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Aurora space tips & rewards

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by HOPPER_34, Mar 19, 2011.

  1. Pendrake

    Pendrake Active Member

    May 27, 2011
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    Yup, send the request whenever you can (with helpful note to remind my ageing brain who you are) and I'll help out.

    Meanwhile, an Aurora question: I previously used to complete the defender game and then zip through the provided teleport ring to the main Aurora space. I've stopped doing this now and am selecting it off the navigator instead as I'm worried that the daily bonus XP for regular attendance isn't being creditted if you go through the telporter. Am I mad, or am I right?
  2. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Whether you do go there via teleport ring or not doesn't matter. You'll only get daily XP bonuses when you visit the Aurora public space every day until you get 200 XP, and then it restarts back to 50 XP.
  3. sam_reynolds01

    sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
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    [MENTION=1610]Pendrake[/MENTION] you are a star XD, thank you soooo much for your help I really appreciate it.
  4. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    It appears that the Twitcher costume in Japan for level 35 has been replaced by the fishing chair item. For those who reached level 35 before Aurora came to JP last week, you are very lucky! That will now be a rare item in JP. I reached level 35 there last night and realized just now that I only got the chair item. :sly:

    EDIT: unless maybe the Twitcher costume comes for a later level in JP? Im also wondering if maybe the Lucille costume at level 15 was replaced by the stars picture item. I got both because I had reached level 15 before the space came there, but maybe they just didnt like the look of the costumes? (I have to admit, those costumes are not very "aesthetically pleasing", but they are unique).
  5. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    I haven't played Aurora back in Japan. I'm playing Swingers in Midway 2 - Level 9 now. So HARD! T_T
  6. Baron_Brain

    Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
    Valued Member

    Jan 22, 2011
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    [Hmmm… guess this never posted yesterday… well let's try again…]

    Well, Pendrake, I guess it all comes down to one's personal perceptions of what defines a "task". If it means doing anything at all — regardless of how easy (being able to press the "buy" button), or how difficult (attaining a certain high score in a mini-game) — then yes, each of the 12 requirements has a "task' involved. But I feel there's a vast difference between those two.

    Each of these five items require the purchase of either 1 or 2 nDreams virtual items… for a total of 7 purchases minimum (11 if you add in the personal spaces), Let's take a look at the deeply-involving "tasks" attached to each:

    • Pets Paradise — Own any two of the nDreams Home companions (buy two items; no task)
    • Funky Spook — Dance near the Collect-O-Rama whilst wearing one of our Halloween clothing items (buy one item; no task — sorry, being able to figure out how to wear it & press one of the "dance" emote buttons for a split-second simply doesn't cut it as a "task". Anyone who thinks this does would likey find tying their shoes or feeding themselves to be near-impossible goals.)
    • Fashionista — Own any two items from the Fantasy Fashion range (buy two items; no task)
    • Auroran — Get to level 20 in Aurora and own at least one Aurora item (buy one item; has task — okay, this is the one exception… it is a task to reach level 20; but you still have to buy an item to pass. There's no way around it.)
    • Activate — Own at least one nDreams active item (buy one item; again no task)

    Don't misunderstand… If you see something you truly like, go right ahead and buy it. Obviously I have no objections to what you or anyone does with regard to their own Home purchases. Although if you spend far more on non-existant virtual clothing than you do real-world items, I definitely reserve the right to snicker. But hey,we all have to live our own lives as we see fit, right?

    Me, I just object to how virtual sales are being shoved down our throats nearly non-stop each day, so much it feels like we're being choked to death with them. And how Home is pushing the buying aspect ever so harder these days. The idea behind this "Collect-O-Rama" is just another prime example of this, a particular type of sneaky sales tactic I find particularly reprehensible and dangerous, as it exists to target & take advantage of one's collector's mentality as well as those with little willpower. "Gotta get 'em all… and right this second… or you'll forever miss out!" Fine, whatever. No thank you. NOT interested.

