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News that don't need a thread

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by VampireWicked, Mar 20, 2011.

  1. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    News that don't need a thread, Mar 20, 2011, 11:10 PM,, 2090
    I created this thread because 50 zillion threads aren't needed for the little things so i made this thread to compact all the little things, like the different meats in a hotdog........Mmm that flavor of compacted knowledge tastes so good :demonangel:
    So anything about PSN PSN+ PSHome that's little but worth mentioning but doesn't really need a thread goes here :demonangel:
    Tee-Hee so buckle up & enjoy the tasty compacted knowledge.
  2. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Some of my friends with Apartments that has the televisions are getting the error mgs when trying 2 access trailers
  3. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Free Realms On PSN it was released yesterday A brand-new jaw-dropping freevirtual world where you can do whatever you want, whenever you want! Play now for free Character ProfilePre-Create Your Character, Quests Jobs Station Cash *reason 4 the maintenance yesterday. Moved to gaming discussion because SOMEONE figured it needed 2 be
  4. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    $0.99 movie and TV rentals coming to PSN

    News that don't need a thread, Mar 20, 2011, 11:10 PM,, 2090
    After an apparently successful start in July, Sony has announced that the $0.99 movie and television rental program will become a permanent part of PlayStation Network. Every Tuesday, a selection of movie and TV rentals will see a week-long discount to $0.99 for SD versions and $1.99 for HD versions.We haven't heard of most of this week's selections, apart from Michael Moore's Sickoand Fred Durst's The Longshots(yes, thatFred Durst). See all of this week's selections after the break.
    Sicko The Longshots Salvage
    Bonded By Blood
    JFK: Reckless Youth (Part 1)
    JFK: Reckless Youth (Part 2)
    Deadly Blessing (Directed by Wes Craven)
    Carver Devil in the Flesh 2 (aka Teacher's Pet 2)
    Illuminating Angels & Demons
    :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel:
    $0.99 movie and TV rentals coming to PSN | Joystiq
  5. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    DIRECTV teams up with PS3 for Sunday NFL Ticket

    News that don't need a thread, Mar 20, 2011, 11:10 PM,, 2090
    In addition to baseball and hockey, PS3 owners now have the opportunity to catch football games, streamed live through their console. The PlayStation Blog today announced a partnership with DIRECTV to offer the satellite television provider's popular NFL Sunday Ticket service, which allows individuals to view out-of-market football games.Existing DIRECTV subscribers can access Sunday Ticket on the console for an additional $50 at the start of the season (on top of what they paid for Sunday Ticket, of course) and can use their console as an additional receiver. PS3 users looking to opt into NFL Sunday Ticket without a DIRECTV subscription will have to shell out a hefty $339.95. The PS3 will both show games in HD each week (up to 14) and display DIRECTV's Red Zone channel.
    :demonangel: CLICK THE 4 MORE :demonangel:
    DIRECTV teams up with PS3 for Sunday NFL Ticket | Joystiq
  6. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    SOE dates three PSN titles for September/October

    News that don't need a thread, Mar 20, 2011, 11:10 PM,, 2090
    Sony Online Entertainment has announced release dates and prices for three titles heading to PSN later this year.First up is Rochard, a side-scrolling puzzler that sees astro-miner (coolest job name ever) John Rochard fend off space pirates. He?ll use every day*mining*tools to take on his foes, which reminds us of our dear Isaac Clarke. That?s out on September 27 for $9.99.Next is the big guns, Payday: The Heist. This four-player co-op shooter raised eyebrows at E3 with its scenario-based, team-focused gameplay. October 4 is the date on that one, and it comes at a pricier $19.99. Don?t forget though that it will go free to anyone who picks up all of the titles in the PSN Play promotion. DLC is also promised for later on in the year.
    :demonangel: CLICK THE 4 MORE :demonangel:
    That VideoGame Blog » SOE dates three PSN titles for September/October
  7. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    European PSN releases for August 24

