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Anyone disappointed in home?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Keyeszx, Jul 15, 2011.

  1. Keyeszx

    Keyeszx Member

    Nov 16, 2010
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    It really is a great idea but I just feel like NA is the Nintendo DS or Wii of Home. By that I mean it seems like a lot love it but it gets so much shovelware content. By shovelware I mean items that are pointless or just a quick gimmick or something trying to cash in on. Then again most of Home feels that way even other regions. Right now all the cool stuff being added in is how it should have been from the start. The content seems good quality but with all the other stuff I've bought I don't really want to add more to my collection of space. Home now seems like quantity over quality which is why I've stopped going back as much as I use to.

    Does anyone think Home needs to just do a complete overhaul? Shut the servers down for a month or so and just redo everything. Of course give us our money back or make it credit for when Home goes back up. I just don't see home as it was supposed to be.
  2. Kimilicious

    Kimilicious Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2011
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    Home Has Its Pros And Cons .. More Cons Than Pros It Would Seem.

    It Seems To Me That The Content Released Lately Are Likely No One Would Purchase; I'm Talking The Weapons That Released Last Week .. New Colors For Old Items .. And So On ..

    Especially When We Are Restricted To A Certain Amount Of Items We Can Put Out; Same Would Go For Active Items.

    50 Items And 2 Active .. That Is Not Enough. I Would Say About (if possible) 75 Items And 5 Active Items :)

    As For Home Shutting Down To Renovation, It Won't Happen. And For Sure, We Are Not Getting Out Money Back ..
  3. v_Trillian_v

    v_Trillian_v Fun Lover

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Overall I would have to say I think it's wonderful.
  4. RankoSao

    RankoSao Member

    Jun 29, 2011
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    Hey, i LIKED the weapons, thank you...
  5. EvilFluffyBunny

    Jan 21, 2011
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    Home has its disappointing moments and it's really great moments, in my view. For me, I find that the disappointing moments are outweighing the great moments. By this I mean, Home has loads of potential for many things, but it seems like Sony isn't taking advantage of it. Instead, Sony is just rehashing the typical content and ideas, instead of bringing in something new.

    Home really needs to improve the socializing aspect of Home. Facebook, Myspace, etc, have profiles, blogs, event scheduling, and so on. Those are the things I would like to see added into Home, without a price on them. Clothes and other items are nice, but after a while, they grow stale. I'm not saying Sony should stop putting out that content, I'm just saying they should work on bringing content into Home, that doesn't revolve around clothes or furniture. Home should have a little bit of everything in it and I do not see that happening.

    Sure, you can strike up a conversation by walking up to someone and saying hello or by playing a game with someone, but let's face it... Saying hello to someone and trying to strike up a decent conversation, is rough, considering how rude and crude people can be. If we had a chance to own blogs that we can post publicly or privately, that gives us a chance to find the people we share interests with and gain more friendships. As for the games, most are pay to play, don't require much team work, nor an opponent to talk to. Xi was a great example of a game that brought people together, aside from Bowling, Chess, and Pool. Home really needs more for both of the gaming aspect of it and the socializing aspect, that don't require having to buy something to enjoy it fully.

    And I know, asking for a blog and profile in Home is asking for trouble, but that's what report features are for.
  6. Ultra

    Ultra Member

    Apr 5, 2011
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    I agree, they need to take a good look at the core after all these years. Improve the item limit and have new ways to interact with others and the world. With exceptions like Sodium 2, weekly updates consist of new items and occasionally a new space. Core updates seem very minor when they come along. However I don't think shutting the servers down for more than a day would be a good idea, or necessary for a big update.

    I like the graphics in Home, and am fairly satisfied with content - the big exception being music / video. They really need to get the licensing in order and have some real music and movies in Home; it would be a game-changer if they did. Microtransactions should be extended beyond items to new gestures, such as dances. Despite its limitations though, Home has a great sense of community that you really can't get anywhere else.
  7. Keyeszx

    Keyeszx Member

    Nov 16, 2010
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    I don't know I look back and remember the city plaza from closed beta and this picture

    Anyone disappointed in home?, Keyeszx, Jul 15, 2011, 6:41 AM,, png, ps3home_main.png

    I just can't help but feel they took the easy way out on a lot of things. I really think they need to create a new phase of Playstation Home and the only way would be to restart. Otherwise there will always be parts that linger that will make home less amazing.
  8. DCS

    DCS Active Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Like i said Home is not what is used to be... It's not as good as it was in 2009 and i don't think it ever will be... Unless they bring more Street Fighter and Tekken back to Home it's just not what it used to be!