    I'm glad I have more than enough willpower to resist buying a bunch of virtual items — items I neither like, want, nor need — simply because some signpost insists I have to buy 'em to fulfill a "requirement." Want to offer me freebie rewards based upon my performance in some minigames, fine; but don't tell me that my performance will be based upon how many items I have to buy first. Especially at the outrageous prices they charge for most items… items that don't even exist.
    [I personally haven't even bought any items in any region since last Halloween. I've seen few things that appealed to me in the interim, and the prices were unrealistic, so duck 'em. And yes, I can easily afford to buy anything in Home I wish to; I just don't like throwing my money away. Same reason why, in the three years I've been on Home, I've only ever bought three personal spaces in NA - one which I sorta regret now - and none anywhere else… I don't need 20 spaces I'll never visit, just the couple I really really like. I know, hard to believe, right?]

    I also don't understand how any virtual item can be considered "collectible" or "rare" when they aren't even remotely tangible — after you've paid for an item, they have no value whatsoever, since you can never buy, sell or trade them. How rare and valuable will these items be the day Home closes down (which is inevitable… it will happen sooner or later)?

    Anyway, these are merely my thoughts on the whole "Buy or Die" aspect of virtual sales within Home. And I'm offering up actual examples of why I feel this way, rather than using some lame "just because" as an excuse. I already know I'm in the super-minority here, being one of the very few who simply doesn't care about virtual items one way or another… they are absolutely the last reason why I enjoy(ed) using Home. I come here to be with friends, meet like-minded people, explore virtual worlds, play some games. I'm honestly not a total growch… I just feel very strongly about the heavy-handed sales tactics being employed by the companies on here, as well as an unrealistic pricing for most items (unlike, say, LOOT™, who've shown that quality virtual items can be created & sold very reasonably… at least, so far).

    Virtual sales used to be just one part of the experience, now it's seemingly the main driving force overriding everything else. "What's for sale" is now more important than anything else, even the continuing evolution, improvement & expansion of Home itself. This even holds true for some users I know, who are seemingly unable to hold the simplest conversation that doesn't involve Home rewards or virtual sale items, When I ask somehow how they've been, I really do want to know how they've been personally & what they've been up to. It's the person I find interesting, not what they've just bought or won on Home (same as everyone else).

    *SIGH* Oh well, like Howard the Duck, I often feel trapped in a world I didn't make… sorry to be such a bother.
  7. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    Unfortunately baron Aurora is the shape of things to come, currently there are 3 types of business oppotunities, give it away free so people buy your real product, buy my virtual home product with no actual purpose apart from being able to wear it or invite people to it and buy my virtual home product to do something play games etc. We all like a freebie, but it usually to increase our awareness of a product, buying stuff to play games , Ive put plenty of cash in an arcade machine, and the other one is just to make people feel good about themselves or as a getaway from everyday life, none of them are more sinister than the others just some are more in your face than others.
  8. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    I have to say I dont agree for what it stands for because everything it is so in your face every info point has a shop there are two shops and a shop in personal space but by having them spaces or you requiring them spaces to fullfill the task means that u get to meet different people and socialize which ultimately is the aim.
  9. Pendrake

    Pendrake Active Member

    May 27, 2011
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    I was only too happy to help. Anybody else who wishes to use my apartments for the collect-o-rama, or any other challenge, just ask. :)
  10. radix023

    radix023 Member

    Jul 1, 2011
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    I got the 50xp bonus the first day after the 1.1 update and no day thereafter.

