'Zombie Massacre' is another gaming film from Uwe Boll You know, for as much flak as he gets on the reg, we can't help but respect Uwe Boll's plucky sense of determination. Does he let a cinematic track record that is most politely described as "less than fantastic" keep him down? Hell no! If boxing has taught him anything, it's "don't let abysmal critical and box-office performance keep you from purchasing the rights to video games and makin' movies about 'em." Also, "punch dudes."The latest intellectual property to climb in the ring with Boll is a bit more obscure than his previous adaptations: The 1998 Amiga Doom clone Zombie Massacre. The film treatment will be directed by Luca Boni and Marco Ristori (both of whom co-directed Boll's Italian zombie thriller Eaters) and produced by Boll. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: 'Zombie Massacre' is another gaming film from Uwe Boll | Joystiq
New Ninja Gaiden 3 screens will cut you in half The Japanese website for Ninja Gaiden 3 has emerged from the inky blackness of the internet, brandishing a finely honed blade and silently moving through the night, all the while tossing shurikens and newly forged screenshotsinto our cerebral cortexes. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: New Ninja Gaiden 3 screens will cut you in half | Joystiq
OpTic Gaming wins the $400,000 prize in the Call of Duty XP Million Dollar tourney The prizes have been passed out at the Call of Duty XP Million Dollar Tournament in Los Angeles, and the US' OpTic Gaming has taken home first prize, totalling a whopping $400,000. OpTic picked up the lead early in the round of final matches, capturing flags on the Dome map in the first game, and picking up and holding two out of three points in the two Domination maps on Resistance after that. The UK team Infinity caused some trouble in the Kill Confirmed round (after winning a tiebreaker Team Deathmatch to make the finals), but OpTic dug in for the final rounds in Search and Destroy to win the tourney. "No college debt -- that's how I feel, baby!" said one of OpTic's players right after the match. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: OpTic Gaming wins the $400,000 prize in the Call of Duty XP Million Dollar tourney | Joystiq
Fable developer Lionhead is apparently working on a fourth incarnation of the role-playing series. That's according to US Official Xbox Magazine, which published the news in its rumours section (spotted by CVG). "Look for the Fable cycle to continue with a proper, controller-based Fable 4 in 2013," the publication promised. OXM also suggested Duke Nukem Forever developer Gearbox is working on Duke Begins, a reboot to go into production once "Aliens: Colonial Marines is done". It will run "at 30fps but with graphics that put id's own Rage to shame". Microsoft-owned Lionhead took four years to turn around a sequel to the original Xbox's Fable, while the gap between Fable 2 and 3 was just two years. A 2013 launch for Fable 4 allows time for the studio to squeeze out Kinect-enhanced Fable: The Journey, expected sometime next year. Lionhead has already stated The Journey isn't Fable 4 - it's a more light-hearted, family orientated take on the fantasy series instead. Eurogamer has been told the next Xbox will likely debut at E3 next year. Is Microsoft lining up Fable 4 as a launch title for its new console?
Syphon Filter 4 on track for Winter 2012? Rumors of Syphon Filter 4 have died right down since a seemingly accidental announcement was removed from the internet back in May, but they?re about to spark back up again.According to Sille Gamer, Italy?s Official PlayStation Magazine has suggested that the game will release in Winter 2012. A translation of the mag?s rumor section reads: ?Syphon Filter 4 is slowly gearing up for a release on PS3. Expect a launch for Winter 2012.?Looks like Gabe is still on for a full return then. We reckon he?s earned as much after two stellar PSP outings. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: That VideoGame Blog » Syphon Filter 4 on track for Winter 2012?
