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Gaming News that doesn't need a thread

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by VampireWicked, Apr 20, 2011.

  1. Art_of_Ronin

    Art_of_Ronin Active Member

    Feb 17, 2011
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  2. yokokoroma

    yokokoroma Active Member

    May 24, 2011
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    I don't know about this Ridge Racer, looks more like a "Split Second" clone, cars crashing and exploding? (that's never been apart of the Ridge Racer experience) destructive points along the track? Namco, what are you doing?! There's nothing wrong with being elegant, it's what Ridge Racer's known for and what sets it apart from other racers! Yet another example of a game company, changing a winning formula!
  3. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Reiko Nagase & Pure Driving Skill

    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364 Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364
    I agree I never really was into Ridge Racer but you know what always went with it & i'd recognised Ridge Racer by was Reiko Nagase & pure driving skill. Ridge Racer was out driving other racers by skill & luck, now they go the MotorStorm Apocalypse split second burn out side? Get real, that's something i'd only play with friends because you know playing online 80% of gamers will spend time with cheap shots & doing nothing but crashing & destroying your car. No driving skill needed just wreck your opponents so you can win.
  4. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Lollipop Chainsaw gets a debut trailer at Gamescom

    Germany's Gamescom show has brought us this debut trailer for Lollipop Chainsaw, a new title in the works from developer Goichi "Suda51" Suda's Grasshopper Manufacture. As you can tell from the (scandalous!) footage after the break, the game's about a cheerleader named Juliet who just happens to also be a slayer of zombies, with a chainsaw as her weapon of choice.The official site lists the location as "San Romero High School," and since American horror/comedy director James Gunn is also along for the ride, you can probably expect plenty of sly references like that one in the game. Lollipop Chainsawis targeting a 2012 release on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
    Lollipop Chainsaw debut trailer was brought to us by Art_of_Ronin earlier today YAY
    :vampire: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :vampire:
    Lollipop Chainsaw gets a debut trailer
  5. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Pre-order Battlefield 3 on Origin and get a free game

    We already knew that pre-ordering Battlefield 3on Origin (the only place on PC to offer the game digitally) would net gamers access to an early beta in September, but it would seem EA is sweetening the pot with another offer: a free game. According to Ars Technica, one individual was sent the following statement via email after pre-ordering the game through Origin:As a special thank you for pre-ordering Battlefield 3early at Origin, we're offering you a bonus PC digital download game. Please apply the code below at the shopping cart to redeem one PC Digital version of one of our recommended shooter titles: Mass Effect 2, Dead Space 2or Medal of Honor. The price will be reduced to $0 after applying the code at your shopping cart. Hurry-this offer is only good for the month of August, and is exclusive to Origin customers only.
    :vampire: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :vampire:
    Pre-order Battlefield 3 on Origin and get a free game | Joystiq
  6. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    glossy finishes in favor of the 4GB's matte-black finish.

    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364
    If you're in the market for an Xbox, and also happen to be a fan of fingerprints all over your stuffshiny things, you'd better get a move on: Major Nelson has announced on his blog that all 250GB Xbox 360 models will be transitioning away from their historically glossy finishes in favor of the 4GB's matte-black finish.
    :vampire: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :vampire:
    All Xbox 360 S models moving to matte finish | Joystiq
    XBOX360 moving from a glossy finishes in favor of the matte-black finish? Hmm i wonder wasn't there a gaming console that already did that ? It starts with a P i think......uhm who was it, went from shiny to a matte-black finish OMG what console was that ???? PS something, i need a clue.
    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364
    UGH! Who was uhm uhm.
  7. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Del Toro's Insane to be a sandbox game, Guy Davis doing creature designs

    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364
    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364
    Like a shambling horror in one of his own films, Guillermo Del Toro's upcoming project with THQ, Insane, is slowly creeping into the light. In an interview with MTV, the filmmaker turned game creator revealed that Insanewill be a sandbox game, which makes sense given developer Volition's pedigree (Red Faction, Saints Row).He also offered hints about exactly what kind of horror to expect, noting that Insaneis "Lovecraftian in a very sick way." He added that the game's creatures are "obscenely fun and unique," which they should be, given they're being designed by Guy Davis.
    :vampire: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :vampire:
    Del Toro's Insane to be a sandbox game, Guy Davis doing creature designs | Joystiq
  8. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Street Fighter X Tekken trailer reveals Ibuki, Hugo, Raven

    The GamesCom trailer for Street Fighter X Tekken introduces a few new characters. Raven from Tekken (who, for the benefit of non-Tekkenplayers, is not actually Blade: Vampire Hunter) and Ibuki are joining the roster of pugilists. The other new arrival shouldn't come as a surprise: Hugo joins his manager Poison as a playable character on the Capcom side. And he's enormous.Other than character reveals, this trailer goes into a surprising amount of detail about the mechanics of Street Fighter X Tekken. You'll learn how to swap characters and how to launch ... a launcher.If you're in London and you'd like to experience the game for yourself, Capcom confirmed today that it's still holding the London Fight Club event on August 20.
    Street Fighter X Tekken trailer reveals Ibuki, Hugo, Raven | Joystiq
  9. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise discounted before it's even out