    I do want to point out that of the three telepads, the silver goggles that you can earn (yeah, I'm being a cheapskate) activate the one by the boat/deck, not the one up on the orb starting point or by the coffee bar. I understand neon activates all three for you, I'm curious what one gold leaves out (did anyone buy gold?).
  11. the_fps

    the_fps Active Member

    Aug 11, 2010
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    I was wondering about the silver goggles. I havent bought anything yet either, but it is good to know I will unlock another area when I hit lvl 25.
  12. sam_reynolds01

    sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
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    the gold ones allow you to use the boat/deck telepad and the telepad next to the game.
  13. hyperkane

    hyperkane mm (©_©) mm

    Jan 14, 2011
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    Yeah. The Gold Goggles were free in HK and that opened the telepad behind the start point near the new fishing gear display and they also add newly displayed Gold Orbs (50 pts) to collect. I can get around 1000 points easy in HK with this free version. ;)

    I think the pad near the boat dock was opened with the silver goggles I had won earlier? Hard to remember? :wacko:
  14. Pendrake

    Pendrake Active Member

    May 27, 2011
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    Gold are free in EU too (for now). Part of Welcome Home package.
  15. sam_reynolds01

    sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
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    latest tweet.
    “@nDreamers: In the office working on a new Aurora feature called 'Teller of Tales', hopefully part of next update.”
    Hopefully it will be another great addition to the space. XD
  16. Baron_Brain

    Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
    Valued Member

    Jan 22, 2011
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    Hmmm, wonder how much that's gonna set players back… perhaps a "users must first purchase all available nDreams virtual items" requirement before we're allowed to access the feature?

    [SUB]Sorry, folks, I forgot that I'm just supposed to shut up instead. [/SUB]:surrender:[SUB] I must remember that the accepted mantra now is to "accept[/SUB]
    [SUP]any overpriced merchandise or schemes 'just because'." (Yeah, yeah… I know, I'm just a cranky jaded old bastard now… [/SUP][SUB]:wheelchair: [/SUB][SUP])[/SUP]

    Oh, and just in case there's any question, this has nothing to do with you whatsoever Sam… I was simply pondering over that tweet announcement. And yeah, I really do hope it's truly something awesome also.

    I do have a legitimate Aurora question for anyone still reading:

    Anybody know exactly how many points the legendary Neon Orbs are worth? 75… 100… more?

    I'm assuming the Neons are worth 100 pts (double the Golds), but I've been unable to find any confirmation of this anywhere (and it's unlikely I'll find out for myself, unless the Neon Goggles show up as an eventual level-up reward).

    Many thanks in advance to anyone who has the answer… my curiosity & I appreciate it!

  17. sam_reynolds01

    sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
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    Yep, I definitely hope it not another purchasing scheme.

    The neon orbs are worth 75 points.
  18. Baron_Brain

    Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
    Valued Member

    Jan 22, 2011
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    Thanks Sam!
    … and thus another fantastic
    Mystery of the Universe is solved within these hallowed pages!

    So it's really just a mere 75 pts? Gipped again! :censored: hee hee…

    OK, so it's not that big a surprise…

    While my brain insisted that
    Neon would be just another 25 pt upgrade over Gold,
    my conscience was really holding out for a doubling of points as the "rare orbs" progressed.
    I figure anyone who bought "Neon Goggles" deserves those extra points.

    Well, time to get back to my snail tour of Aurora, as I creep onwards towards Level 16 …

    Thanks again for the info!
  19. VitalogyPJ

    VitalogyPJ Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    I seriously don't get how people reach 1800+ in Orb Runner :\ I only passed 1700 twice since thevery start and one of them times was today 1725. Other than that I struggle everytime to get past 1600 and my usual score is around 1400-1500, and like I said I do need to try and try and keep trying to get a 1600+ even if it's 1605.

    Anyway, give us 1.2 already nDreams :p and by the way where's the fisherman that left he's gear behind in Aurora? XD
  20. sam_reynolds01

    sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
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    Aurora dance floor
    Aurora space tips & rewards, sam_reynolds01, Jul 16, 2011, 12:31 PM,, jpg, PlayStation®Home Picture 16-7-2011 11-47-57.jpg
    "A sublime dance floor with an aurora twist"

    I am hoping nDreams will eventually update the personal space, I could do with a few extra islands worth of space. :D
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