Two New Max Payne 3 Screens Surface While not revealing much in the way of story, character or even gameplay, both of these new images, along with most that have been released so far, at least paint the image of a game that looksthe part. Interestingly, there's a decent mix in all the released screenshots so far that see Max as both an active, clean-cut cop, and that overweight, dishevelled down and outer who was first revealed, so maybe there is just a littlein the way of character to take away from all of these. Click the thumbs below for a closer look. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: Two New Max Payne 3 Screens Surface -
Old Republic beta weekends kick off September 2 A select few of us will soon be able to feel the force as we head into the first weekend beta for Star Wars: The Old Republic as it opens on September 2, BioWare announced at PAX this week (via Massively).Those that signed up for the beta on the game?s official website are in with a chance of being selected, as well as people who have pre-ordered the title. We?ll be able to play the game over the weekend to help give the devs a bit more info on how everything runs. The full thing is currently aiming for a 2011 release so we can?t imagine this testing phase to last too long, nor the gap between beta and release.In other words: don?t dread too much if you miss out on this one. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: That VideoGame Blog » Old Republic beta weekends kick off September 2
No more Shepard after Mass Effect 3 While the franchise itself won?t end after Mass Effect 3? the trilogy?s final chapter is ?not he last? we?ll see of the franchise* ? leading (wo)man Commander Shepard?s story will.?Correct,? said producer Michael Gamble when asked at Gamescom if the character?s story would be concluded as the game releases next March.?After this, Commander Shepard?s story is complete,? he told PC Gamer, also confirming that the character ?definitely? won?t be in future games.Who then? One of Shepard?s many, many squad mates perhaps? Or an entirely new face? :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: That VideoGame Blog » No more Shepard after Mass Effect 3
Borderlands patch to collect data for sequel, adds Steamworks Borderlands developer Gearbox has revealed that a new patch is coming to the PC version of the FPS on*September*6, Kotaku reports.Dev pres Randy Pitchford explained to a crowd at a panel at this week?s PAX that the game will start collecting data like level of weapon-use to decide on what to keep and what to throw away inBorderlands 2, announced last month.Steamworks will also come to the game with this patch, allowing users to save their games to the cloud. Not that that?s two years late, or anything. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: That VideoGame Blog » Borderlands patch to collect data for sequel, adds Steamworks
BioWare Reveals Mass Effect 2 DLC Narrative Carry-Over for Mass Effect 3 In a forthcoming interview with AusGamers, BioWare's Mike Gamble, who serves as Associate Producer on Mass Effect 3, revealed that narrative components to the downloadable content that was released for Mass Effect 2 would have a significant carry-on effect in Mass Effect 3 and that the team are currently working on "writing a couple [of] levels" specifically around this. "The characters that you met in DLC and the changes that might have occurred throughout the DLC, those obviously do move into the main ME3 narrative," he revealed to us. "Certain decisions; certain things did happen in the Mass Effect world. But at the same time, if you did play the DLCs, the choices that you made -- the specific choices in the DLCs that you made -- are basically brought in. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: BioWare Reveals Mass Effect 2 DLC Narrative Carry-Over for Mass Effect 3 -
Medieval Moves preview: Sporty skeleton One of my biggest surprises during PAX Prime 2011 was a game I almost decided not to play.Time is limited at these events, so when I was presented with a swath of choices at Sony's corner of the show at the nearby Grand Hyatt, I had to be shrewd. Starhawk? Sure! Journey! You bet. Medieval Moves: Deadmund's Quest? Ehh ... :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: Medieval Moves preview: Sporty skeleton | Joystiq
Kevin Butler comes out of 'retirement' for new PlayStation campaign, 'Long Live Play' [video=youtube;mJKbfKk1IAc][/video] Four bleak days after Sony ad man Kevin Butler publicly resigned, Sony released a new video laying out its new ad campaign and reintroducing us to the VP of ... well, everything. "Long Live Play" is the new motto, replacing "It Only Does Everything" as the phrase we hear interwoven into press conference speeches and sizzle reels for the next year or so.Always the showman, Butler kicks off the motto with a bang, as you'll see in the video above. On a personal note, allow us to welcome Mr. Butler back, who's always been the VP of our hearts. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: Kevin Butler comes out of 'retirement' for new PlayStation campaign, 'Long Live Play' | Joystiq
