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Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Beta details

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Shaundi, Jun 25, 2011.

  1. Shaundi

    Shaundi Third Street Saints
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    Jan 16, 2011
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    Uncharted 3 Multiplayer BETA Details!
    With the Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Beta right around the corner, I’m sure you all want to know exactly what we’re putting into the Beta and what you can expect over the two weeks it is active. A few weeks ago, just before E3, IGN posted a thorough first sneak peek at the details of our upcoming Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Beta.

    Now, we can give you the FULL rundown of the Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Beta for things that weren’t necessarily covered in the IGN reveal. We put together a handy little FAQ below with ALL the details.
    When can I start playing?
    Tuesday, June 28, for all Infamous 2 and current PlayStation Plus members, who all get early access to the Beta.

    If you’re not an owner of Infamous 2 or a current PlayStation Plus member, we’re opening the floodgates to the Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Beta for EVERYONE on Monday, July 4.
    What time EXACTLY can I start playing?
    We don’t have an exact time for when the Beta will be available for download from the PSN Stores – keep an eye out on the Naughty Dog Twitter and we’ll update as soon as we know it’s gone live.

    Is the Beta available in my region/country?
    The Beta will be available in all current PSN Store regions, including Korea – except in Japan and the remaining SCE Asia stores.

    When does the Beta end?
    The Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Beta will end on Wednesday, July 13.

    What gametypes and maps are available?
    Throughout the three weeks of the Beta, we’ll be rotating through a variety competitive and co-op gametypes, along with access to three different maps.
    June 28
    July 4
    Gametypes:Team Deathmatch, Plunder, Three Team Deathmatch, Co-op Arena
    Maps:Airstrip, Chateau

    June 4
    July 8
    Gametypes:Team Deathmatch, Free For All, Team Objective, Co-op Hunter
    Maps:Airstrip, Chateau

    June 9
    July 13
    Gametypes:Team Deathmatch, Three Team Deathmatch, Co-op Adventure
    Maps:Airstrip, Yemen

    Can you tell me more about a specific gametype or map?
    They say a picture is worth a thousand words right? So a video is worth at least 24,000 words per second multiplied by… or something.
    Check out the video below for looks at most, but not all, of the Gametypes, Maps, and options you can experience in the Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Beta.

    UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer reveal trailer

    Co-op Hunter gameplay - Airstrip map

    Co-op Adventure gameplay - Syria map

    Chateau multiplayer map flythrough

    Airstrip multiplayer map flythrough

    Can you tell me about all the Boosters, Medal Kickbacks, Weapon Mods and Customization options I can expect?
    Check out the IGN Uncharted 3 Beta Blowout article for more info.

    What about Power Plays? What weapons will I have? What characters can I choose to play with?
    Again, check out the IGN Uncharted 3 Beta Blowout article for more info.

    Can I play in Stereoscopic 3D and/or use split-screen?
    YES! Yes, you can. But not at the same time.

    Can I see my Facebook Friends list?
    Yes, all of your Facebook Friends that have linked their Facebook account via their PS3 will appear on the Facebook Friends list in our multiplayer menu - they don't even have to also be your PSN friend! Feel free to send them an invite to play the Uncharted 3 Beta!

    Can I upload videos and photos to Facebook or YouTube?
    No, that functionality is not available during the Beta.

    Will my Beta progress or unlocks carry over to the final game?
    No, what happens in the Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Beta stays in the Beta, however we’ve lined up some killer rewards for the retail version of Uncharted 3 if you keep playing in the Beta:

    • Download the Uncharted 3 Beta and receive the exclusive UNCHARTED 3 PSN Beta Tester Avatar!
    • Complete 10 matches in every Gametype of Competitive Multiplayer and receive the Exclusive Beta Decal Pack 1!
    • Complete 5 matches in every Gametype of Co-operative Multiplayer and receive the Exclusive Beta Decal Pack 2!
    • Complete 4 Treasure Sets and receive the Treasure Hunter's Starter Pack!
    • Rank up to level 25 in the Beta and receive a handsome reward of in-game cash on day one!
    Is there a level cap in the Beta?
    Yes, it’s currently set to level 25.

    Can I check my Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Beta stats on
    Stay tuned – we’ve got some cool things in store for real soon.

    I like/hate something in the Beta OR I think I found a bug – where do I tell you about this?
    Let us know on the Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Beta forum in the Community Forums.

    We can’t stress this enough – please, please, PLEASE post in the Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Beta forum with your thoughts, complaints and suggestions! Your forum feedback was critical in finalizing the Uncharted 2 multiplayer modes between Beta and the final retail version. We absolutely want your feedback this time around as well. You will help us make a better multiplayer game.
    DEFINITELY see you online!
  2. Shaundi

    Shaundi Third Street Saints
    Valued Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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  3. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Thank you so much for the thread & info Rach, i totally forgotten about it. :)
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