep of all seven videos after the break, and let your custom Sanwa brain synapses push directional commands through your fingers, and into the hearts of your enemies.
    :demonangel: SELECT THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel:
    Atlus continues your King of Fighters XIII video training | Joystiq
  16. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Dead Island's first DLC, Bloodbath Arena, to make a splash later this month

    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364
    Dead Islandhas stumbled into its first week, releasing an unplayable version on Steam, needing a massive day-one patch, leaving a sexist slur in a line of code and, of course, there's our own review. But all hope is not lost -- DLC is on the way. The Bloodbath Arena DLC pack will add four new maps with unrelenting waves of zombies to the game, due for release later this month.Bloodbath Arena was first announced as a free pre-order bonus, and will sell for $10 on all other copies. All XP and cash earned in the DLC maps will carry over to the main campaign, because it looks like Dead Islandplayers will need all the help they can get.
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    Dead Island's first DLC, Bloodbath Arena, to make a splash later this month | Joystiq
  17. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    How the world of Dark Souls got so dark

    Namco Bandai has broken up Dark Souls'prologue into chunks, we're guessing, because taken all at once it would be too much drama. In this excerpt, we see a war between impressive, powerful beings -- which helps to explain why the game world becomes so inhospitable to regular knight types later.
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    How the world of Dark Souls got so dark | Joystiq
  18. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    DarkSouls GamePlay

  19. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    You decide what goes in the Borderlands 2 collector's edition; also, a survey

    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364
    Gearbox is all ears (and other limbs, internal organs and appendages -- they're not freaks) for the contents of the Borderlands 2 collector's edition, asking for creative fan suggestions to fill out its packaging. Post your collector's edition dreams in the official forum, or right here, as Gearbox has promised to read our own thread as well.Gearbox also has a short survey for Borderlands players to fill out, asking questions about which aspects of the game were most important and why, ending with an open-ended suggestion box. For those low on free-form comment juices, feel free to copy this one with the appropriate words inserted:
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    You decide what goes in the Borderlands 2 collector's edition; also, a survey | Joystiq
  20. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Rock Band Weekly: Weezer, Janis Joplin

    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364
    Next week's batch of Rock BandDLC includes a fourth track pack from Weezer and "Me and Bobby McGee" from Janis Joplin. That Bobby McGee sounds like such a nice boy, type of guy you want to travel the country with, visit Salinas.
    Xbox 360 / Wii / PS3Available:
    September 6, 2011
    Weezer Pack 04(440 MSP / 550 WP / $5.49
    "Hash Pipe" (160 MSP / 200 WP / $1.99)*
    "Island in the Sun" (160 MSP / 200 WP / $1.99)
    "Perfect Situation" (160 MSP / 200 WP / $1.99)
    Individual songs
    "Me and Bobby McGee" - Janis Joplin and the Full Tilt Boogie Band(160 MSP /200 WP / $1.99)
    *Pro Guitar/Bass expansion available (80 MSP / 100 WP/ $0.99
    :demonangel: SELECT THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel:
    Rock Band Weekly: Weezer, Janis Joplin | Joystiq
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