Deus ex machina: Zumba pushed out of UK sales top spot The ten long weeks of Zumba Fitness and its representative armpits ruling the UK charts is at an end. Deus Ex: Human Revolutionhas augmented chart news in its debut week, leaping straight to number one. Chart-Track notes that, in just two days of sales, the latest Deus Excame just 26,000 units short of outperforming Deus Ex: Invisible War's seven years' worth of lifetime sales.Zumba Fitnessstill managed to take second place.But, third place went to another newbie, Rugby World Cup 2011, which was only 400 sales short of overtaking Zumba. Disney's Lego Pirates of the Caribbeankept on sailing strong in fourth, with Call of Duty: Black Opsascending thirteen spots into fifth, thanks to pricing deals and the launch of the Rezurrectionmap pack. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: Deus ex machina: Zumba pushed out of UK sales top spot | Joystiq
Sony screams Long Live Play Sony Computer Entertainment has officially dropped the ?it only does everything? line that usually accompanies its PlayStation 3 adverts in favor of something a little sharper.Going forward, all those Kevin Butler ads will drive home the message ?Long Live Play,? which will carry the same brand of humor on TV while also arriving at retailers and websites over of the coming weeks and months. No doubt this is to help support that recent PS3 price cut as well as refresh the system?s image just ahead of the big holiday push.And it is a big holiday indeed ? Sony have Uncharted 3, Resistance 3,Ratchet & Clank and more lined up for this Christmas, how will it fair against the still-strong Xbox 360 and the now-struggling Wii? :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: That VideoGame Blog » Sony screams Long Live Play
No-kills possible in Dishonored Are you the humanitarian type? Then you?ll be pleased to know that ? even with all those swords ? you can make it through Arkane?s Dishonoredwithout getting stabby and killing anyone.?Our goal is to let you ghost the game. The extreme extremes are slaughter everyone, high chaos, or ghost the game. You can actually complete the game without killing anyone,? co-creative director Harvey Smith told IGN (via).But you?re an assassin; how could that possible work?*?For all the key targets, all the assassination targets, there are more thorough behind-the-scenes alternate ways to eliminate them,? Smith continued.?Very few people will be at either extreme. Most will be somewhere in the middle, trying to set up a plan, trying to be sneaky then it all goes to hell. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: That VideoGame Blog » No-kills possible in Dishonored
Ghost the game without killing anything? What are you french toast high!? Why would i wanna do that. You go around in games stabbing things just to see if you can kill it DUH!! You know how many crows in FallOutNewVegas i stabbed just to see if i could......two but that's besides the point. How about i set traps & oops someone accidentally falls on my sword......five or six times, does that count as a kill ?
Valve: ?We?re terrified by the future? The uncertainty of tomorrow is a common fear, and it?s one that Valve co-founder Gabe Newell feels as well.In an interview with Kotaku, Newell said the things Valve is doing with Steam will seem ?very primitive? in a few years, and that the real focus should be on the future.?We?re terrified by the future. You need to be looking at what?s happening with Apple, Google Android and thinking that could impact the living room in a big way,? he said. ?You need to be looking at OnLive and how it is integrated with the television.*Where we are today is trivial to where we will be down the line. We need to be focusing on where we are headed.?How do you envision the future of gaming? :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: That VideoGame Blog » Valve: “We’re terrified by the future”
New site gearing up for Resident Evil 6 reveal? Evidence of Resident Evil 6is piling up, and now ? just a few weeks before Tokyo Game Show ? we?ve got a big, big tease.A site for the Umbrella Corporation, the company behind the dreaded T-Virus that turns humans into flesh eating zombies, has been set up. Remain on the first page for long enough and you?ll be taken elsewhere to find the beginnings of a viral game that could well lead to a reveal of a new Resident Evilgame. Players will have to scour the internet for clues before coming up with an answer.Umbrella was thought dealt with ever sinceResident Evil 4?s opening movie, which suggests that this reveal could well be the reboot the series is expected to be given. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: That VideoGame Blog » New site gearing up for Resident Evil 6 reveal?
