Well i just found out today that my first account back in 2009 i started HOME with had the Capcom Resident Evil 5 Sheva Costume is GONE that i paid for long long ago... YES GONE! As in Missing from my Collection... And i went to the Capcom Resident Evil 5 space and looked in the store there... All the Sheva item's i bought are now UNMARKED like i never bought them to begin with. So there GONE from my acount and also they won't let u re-add them to the cart either.... SO this makes it OFFICIAL! I will no LONGER SUPPORT HOME with Buying any more HOME Item's! Sad day as it is... This is something that i can't no longer support Home with Buying there Stuff with our PAID item's go MISSING and we never get those back... I will continue to use Home and get the FREE item's but i WILL NOT REPEAT WILL NOT... BUY another ITEM from HOME AGAIN! This has gone far enough with them taking away our Paid item's and other Rewards now this CRAP! So BUYERS who support HOME BEWARE of WHAT U BUY now as U most Likely will LOOSE it Later and when that HAPPENS u will never see them again... As well as the MONEY u SPENT on them u'll never get back either... So they rip u OFF both Ways! This is TRULY A SAD day for me and is the FINAL STRAW in HOME Buying once and For all! U might all want to recosider buying item's now on HOME or one DAY ur gonna End up in the SAME BOAT as me... With NO MONEY u gave them... AND NO ITEM's U Bought EITHER! And u can Tell them till ur Blue in the face and they Won't CARE! I'm Really Disapointed in HOME i was before when i Lost some Rewards with 1.40 and a Paid item also but now this just happened and now i lost more ITEM's! This is JUST INSANE on SONY's Part! I don't know if there doing this on PURPOSE or what? If it was an Accident then why don't they fix them and give us those item's back then? Something really Fishy is going on here with HOME! Just Saying BUYERS of HOME ITEM's BEWARE! Sad sad sad sad sad sad sad Day this is to find this out now... I hate to see what else is GONE! OHNO! I can't LOOK! This is NOT GOOD! OHNO! WHAT a SHAME HOME has come to! Well in the end i guess now i can save some money and buy other things that i could of bought long ago instead of HOME item's i don't have now! and will never get back! What A Shame! Well i guess if i end up loosing all my PAID item's in the End i will then be done with HOME all together and that be it... No More HOME! I do like the FREE item's of course but one also has to wonder when are those FREE item's going to go MISSING as WELL??? It will Happen i can see it now! OHNO! I don't know what else to say i'm so ticked off with this Home crap i just don't KNOW! Anyways u look at it this is not Good NEWS and don't think it won't happen to u as it will one day wait and see if it hasn't already it will happen yes it will! AWW! By: DCS
I don't think today's maintenance is to fix Missing item's... It be nice if it was... But i don't think so! I will check again later when Home's back up then. Last i knew they were still up an hour ago... Hmmm! By: DCS
I was wearing one when I logged on this morning. I changed clothes. Don't know if it's still there now. I won't be home until this evening.
well mine is gone and the capsom store makes it look like i never bought the items way back in 2009 but i did and i had my Sheva avatar saved with her outfit on now all she has is plain cloths... This is not Good at all! Home is getting worse and worse one day we will loose all our Paid Item's... Wait and See
DCS at the risk of having sharp objects thrown at me with great speed I'm going to be that guy and say... Why are you b!tching about it on here? YPSH doesn't control the content. Did you put this up on the PS forums? Now I'm going to duck for cover and pray you get your items back. lol
Home unfortunately is still better with its items than any of its competitors, the quality and problems are far worse elsewhere and Sony customer services usually sort it out may take a week but its sorted, dont mean we have to accept it and we do have a choice buy or dont buy, use home or dont, but the grass isnt greener else where
Even if there are worse virtual worlds, I still don't consider Home's customer service adequate. When you pay money, you have a right to individual contact with a customer service rep from Sony. Unfortunately right now you call customer service on the phone, they tell you to post on the home forums. You post in the home forums, you usually don't get a reply. Instead you have to pray someone will handle it..... Home's customer service should be better than that.
this happens EVERY week... just post in the official PS home support forums, and wait, they should have it back to you later in the day. You'll probably need to check storage,too..
