i personally think that this is the best looking free personal space, looks pure class and it even has the Audi car with it! not hust that the view is amazin, you can see when the people playing the game fall off!
you win it when you race the car but to get the apartment you have to get a distance of like 3000 so what you do is colect all the lightbults (5 in total) but dont use then till u go off the edge! also befor you go off the edge make sure the speed of the car is at 299mph or whatever it is and when you go off the edge you will see a distance dial at the top left hand corner when it starts to slow down thats when you use a lighting bult boost by pressing x and carry on doing the same til you react the 3000 mark hope this helps, good luck!
I got it last night and have to say the spaces are amazingly well made! Using certain methods I found that the areas outwith where you can go are completely finished and not just 2D drawings.
saying how much i love this space it winds me up 2! i cant seem to go into the waldrobe without it crashing, anyone else getting this?
I have encountered this problem myselfs, only a few items of the wardrobe load then it freezes my PS3. Still it is a nice bright space:
I love this space. Sooo clean looking Tried getting it for my boyfriend on his account today, but failed. Many times. Thing is when I got mine I was on a roll and could have got the house about 4 times if poss XD