    Of course 2009 XI was a big hit at that time and allot of people did XI back then it was in USA and EU Homes... We played the games help other people... Even laughed at opther people at times when they were trying to get by the laser beems in Maintenance! It was so funny u had to be there!

    Of course Home has come along way since 2009... But i miss getting my fighting costumes now the most... it's just not the same Home it used to be! AWW!

    But as long as there are FREE item's i'll be more than Happy to Grab all those! HE HE!

    By: DCS
  9. Keyeszx

    Keyeszx Member

    Nov 16, 2010
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    But free items are sometimes ruining home. We get pointless items that show people will grab them. Which will lead to them seeing how much they can make from a cheap $0.49 piece that is useless.

    I wouldn't even care if Home got more ads around the core spaces if it meant better quality. It would actually make it seem realistic. That thread subsection for home suggestions, how many ideas have actually been implemented? Do the guys from Home even look here?
  10. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    Im of the long standing view that Home should have a basic small access fee a year. To me it could fix a number of problems, eg it would lower the number of users that abuse others and make home more welcome to new users.

    Also it should put that 'fee' to good use to better the servers so thing work from day one. If a new game enters Home new and old returning users do check it out but it it dont work due to server loads they soon exit with the view of homes broke.

    They need to stop adding new systems that dont get used and aim at fixing up the core and network back end and remove bad and old unused code for the next few core updates. Fix the problems and not keep adding to them.
  11. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    Home did shut down for a month! LOL BUT I know what you mean. Actually, you don't need to shut it down. You can leave it running while you build a new version. Happens all the time. It's the database you can't change while working on it. But you can definitely run a new Home program in stealth. Of course Carla is the expert on this.
  12. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    I think one of the frustrations we are having is the lack of Sony support for events combined with lack of infrastructure improvements and a raising of prices in the mall.

    Btw, when I say lack of Sony events, I'm not counting fun stuff like Ford's events or the Axe angel game. Those are third party events. Not Sony sponsored. Not long ago, Sony created a July 4th event, a Canada day event, st Patrick's event, and a valentines day event. Also a new years day event. But this year we sadly had none. We got a hat on July 4th. A few minor trinkets. And new years day was pretty much forgotten. E3 had some cool rewards but was a recycled space. Christmas was a recycled EU space. And Halloween was a really pathetic error filled pumpkin in broad daylight.

    Now the bulk of us are pretty easy going. We understand mistakes happen. But we need to see that there's work being done to fix Home's problems. Instead the Sony expenditure of non-pay2play events has dropped to near zero. Very little is being put on core improvements, or infrastructure. But we are seeing double the prices of last year. And a personal space that cost $30 to get.

    We really desperately want to see more from Sony. Please Reduce the frustrations with Home, and invest more on bringing people together to have fun that dont cost them money. Sony tends to think "give them more to BUY each week"' but I think they should be thinking, "give them something new to DO each week."

  13. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    You can clone that database. It is what happens when new versions get tested. The test users database geta cloned to the test server. In the real world Home should not have to go off line at all. Store updates dont need Home offline and weekly clean ups dont need home offline if it was made right you just have a live backup server with a clone of the data and that you just swap over why one networks cleaned and then swap back.
  14. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    I agree with firefly but i think have their hands full with trying to get everything working like it should.
    I've noticed people getting randomly kicked from PSHome very easily, likely due to the outage. Usually seeing the club chat disconnection means you'll be kicked soon lol. Furniture disappearing from clubs. Areas, items, demos, game add-ons taking longer to download then usual. Items on PSHome not working like they should......anyone remember the chucky doll & how her grows, well he doesn't anymore & it's not because of old age either. The E3 area didn't work for alot of people, couldn't access anything but the store there.

    I tolerate it for now because of the outage. Making up for the money they missed during the outage getting companies to back them & trusting them to keep system secure & providing PSHome members with some online entertainment probably has them pretty busy. Give them closer towards the end of the year & maybe things will change.
  15. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    You gotta understand what home has become now, its basically a route to market whether it be developers selling they wares, someone advertising something or pay to play games.