UPDATE: i did post this in Support on USA forums... NO MODS Replied... Figures! Anyways... One user replied and said to buy an item from Home and it should be back? I was like WHAT we got to BUY new item's to get our OLD item's back? WTH! But anyways i found an item for 0.12 so i went ahead and bought the 12cent item... Logged off Home and logged back on... Went to my apartment and then loaded my Sheva Avatar! Closed Eyes and Crossed Fingers! Peaked out and Sheva was standing There! I WAS LIKE NO WAY! NO WAY! WHAT! In SHOCK! Peaked again still there... WOW! Went to capcom RE5 space checked store there now it shows i bought the Sheva item's at the store... I was are ya Kidding me are ya Kidding me? So anyways... It appears we have to BUY new item's to get old Missing item's back! Who Knew! Too bad that didn't work for Missing Rewards like Criss Angel Coffin Couch! AWW! So maybe that is a way also to get my Abel GI TOP back also? Maybe i have to buy a new item and maybe Abel's GI TOP will return? The only thing is i only have a PENNY on that account and no money otherwise to add to that one to even try it! AWW! Whay can't they have a Penny item... LOL! Now one has to wonder if that too would work for my Missing Abel GI TOP! AWW! Maybe this is a Way for SONY to say hey we take away OLD item's and if you want them back u got to buy something new now to get them back? I bet that is what they had planned here... Hmmm! Well ya never know! By: DCS
PlayStation Home's new business model: "buy our stuffz or weez take your kneecapz... one outfit ata time!"
Its a conspiracy lead by a group of console manufacturers and developers lead by the group of three ultra powerful people known as the triplets that meet in the room behind sulleys bar each month to discuss how to make us buy more virtual stuff, buy regular or we will hold your other purchased items to ransom is they latest scheme, how low will these people go, next month it could be your kittens your puppies even your baseline battle companion. I lost my horse recently got him back whole thankfully but where I had placed him meant I would of had to deconstructed apartment to get him back in so I just put him in new apartment, Ive joked in my post a bit but to be honest its disappointing we continue to see more and more stuff to buy to fund homes existence, without the care to the end user at least theres a customer service though most have none at all really. It is still the best quality virtual world experience out there though, do we expect too much if Sony said we will sort ever issue out but there would be no new product for 4 weeks, would we except it, most would say yes but mean no, I still say if you enjoy a virtual world experience this is the best one.
My Sheva costumes were in wardrobe yesterday evening on both my Claire Redfield and Joanna Dark accounts.
Well Still SAD NEWS! As some of u may know i also was Missing the Street Fighter Abel GI TOP with the 1.40 Update. Well anyways i was hoping this trick to buy an item would bring it back like it did for the Sheva outfit... Well It's Didn't WORK for this item... RATS! So my Abel GI TOP is still MISSING/BROKEN and buying a item or two as i did didn't help in this case... Arrrggg! Hmmm.... Back to the drawing board SONY! By: DCS
lol Nice thread title for one thing. There are probably more items missing & being fixed & more items that are going to go missing to be fixed so be prepared. Have you noticed any items not working properly since the outage? so i'm sure they'll be pulled. BUYERS BEWARE! You should always beware. I think Sony can pull any items they feel they need to & not refund any money at anytime. Think about PSN members that's how accounts banned permanently, i don't think they get a refund for anything purchased. I never put stock in PSHome items i buy, that's another reason i don't buy much on PSHome anymore....it's mine to buy but not up to me to keep.
Yeah, i know people really need to think hard about buying item's on Home with all this missing crap is happening all the time and they do nothing to fix it they don't even reply. thats the really bad part they just keep there mouth's shut and ignore the problems! From now on i think i'll just get the FREE stuff on Home. Even thoe FREE stuff goes Missing as well! Not good! I know they'll never add any more fighting game outfits anyways. So that will save me allot of Money! Just wished i had though more the past two years and not rushed to buy all the item's and apartments i did buy on USA Home! Now i never use them and if they go missing they do nothing to help get them back... So lessened learned Consider Wisely before u buy Home item's! So this is Truly a Buyers BEWARE! By: DCS
Bugs happen. They always will. I don't think that bugs occuring is the issue here so much as the difficulty in getting support when they do. In the EU, especially, we no longer have any prominent Sony staff who look after Home and so the forums can feel like a waste of effort. I'm a developer on one of the longest running MMO style games in existence (no, you probably won't have heard of it, and I'm not here to advertise. If it were your sort of thing then you'll have already found it and be playing it) and we have a built in bug reporting system as well as a built in idea system to allow players to report issues or ideas from within the game as they happen (it also attches all error data to the report automatically if any error has occured near the player). In addition, we have a whole team called "Liaison" who exist purely to talk to players with problems and make sure that nobody is cheating. So, if an item disappeared on there the player would first submit a report but could also talk directly to a helpful person so that they could hear if this was a known current issue, get timescales for a fix and possibly even get a direct visit as the Liaison attempts any on-the-spot quick fixes. Posting such issues to the forums would actually be discouraged there as forums don't ensure that the correct person gets to see it. Compare this with Home, where you get to post to a forum and hear nothing... I know which system I prefer. In summary, bugs happen but support doesn't in Home. I accept that bugs always will happen but a better support system is needed for when they do.