The Haunted: Hells Reach is THQ?s Unreal winner, out soon [video=youtube;rKapeU8MCW8][/video] The winner of Epic?s Make Something Unreal Contest, which tasked entrants with making their own game using the studio?s Unreal Engine 3, The Haunted, is heading for commercial release shortly.The third-person shooter that we?re sure is missing an apostrophe is of the horror kind from developer ValuSoft. It boasts 30 levels, 20 different enemies (types, not total), upgradeable weapons, co-op and plenty more.
The Haunted: Hells Reach is THQ?s Unreal winner, out soon..END ?The winners of the contest are an extremely talented group of individuals and we are thrilled to bring their first video game to the market,? publisher THQ?s Managing Director Maleea Barnett said of the game. ?The Haunted: Hells Reach is a suspenseful thriller that delivers a rich blend of combat and action/adventure, set in eerily dark environments and is guaranteed to have horror enthusiasts and hardcore gamers at the edge of their seats throughout the entire nail-biting experience.?The Haunted will hit PC in October for the sum of $19.99. It?s coming to PSN and XBLA too, but not until 2012. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: That VideoGame Blog » The Haunted: Hells Reach is THQ’s Unreal winner, out soon
Spike searching for Nathan Drake wannabes Dream of being Drake? Can you climb mountains, snap necks and break hearts all without batting an eyelid?We?re sure almost no one can, but that shouldn?t stop us from signing up for Spike TV?sUncharted 3: Drake?s Deceptionspecial show, where they?ll gather hopeful contestants to solve puzzles and take dangerous risks.Sign ups are open right now, but there?s no details on what we?d be letting ourselves in for other than being free the week of October 3rd.Probably best we don?t do it anyways; not sure I could make the jump from that falling building. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: That VideoGame Blog » Spike searching for Nathan Drake wannabes
Persona 5 on the way It?s been a very good day for Personafans.*On top of confirmation of a Vita port ofPersona 4, Japanese mag Famitsu has also teased development on a true sequel, Persona 5.Andriasang reports that basic*preparations*for the next entry in the series have been completed. Returning staff includes*Katsura Hashino as director, Shigenori Soejima as character designer, and Shouji Meguro as main composer.Will it be PS3-exclusive or is this the series? multiplatform debut? Tokyo Game Show is just around the corner, which is the perfect place to answer such questions. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: That VideoGame Blog » Persona 5 on the way
Shut down THQers form design outfit Three senior staffers from THQ?s UK-based Digital Warrington studio ? closed down in June ? have started a new outfit. Founded by senior concept artist Paul Dolan, studio graphic designer Donna Jennett and art director Stuart Jennett, Alien Apple Studios is the name of the undertaking.It?s a design studio offering vehicle, character, environment and UI design, and even product branding.?It?s exciting times for studios like us, in the games industry especially there is a long-term change in the production model starting to emerge with outsourcing becoming the norm,? Jennett?s told Develop. ?As well as the big publishers there?s also a boom in small independent studios again that hopefully we can provide for.?The studio?s already seen ?amazing interest,? with Jennet confident in their future. Godspeed, then. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: That VideoGame Blog » Shut down THQers form design outfit
Team Bondi in External Administration Looks like more bad new for the Australian game development industry with word from that Team Bondi is now in administration:The appointment comes after a tumultuous few months for the studio. It has been battered by reports of poor working conditions, along with criticism from former employees who were not credited on the company?s blockbuster title LA Noire. According to documents filed with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, Riad Tayeh and David Solomons of de Vries Tayeh were appointed as joint administrators of the company on August 30. It is still unknown whether the appointment of an administrator is related to the rumoured transaction, or whether it will be going ahead at all. :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: Team Bondi in External Administration -
Here's What Square Enix Says About Deus Ex's "Racist" Character [video=youtube;He09JaBVZdE][/video] Exploring the world of Deus Ex: Human Revolution might just be my favorite thing to do in the game, as you never know what you'll find. If you're like me, you've probably already spoken with everyone in Detroit, in which case you've run across Letitia. Letitia is an NPC who used to serve as an informant for Adam Jensen when he worked for the police. When you find her, she'll offer up some information and tips if you're willing to bribe her with cash. (Or give her four beers and she'll grant you access to a hard-to-hack area nearby.) While that sounds harmless enough, it's the way she speaks that has prompted some criticism, namely from Time's Evan Narcisse, who wrote a piece calling the character "the worst thing about Deus Ex: Human Revolution." :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: Here's What Square Enix Says About Deus Ex's "Racist" Character