I hope people learn how to navigate the menus. It's not our region. We are the guests who "invaded" Japan. I'll try to create another translation to help people along. I'll post where the mute buttons are. I wish I would have caught that dialog during the event, but I used the mute feature and didn't see it.
I'll go ahead and make this brief. I apologize to anyone in my instance yesterday during the second event when I went off on people talking during the show. We're already looked at in such a negative light by the Japanese in general, so why feed the fire? During the event there should be absolutely NO talking or text bubbles going off, that would be like me going to a movie and start talking away on my phone during the show, its absolutely disruptive and disrespectful to everyone else there. I shouldn't have to navigate the chatlog menus just to ignore certain people just because I want to enjoy the show in peace. Again I apologize to everyone that was there, it just irks me so seeing people do that during an event, its absolutely uncalled for and disrespectful to the rest of us.
well for me, I got banned last Nov ... hanging around the dolphy room with either Satu or Neko ... Just before it happened, my dolphy had won a bunch of races in a row, and I had to contend with guys screaming "ATOMIC BOMB AMERICAN" at me, which I ignored then poof, gone for a week ...
so if it's because I offended anyone, it was purely by accident ... anyone who knows me should also know how I conduct myself on Home And even after all that, I STILL consider Japan Home to be awesome and the users are usually very very polite and courteous ... it's just, I have no idea what it is I had supposedly done, so be careful
Ok, after reading that, I'm gonna delete my post. If you want/need my translation just ask. As I stated before, this type of correspondence is supposed to be confidential.
You said you had one several races in a row. Maybe you are being accused of cheating? Not saying that you did. But the "atomic bomb American" could refer to "report for cheating". Though knowing you, I doubt you did anything....
couldn't tell you as I have no idea still to this day .... but it's ok, I'm over it ... although it has pretty much stopped me from going over there and I only recently started going back