Looks like Ooblag's Alien Casion has been delayed to 7/28, have a looksie Ooblag's Alien Casino | PlayStation® Community Forums
Shame Ooblag's alien casino has been delayed, but atleast it will give me more time to explore GranZella on Thursday.
They're 16 UFC Home rewards, and each are at 10,000 points to trade in. Most of them are very nice, especially for the females. Me-ow!
Just a quick warning to those who are earning UFC rewards. Once you earn a reward, it gets checked off the reward grid that shows all 16 rewards that you can win, but it still counts as a tile in-game when you play again. Basically, there's a chance you can land on a reward that you have won already, and it won't give you another chance, so you need to be careful and watch the lighted squares carefully.
got a big issue with ufc yesterday, as i was changing 30000pts vs 3 rewards, got a stool at 1st try, then the black bra and finally the red shorty but when i went out the grid, i froze and lost everything, my 30000pts and my 3 rewards that aren't listed even in my reward list... i really got bored of this, need to regain my points now and hope i'll get red shorty and black bra again
I also found out my points that I earned suddenly went back to a crappy amount afterwards. For example, I tried sit-ups and pull-ups, and I suddenly lost much points or the points skip to being in the tens or ones rather than accumulating more. So, let's say you worked up to 200, the score would sometimes reset it back to 0.
yep I find that I'm getting huge point deduction on the training in the public space. It quite annoying to see high amounts drop so quickly.
UFC worked for me early this morning. It was funny seeing everyone doing situps and pullups. I dont know if i will ever make it to 10000 points though.