Video posted on September 5th, 2011Forza 4 ?*Infineon Raceway trailer [video=youtube;aJvIFVl_j6A]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJvIFVl_j6A[/video] Here's a new Forza Motorsport 4 quickie; have a look as this minute-long trailer shows off the racer's recreation of the Infineon Raceway. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: That VideoGame Blog » Forza 4 –*Infineon Raceway trailer
Australia to finally have a Mature rating It?s been a long ride, but as one of the last developed countries to not have a Mature rating, Australia is finally reaching that light at the end of the tunnel and joining the rest of the gaming world with the recently voted R18+ rating.As opposed and ?moralising? as*NSW Attorney-General Greg Smith may be about introducing the rating,*Home Affairs Minister Brendan O?Connor has implied the federal government would over-ride any votes and decisions NSW has in this matter, making sure the R18+ gets implemented, thus giving the land Down Under its Mature rating it?s strived for for so long. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: That VideoGame Blog » Australia to finally have a Mature rating
Big Crysis announcement this week A promo for this week?s episode of GT.TV has teased a big announcement from the team at Crytek.Towards the end of the promo it?s announced that there will be ?Crysisnews you won?t want to miss?. The episode will air on Thursday night.What Crytek are currently working on has been a hot topic as of late. Rumors of a PS3 and 360 port of the original game are ripe, as are hopes for expansions to Crysis 2, which released earlier in the year. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: That VideoGame Blog » Big Crysis announcement this week
Battlefield 3 claims two 360 discs Hachimaki, a Japanese blog (via) has snapped a photo of a promotional poster for Battlefield 3that suggests the shooter will come on two discs on Xbox 360, as opposed to one Blu-ray on PS3.If true, it would prove testament to the power of DICE?s super-shooter on consoles, as it?s mostly larger, open-world titles that claim more than one disc on the console,L.A. Noirebeing the most recent example.How would the disc swapping work? One disc for campaign, one for multiplayer? We know that the campaign will be a six(ish) hour long one, so it would seem odd to swap discs at the three hour mark.We?ll find out when Battlefield 3launches on October 25 in the US and October 28 in the EU. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: That VideoGame Blog » Battlefield 3 claims two 360 discs
Resistance 3 is Out, So Here are Some DLC Plans Coinciding with its release is an announcement about the game's very first downloadable content pack. Over on the PlayStation Blog today, Insomniac gave Resistance 3 a final plug and talked about the Survival Pack, the main component of which is a new mode called Invasion. The goal in it is to hold multiple control points across the map, earning points as you keep them. The Survival Pack also includes a static XMB theme and four multiplayer skins of the different survivors from the game's single-player mode. It can all be yours on October 4 for $4. Many people are going to chalk this up to $4 for a game mode and nothing else. However you may feel about that proposition, what's undeniably attractive is the release of two new maps for free. They'll be out as part of a patch that's coming on October 4. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: Resistance 3 is Out, So Here are Some DLC Plans
The Wrong Version of Dead Island Was Released on Steam Dead Island has been on many people's radars. It was finally released today, unfortunately plagued with a great number of bugs. A day-one patch for the console versions should hopefully squash many of them, but an issue with the PC version might be more significant: it's the wrong version of the game. Along with a wide variety of other issues, one particularly strange thing in the PC game is the ability to enable no-clip mode simply by tapping the Y key. (This can lead to a situation where, upon getting stuck in a solid object, your experience, items, and so on are wiped out.) That's not the sort of thing you'd expect to be mapped to a key, prompting Ben Kuchera at Ars Technica to call the game unfinished. It just so happens that's exactlythe problem. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: The Wrong Version of Dead Island Was Released on Steam
REVIEW Review: Blood Rayne Betrayal is Bizarro Devil May Cry BloodRayne: Betrayal is a game from a parallel universe one where 3D games never took off and 2D action games continued to reign supreme. It's not surprising that such a game would come from WayForward, a developer that's proved their 2D chops again and again even their licensed titles, like Thor for the DS have solid 2D mechanics that feel like they've actually evolved and changed since the 16-bit era. BloodRayne owes much to the pre-Symphony of the Night and Dracula X Castlevanias in structure. The game is strictly linear, and requires the player to master both platforming and combat mechanics. The latter, however, is far more advanced and complex than any 2D Castlevania title. Enemies can be taken down through multiple methods, and chaining these properly is key to success. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: BloodRayne: Betrayal Review for 360, PS3 from 1UP.com
All PS3 Owners Can Soon Play the Assassin's Creed: Revelations Beta The beta for Assassin's Creed Revelations' multiplayer mode began earlier this month exclusively on PlayStation 3, just like the beta for Brotherhood. Not all PS3 owners were allowed in, as access required players to be either a Uplay member or a PlayStation Plus subscriber. Beginning tomorrow, that is no longer the case. When the beta was first talked about, it was referred to as a "timed exclusive." That made it sound as if non-Uplay/Plus members would be able to play at some point, but Ubisoft refused to confirm if that's what it meant when asked by 1UP. We now know that's exactly what the timed exclusive was alluding to. Ubisoft announced today that the beta is opening up to all PlayStation Network members beginning tomorrow, Thursday, September 8, at 10am Pacific. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: All PS3 Owners Can Soon Play the Assassin's Creed: Revelations Beta