    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364
    Amazon has already discounted Konami's PS3 release of No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise to $29.99, suplexing $10 off the retail price. For some reason, the retailer chose to forgo its usual credit offers, discounting the game directly. Heroes' Paradisehasn't even been released yet -- that happens tomorrow.As even more incentive to buy the game today, Amazon is also throwing in some exclusive pre-order DLC items, in the form of the "Cross Saver" beam katana and the "Moto Magazine 2" motorcycle. It might be nice to have a different motorcycle to look at during the open-world driving segments.
    :vampire: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :vampire:
    No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise discounted before it's even out | Joystiq
  10. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Silent Hill: Downpour 'not missing out' without Yamaoka, says Vatra dev

    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364
    Vatra Games design director Brian Gomez doesn't feel that his studio's upcoming survival-horror title, Silent Hill: Downpour, is being too adversely affected by the absence of longtime series composer Akira Yamaoka. "I was worried when we lost him, we lost him really early on in Downpour. But I was a big fan of Dexter already, so I'm happy we got Daniel Licht," Gomez told me this morning after a GDC Europe panel on the SHfranchise. "It was the closest to Akira but also brought something new to it," he added.
    :vampire: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :vampire:
    Silent Hill: Downpour 'not missing out' without Yamaoka, says Vatra dev | Joystiq
  11. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    I think Silent Hill: Downpour is missing out. Without Mary Elizabeth McGlynn Akira's music soundtracks, Silent Hill Downpour is just another horror game that just has fog.
  12. sam_reynolds01

    sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
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  13. Art_of_Ronin

    Art_of_Ronin Active Member

    Feb 17, 2011
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    Some of you already know about this new gaming headset release from Sony for the PS3 beginning of September, but here it is again and there is a video accompany the product to show the size of the headset and how it function. (SRP: $99 USD & Canadian)

    Wireless Stereo Headset for the PS3
  14. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    PS3 price cut to $250, 320 GB model goes to $300 [update]

    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364
    Well, this is certainly surprising. Sony closed out its Gamescom 2011 keynote with the startling announcement that the PlayStation 3 (presumably the standard, 160GB model) has had its price cut across the globe: It's now $249.99 in the U.S., ?249.99 in Europe and ¥24,980 in Japan. According to Sony's Andrew House, this new price point is available immediately. As in, right now. This hot second. The $50 trimming of the system's MSRP comes nearly two years to the day after its original reduction to $299.99. We suppose that goes to show you: If you're planning on purchasing a Sony console, you should probably do so after the Ides of August.
    :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel:
    PS3 price cut to $250, 320 GB model goes to $300 [update] | Joystiq
    [Update: Sony is rolling our another deal today, according to its official blog: A new Infamous 2 PS3 bundle is now available that includes the game and the 320 GB PS3 for $300.]
  15. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Mass Effect 3 trailer shows Shepard leading his flock (of space commandos)

    The latest Mass Effect 3trailer bills itself as "Part 1" of the game's combat reveal and, as such, it shows off some of Shepard's new combat mechanics, notably the melee attack and some new squad leadership abilities. "Behind the boxes, right flank," Generi-Shep orders. Of course, we can imagine ourselves barking these same commands into our Kinect at home. Later, a huge mechsuit presents a larger challenge, but it's not clear if Garrus' Overload attack, which removed the mech's shields, was ordered by Shepard. If so, was that a voice command?
    :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel:
    Mass Effect 3 trailer shows Shepard leading his flock (of space commandos) | Joystiq
    While this reveal definitely has gameplay in it, it's so edited it's difficult to glean much about the game's new combat mechanics. Here's what we can tell: Mass Effect 3definitely has combat and there are some new moves to take advantage of.
  16. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Infamous 2: Festival of Blood gets Truly Bloody this October

    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364
    Electro-monster Cole from Infamous 2 is now an electro-vampire in Infamous 2: Festival of Blood, available on PSN this October. In this downloadable game, New Marais is infested by vampires. Cole is bitten, and must find the head vampire before the night ends, to reverse his condition. Does electricity hurt vampires? We'll find out, we suppose. Also, can you make a vampire game set in Louisiana and avoid comparisons to both Interview with the Vampireand True Blood? This post has already proven that you cannot.This was called a "brand new game available for download," which sounds more like a standalone PSN game than DLC.
    :demonangel: CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel:
    Infamous 2: Festival of Blood gets Truly Bloody this October | Joystiq
  17. Kimilicious

    Kimilicious Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2011
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    Lollipop Chainsaw
    is the upcoming title from Goichi Suda's Grasshopper Manufacture and Hollywood's James Gunn. This is the game's debut trailer.

    The game follows the exploits of an 18-year-old zombie-slaying cheerleader, which sounds cool and all, but for goodness sake, the game better not have her repeatedly delivering cheesy lines like "Eat it" and "Bring it fat ass" while slaying the walking dead.

    Because while people want to play as a zombie-slaying valley girl, they may not want to hear her dull insults. Nice music choice for the trailer, though. Cute logo, too.

    Warner Bros. plans on bringing the game to the U.S. next year.
  18. yokokoroma

    yokokoroma Active Member

    May 24, 2011
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    Yeah Reiko was Ridge Racer's mascot and you knew if you saw her, it had somthing to do with Ridge Racer!! I couldn't agree more Ridge Racer is or was supposed to be a game about sheer driving skills and with this change, does come those who are only going...
  19. yokokoroma

    yokokoroma Active Member

    May 24, 2011
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    to destroy cars to win (i.e. blur, tail spinning cars out, I consider this cheating, as it's not an element of racing) that's exactly what it will come down to! The only thing I like about this new RR is the track creator, but that's not enough to get me to buy it!!
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