    There's a number of high-profile releases in today's PS3 European content update, including Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online and a demo for Warhammer 40K: Space Marine. Sadly, the PSP has almost nothing new this week -- an issue Sony hopes to correct by drowning us all in dozens of discounts on PSP downloadables.
    Playable Content
    Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Edition (£11.99/?14.99) Hamilton's Great Adventure (£7.99/?9.99)
    Backbreaker: Vengeance (£11.99/?14.99)
    Crazy Machines Elements (£7.99/?9.99)
    Disney's Cars 2: The Video Game (£47.99/?59.99)
    Dead Space (£15.99/?19.99)
    Arkedo Series: 01 ? JUMP! (£1.59/?1.99)
    Baseball Stars 2 (£7.19/?8.99)
    NHL 12 demo
    Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine (Single Player Demo)
    PES 2012 ? Pro Evolution Soccer demo
    Revoltin' Youth (£1.74/?1.99)
    Doodle Fit (£1.74/?1.99)
    :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel:
    European PSN releases for August 24 | Joystiq
  8. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Kevin Butler quits Sony via Twitter, Sony says to 'keep following his tweets'

    Kevin Butler would be a wonderful Sony VP if he actually existed, and we would be upset to hear of his resignation if it were real. It makes us very emotionally confused about Sony's latest marketing ploy, which has @TheKevinButler tweeting that he's quit Sony to be president of the family flooring business. How do we react when a fake person fake-quits his fake position at a real company? We're not sure, but so far we've been eating a lot of chocolate and manically watching Desperate Housewives. @TheKevinButler posted two tweets today about the job switch and his profile now reads, "President, Economy Flooring. I'm a man of the people and the people need help. Carpets worn? Hardwoods warped? Linoleum non-linear? Rest Easy, KB's here to help." As legit as this may seem, Sony has hinted at a Twitter-tease, telling Industry Gamers to "stay tuned.
    :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel:
    Kevin Butler quits Sony via Twitter, Sony says to 'keep following his tweets' | Joystiq
  9. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Elevator Action Deluxe in action

    Not even a week before the release of Elevator Action Deluxe, Square Enix sent out the first trailer for the PS3 update. Between the exaggerated art style, the Cowboy Bebop-style intro, and the inexplicably dancing enemies, this just looks like fun. Well, it looks like those things and the classic Elevator Actiongameplay.Speaking of classic Elevator Actiongameplay, the trailer reveals that Deluxe"fully contains the arcade version." There's guaranteed to be at least one good game in the download, then. Elevator Action Deluxe(and the original) will be out on PSN August 30 in North America, and August 31 worldwide.
    :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel:
    Elevator Action Deluxe in action | Joystiq
  10. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Retro/Grade preview: A step forward, backward

    News that don't need a thread, Mar 20, 2011, 11:10 PM,, 2090
    Much like the classical pianist who has thoroughly mastered his craft and finds the act of reading sheet music to be perfectly droll, the multicolored gem charts of Guitar Herosand Rock Bandshave become easy pleasy lemon squeezy. If you've been playing those games since the genre's inception, you can probably tap and strum through most songs on the hardest difficulty settings. It is unlikely, however, that you could do so backwards while dodging increasingly violent salvos of enemy lasers.24 Caret Games' PSN-exclusive indie shoot-em-up Retro/Grade asks you to do just that, forcing you to use your brain (and your digits) in a manner which you're almost certainly unaccustomed to.
    :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel:
    Retro/Grade preview: A step forward, backward | Joystiq
  11. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    What's In A Name: Dancing Dots Studio

    News that don't need a thread, Mar 20, 2011, 11:10 PM,, 2090
    Martial Hesse-Dréville, Dancing Dots Studio's managing director, explains how his studio came up with its energetic name. No, they're not fans of Dancing with the Stars -- turns out, the explanation is much more straightforward than that!"I named Dancing Dots just for the fact that what we do, at the core, is making pixels move. Moving pixels then lead me to think of dancing dots. It's a catchy title and playing a game is about having fun, something that dancing is too. Dancing expresses that something is fun."Dancing Dots Studio is currently working on Rotastic, due out on PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade on September 20 and September 21, respectively.
    :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel:
    What's In A Name: Dancing Dots Studio | Joystiq
  12. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    The Haunted: Hell's Reach coming to PC in October, XBLA and PSN in 2012

