Thought it would be cool to see your merchandise of your fave games. Here is the TR stuff I currently have at my bfs. (I have loads more but its at other relatives houses) hmm I posted a few images but only 3 are coming up :s those 3 are: playmates yeti figure, french movie photocard collection, foil cover comics.
The facehugger that came with AVP ....some spidey(3) posters .....I don't think I've got any merch' thats based on something that started as a game.
I would love to get some more game merchandise, but I haven't got the space for it I have a few items on show atm tho.
cool! I am new to pic posting so sorry if my pix messed up... The rest of the collection at my bfs should all be posted in direct links now. I also have Tekken 3 figures (Anna, Nina, Yoshimitsu, Xiaoyu, and others) here are some
HEIHATCHI!! Yeah, here's some pic's of my facehugger ...I don't know how to make them show bigger, they keep snaping back to this size.
I've got some FF8 action figures (the 6 mains + Seifer and Laguna), stuff from the LBP2CE and IF2HE, Mario Chess and Uno, a Mario Party puzzle, a full set of Nintendo Lapel Pins (and I'm getting this years platinum reward), both incarnations of the Resident Evil Deck Building Game, a couple Sonic action figures, mandatory pokemon stuff from my childhood, and a miniature replica of the Master Sword + Hylian Shield.
awesome! my bf has a ton of pokemon cards from when he was a kid..all mine vanished...I am pokemad xD