I was bored and searching internet for home related stuff and stumbled across this Nike It doesnt have any release date but as you can see looks very exciting and I hope it comes soon,cant wait till im wearing a nice pair of Nike in Home
Awesome, hopefully it'll bring nice clothes and sneakers. Guess there's going to be events with celebrities too?
Yes hopefully theyll be some well known celebrities and rappers it does sound like something to look forward to and it will hopefully attract other big names to Home.
Hmm...I looked at the resume of the person of that site, and it seems the project was during 2007 and 2008. Was working with the Activision (Guitar Hero) also. Wonder why Nike didn't come. Could have been scraped.
There were basketball games demoed when Home was still in alpha. Those game were probably shopped around to a bunch of companies. Like the ea games i thought were part of this package they demoed. But a Nike space would be awesome.
Awww. I wonder if anyone ever jipped that old Vid? I would like to see it anyways. "The video at the right is a walk-through of Nike’s space - when online there would be up to 65 avatars in the space at any given time"
OH GREAT! now ya'll all can expect to pay 50.00 and up for a pair of Virtual Shoes.... Yeah like thats what Home needs! Ohno!
Hi lucy!!! Nice find. Thats pretty resourceful of ya. That's just too bad if it is scrapped. It looks a bit bare bones, but that could be fixed. I hope it enters home still.