Is everyone sick and tired about seeing something that is really cool, like a nice pair of clothing, a new space, but the annoying thing is you have to buy it for lets say 80p <like at the midway> but you don't have any psn cash. Would you hope for nearly everything for: 00.00 <free>, if so what would you like?
Why most would like everything to be free on Home, truth is the people that make them items have to be payed a nice wage so there needs to be a net profit from Home to pay the workers and the server costs. I personally think we get a nice fair share of free items be it items from the stores or reward items from within Home of via games.
I think it'd be good for PSN+ users if every month you get a few items of your choice for free, yeah? Like 2 tops. 2 pants. a pair of shades. etc.
i dont mind paying 4 my stuff as home is great and alot of work goes into it and that doesnt come cheap , there are alot of free items and i think we have the most out of all the regions , there always give aways to , be nice to have a sale now and again or a buy one get one free offer ( think usa had it not long ago with the wizards apartment ) , the home starter pack looked like a good deal 2
I think hair styles should be free. Everything else should have a price but some stuff is crazy expensive and needs to come down in price.
I really don't mind all But i do have to question some of the pricing... some things are just too expensive and in my opinion that causes two problems 1) It puts people of Home 2) It (surely) has to reduce the sales potential of items... take "Outfits" just since thursday's update I've heard so many of my friends or randoms say they *won't* buy the Star Wars outfits because they are too expensive.... £2.39 in the UK i believe is a little much (although i bought one) but in some places it's lots more, in Australia it's $5 (which could buy you a whole wombat!)
I think Home should have its own loyalty card. Upon certain thresholds you can choose from free items only available once you spend over a certain amount. eg £5 free clothing item, £15 free full costume, £20 free personal space. An exclusive loyalty shop which rewards spending with a choice of free items.