Ok, so it's only like maybe 10 Japan related items in PS Home and out those 10 there's not a single Japanese style bed. I think there should be at least one, with maybe different color options. I mean every other space kind of has it's own bed. (Just Saying)
a futon would be nice hey in eu the only beds i know of are thai style and ghostbusters we have no good beds either
Yeah, I like to get a decent bed item. Don't know why they haven't released any except the ghostbusters one.
In Eu we also have two Monkey Island beds (one of which is good) and the bed from the Paris Apartment collection. The Paris bed is perhaps our best in my opinion.
back on the Japanese items topic... I love the matcha and dango (or was is mochi?) on the japanese home...I would love to have more Japanese stuff for my apartment in Eu but I don't think it'll happen...also a bit random butI wonder why Eu never got the curry from the van in irem square like in Japan/Asia (don't remember) and why we never got the fish scooping game and why the shooting range items didn't change daily....