    News that don't need a thread, Mar 20, 2011, 11:10 PM,, 2090
    We asked, and THQ listened. The publisher announced today that it's bringing The Haunted: Hell's Reach to PC later this year, and to Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network in early 2012. A quick refresher for those who may have forgotten: The Hauntedwon last year's Make Something Unreal contest and features a blend of third-person action, cooperative play and a lotof demon-blasting goodness.The Haunted: Hell's Reachwill arrive on PC via retail and download this October for $20.
    :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel:
    The Haunted: Hell's Reach coming to PC in October, XBLA and PSN in 2012 | Joystiq
  13. yokokoroma

    yokokoroma Active Member

    May 24, 2011
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    Never seen this game before, but it looks pretty good for a downloadable game!
  14. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Is downloadable data worth $20.00 ?

    Yeah i am really amazed on how good it looks. The price $20.00 for downloadable data is a bit much but it does look good.
  15. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Sony reveal new Entertainment Network service

    Sony are combining the PlayStation Network with other digital services like Qriocity to form the Sony Entertainment Network, a new platform that will streamline content for consumers, CNET reports (via).Along with PSN and Qriocity ? now re-branded as Music Unlimited ? the service will include Video Unlimited and third party support from the likes of*Hulu Plus, Netflix, iPlayer and Lovefilm. Basically a place to find all of the stuff the PS3 can do in one place, then.The company revealed the platform at*IFA consumer electronics expo in Berlin where Kaz Hirai, consumer products head said:*?We?re leveraging the biggest asset, the Sony brand, to establish [a] comprehensive, global platform called Sony Entertainment Network,? further adding that the move will*?accelerate the integration of hardware, content, and network.?
    :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel:
    That VideoGame Blog » Sony reveal new
  16. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    News that don't need a thread, Mar 20, 2011, 11:10 PM,, 2090
    ?The whole of Sony is greater than the sum of its parts,? he explained.Will this have much effect on PS3 gamers? Probably not, but we?ll see over the coming months.
  17. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    PlayStation Network adds 3 million users following cyber attack

    News that don't need a thread, Mar 20, 2011, 11:10 PM,, 2090
    The online outage that rocked, dismantled, and shamed Sony?s PlayStation Network for six weeks last spring did not come at an overly grim cost, it seems.According to comments made by Sony CEO Howard Stringer, PSN has added a whopping 3 million new accounts since the service came back online.?I?m pleased to tell you that the PSN is more secure and better than ever,? Stringer said. ?We are aggressively expanding its content. We have more than 3 million new customers since the network came back online, and sales are exceeding what we had before the cyberattacks.?There you have it, PSN has survived, and is actually growing.
    :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel:
    That VideoGame Blog » PlayStation Network adds 3 million users following cyber attack
  18. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    3 million new accounts ? Uhm I like PSN but i'm wondering did they take into account that PSN members possibly created new accounts to replace old ones that they possibly couldn't recover due to the aggravating process of changing one's password by PC.
  19. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Stringer: PSN bouncing back after this year's attack

    PlayStation Network has had a hell of a time with public relations this year. After the well-publicized attack on the service (which potentially exposed the personal information of millions of users), Sony has done everything it can to regain the trust and goodwill of its customers. It would seem those efforts appear are paying off, according to claims conveyed by CNET.The site reports that Sony CEO Howard Stringer recently addressed the subject at the IFA conference in Berlin, saying that PlayStation Network is "more secure and better than ever." He added that the company is working to expand the service, which has added 3 million newcustomers since the attack. Furthermore, Stringer noted that PSN sales have actually increased relative to pre-attack levels.
    :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel:
    Stringer: PSN bouncing back after this year's attack | Joystiq
  20. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Stringer noted that PSN sales have actually increased relative to pre-attack levels.

    Increasesd ???? gee & here i thought most PSN members were buying to replace items lost or still today this day don't work like they did before the outage.
    We should've learned a few things from the outage.
    1. Don't have such blind faith in online networks keeping your personal information secure.
    2. Don't keep more money in online networks then your willing to lose
    3. Nothing online is ever secure, your personal information is just that...PERSONAL!!! So don't add what your not willing to have others view.
    4. Don't add information that can lead to valuable information about you.
    5. Have other ways to keep intouch with friends then PSN.
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