    Good example of developers making money aurora the n dreams showroom how much money has people spent there enough to buy a decent platinum game? With no social aspect to aurora apart from a token coffee shop. To be fair not the only ones but the most obvious

    Good example of advertising is everywhere ford audi red bull countless amount of events all giving away trinkets so u remember the brand and product. We all big up they games and rewards spreading the word. Take the tron apartment how people bought the game so the bike would work in apartment.

    Pay to play like midway that supply virtual trinkets if win the game probably the only one of three I actually see potential in. Would we just buy most of them trinkets if we could?

    But none of it is geared up to be social which what is was all about, all you hear is I won this I bought this I scored this. not I met a nice bunch of people that had same interests as me. If say hello to anyone your lucky not to get abuse or someone being a freak, or "if you dont go away ill report you."
    A small fee wont sort the social side of home. The online versions of midnight club, gta and rdr have better social sides than home. Many a night have I joined 10 plus strangers and had more social activity than I do on home.

    Most people on home run around in pairs treasure hunting. Its what I do but Ive been lucky in finding someone that I wanna spend my time with, I wonder how many other people have been lost from home because its a lonely place by yourself trying to avoid freaks n idiots. Actually better off playing a game?

    Question is what can home do to catch up with the likes of other pc based social applications which have no real games or activitys but rely on people being people with common interests, and not where the next pound dollar yen or euro is coming from
    ( if I forgot your currency sorry )
  16. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Understand what home has become ? lol then you haven't followed any of my older posts gary. Developers & markers will continue to make money & prices will continue to become more ridiculous as people continue to forgo common sense on spending or simply just don't care.

    I've left PSHome not for good but to play games or other things because of the jerks on there. Yesterday i spent 5minutes trying to getaway from some girl taking pictures of my avatar. If it's not crap like it's standing talking with friend & getting random PMs or regular mgs from some guy asking you do you cam or do you wanna see a picture of his junk.
    1. Sony needs to realize PSHome is a giant forum chatroom but not everyone wants to be bombarded with random PMs friend requests from unknown strangers.
    2. PSHome has all these members & yet Sony design PSHome as cool as a corporate office.
  17. JamesBR27

    JamesBR27 Active Member

    Dec 1, 2010
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    I am disapointed with:
    1 - the Ooblags Casino delay for more than 15 days now (it was supposed to launch at the end of june)
    2 - the missing reward from tutorial 2 of the Conspiracy space
    3 - the server problem with the new UFC space
    4 - the price of the neon goggles at aurora (only 1 dollar cheaper than the whole aurora personal space)
    5 - the time is taking for LOOT to open the room behind where we start when going to the LOOT Space Station
  18. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Not many are interested ford motors or the UFC arena, there's a generation of game players anime watchers movie goers music downloaders & Sony is so out of touch with it's members or they just don't care. People are into comics & movies, anime, action adventure & all that is lost on PSHome. Sadly the only few that pay attention to PSHome members likes are developers like lockwood. Ironman has two movies yet no Ironman suit on PSHome although little support on the u.k. PSHome. Green lantern was in & out of theaters & no suit or whatever, we have this Qriocity thing on our XMB but no music videos playing on PSHome. Sony spits out these surveys but they don't ask the right questions.

    As a PS3 owner, what would you like to see added to PSHome?
    What are your interests & how can we bring them to PSHome.
  19. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    I agree with you vamp that sony does have an increased workload from the outtage. But all the problems I listed were mostly there before the outtage. And that won't change once they fix all these newer errors.
  20. Iced-Tea-Bagger

    Iced-Tea-Bagger Active Member

    Apr 21, 2011
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    the missing item from tutorial 2 is working, along with all the other rewards. and that new ufc place was dissapointing. i'm glad i wasnt the only person having issues. but i didn't expect much from thq.

    also whats up with the lucas arts cantina space with the "coming soon" part still coming soon. its been a really long time. also you think they would make a darth vader costume and r2-d2 companion.

    the lack of playstaion game spaces like killzone, god of war etc. they take away uncharted 2 but we still have farcry 2?
    but mostly im dissapointed with the lack of new things to do. the "things to do this weekend in home" message usually just says go buy new things and go watch podcasts in the theater.
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