Hey Karen, here's a little video you might enjoy. Some music to listen to as you spit into the hurricane this weekend. An anime song called .... Konya Hurricane! (There's a hurricane tonight!) [video=youtube;7lz2ae32lc0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lz2ae32lc0[/video] I hope your safe this weekend.
Stay safe ! Having grown up in New Orleans I know the issues you face. I can't let this thread go by without posting two of my favorite songs. :: Neither is really weather related but are Hurricane related. ;D So, if you still have power: The STORY of Rubin "Hurricane" Carter, a black boxer wrongly imprisoned for a triple murder in the midst of his rise to fame. If the words of this song, the story within, don't cause you to have goosebumps (again), you're undead. [video=youtube;IV9yB5PyI1w]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IV9yB5PyI1w[/video] And, just an old Neil Young tune I've heard maybe 4000 times :laughing: and played maybe 500 times? [video=youtube;7KxiEjPCXA8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KxiEjPCXA8[/video] hyperkane ;-) Canes are my friends. :wow:
I think the best way to ride out the storm is to rock... [video=youtube;sxdmw4tJJ1Y]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxdmw4tJJ1Y[/video]
To those of you who took the time to express your concern, my heartfelt thanks. I made it through better than most actually. Kricky had more problems than I this go around. About 4 years ago I had a microburst that dumped over a foot of water on my property in less than 8 hours. The ground water table rose so fast it came up thru the foundation of the house and flooded my basement. When I rebuilt, I went to extremes to prevent that from ever happening again. It paid off this last weekend. I was the only person in my area with a dry basement. Tree limbs were down everywhere, blocking my road. One missed my car by about 6 inches. Power went out a couple of times, but never longer than an hour. All things considered, I did very well. For which I am very grateful!
Glad to hear you are okay! I hope kricky is too. I'm glad you both made it through this. Good thing Irene softened up a lot on the way to ya.
As bad as it was for me, I fared much better than others. Now that I am back online and seeing the pictures and videos of the surrounding areas, I see how lucky I was. My basement flooded and a tree fell in my front yard on some of the other trees. Two days, a box of contractor garbage bags, several contractors, and countless trips up and down the steps schlepping stuff out of there, the basement is now dry. I can barely move due to sore muscles, but it's all good...
Kricky!! I'm glad you are good now. Glad you are okay! How is your basement? Is it all concrete? Or will there be some reconstruction work that needs to be done?
It's a concrete basement that has never been wet before. We got 12 inches of rain in 3-4 hours. The water table came up so fast it was coming in between the floor and the walls. There was no flooding outside around the house, luckily. You could see and hear air bubbles around the perimeter. Its an unfinished basement so there is not much reconstruction work. I cut the drywall out a foot up the wall, I'll have to have someone replace that eventually. Not yet though, everyone is still working to dry out people's basements or worse. I've had industrial fans running down there for a few days and just closed it up. Started running dehumidifiers. Probably have to have sump pumps installed. I think the space is too big for one. Black mold is the biggest concern because I'm allergic to mold.