Madden 12 Sells 1.4 Million in its First Week Reviews of this year's Madden weren't quite as overwhelmingly positive as they sometimes are, and at least to me, it didn't seem like Madden NFL 12 was being talked about nearly as much as in past years. That might very well be the case, but first-week sales of the game aren't reflecting that at all. 1.4 million copies of Madden 12 were sold in its first week of availability, reports IndustryGamers. EA claims this is an increase of more than 10 percent over last year's game. "With the start of the NFL season only days away, fans are thrilled to get back to football and they're doing so in record numbers through Madden NFL 12," says EA sports executive VP Andrew Wilson. "The growth across console and digital shows that the appetite for the Madden NFL franchise has never been bigger." :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: Madden 12 Sells 1.4 Million in its First Week
First Three Devil May Cry Games Likely Headed to 360 and PS3 We're just over a month away from the 10-year anniversary of Devil May Cry's debut in North America, and it looks as if Capcom will be celebrating by re-releasing the first three games for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The ESRB website listings for Devil May Cry, Devil May Cry 2, and Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening were all recently updated to add PS3 and 360 as their platforms (alongside PS2), reports G4. That's all the information we have to go on, and it isn't much; if the games are being re-released, as seems to be the case, it doesn't indicate if they're simply being ported to the newer consoles with higher resolutions or if they'll feature any additional changes. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: First Three Devil May Cry Games Likely Headed to 360 and PS3
No chance of a paid subscription for BF3?s Battlelog Battlefield 3?s Battlelog will be provided to all players, in full, free of charge; EA?s made this perfectly clear following Wedbush man Michael Pachter?s prediction that the publisher would want to emulate the recently-priced premium subscription of Call of Duty Elite.?Ultimately, we expect Electronic Arts to emulate Activision and charge for Battlelog by including map packs with the service for a $50 fee,? said Pachter, to which EA has responded with: ?We are providing Battlelog to Battlefield 3 players to deliver the best social, multiplayer FPS experience in the market.?We have no plans to charge for this service with Battlefield 3. The Battlefield series has always been about playing with friends, and Battlelog takes that experience to the next level by serving as a unique social network.? :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE That VideoGame Blog » No chance of a paid subscription for BF3′s Battlelog
Innovation being ?crushed? by AAA titles Tameem Antoniades, one of the founders of Enslaved andHeavenly Sworddeveloper Ninja Theory has hit out at the current AAA-heavy model seen in the industry, stating that innovation is suffering at the hands of such titles.In an interview with GamesIndustry.biz Antoniades was asked about developing smaller titles with less risk. Referencing digital titles, he said: ?It?s such an opportunity for fun creative games to reach a target audience, there?s this stranglehold that the AAA retail model has which I think is just crushing innovation and access to creative content.?If you?re paying that much for a game, you don?t want to take chances,? he explained. ?You want everything to be there, all the feature sets. You want it to be a known experience, guaranteed fun. That?s not healthy.? :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: That VideoGame Blog » Innovation being “crushed” by AAA titles
Max Payne HD coming to mobiles With the announcement of Max Payne 3?s release date comes news of an HD update of the original game.Max Payne HDwon?t be coming to PS3 like a range of other PS2 titles have, though. Instead this port will come to mobiles, though specific platforms are yet to be released. As the name suggests, the game will support HD graphics along with hi-res textures, customisable controls and wired controller support.Bit of a head scratcher, this one.* Mobiles seems like the weirdest place to bring it. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: That VideoGame Blog » Max Payne HD coming to mobiles
The first Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception TV spot has adventured its way onto YouTube. [video=youtube;hhOUJxRsK3M]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhOUJxRsK3M&feature=player_embedded[/video] The first Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception TV spot has adventured its way onto YouTube. Have a look here for 30 seconds of different locations, characters, and of course explosions. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: That VideoGame Blog » Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception — TV spot
Sep 5, 2011Insomniac Games Showcases More Of Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One?s Arsenal Insomniac Games has gone live with another trailer outlining Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One?s weapons. It?s nice to see Insomniac?s talent for creating crazy guns is still in tact. Catch the video after the jump. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: [video=youtube;M-x_M8KsTEY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-x_M8KsTEY&feature=player_embedded[/video]