Anime Style Space...Currently in PSHome I took a look at the "anime" space tour and saw that it was not anime anime, but more of a sci-fi anime, such as "Armitage". I think whoever created it did a good job, in fact a great job, it's very futuristic and for a true Armitage, Outlaw Star, Cowboy Beebop and Ghost In The Shell fan, would be paradise, but not all anime fan's would accept the space as anime. The truth is most anime are modern type anime (with most taking place in classrooms), with the exception of a few. I was thinking about buying the anime sapce myself, but after seeing how it actually looked, I changed my mind. I was thinking it would be more anime anime oriented, by anime anime I mean, 2D-ish, which is more what a true anime is. Although I will say that the current anime space does have cel-shading in it, which is used in most anime related video games, so that's a plus. A true anime space should contain all the elements that are seen in a anime. note the environment here, this is an anime anime one! the more modern anime setting (school, I actual think this as an anime public space, would be pretty cool to see) also note that a key component in almost every anime, is a cherry blossom tree! as seen here. this is more an anime style apartment than what is currently offered as one (a more modern one) truthfully, there should be three anime personal spaces (Feudal, present/modern, and the current one which is futuristic) well, I'll just say present/modern because technically the Japanese style apartment is feudal, which it's actually not an apartment as much as it is a" Dojo" in the anime sense (great job to whoever created it) again my apologies as to post this as a single topic, when there is a thread for space suggestions (I'll say that this is a space improvement), but I felt that the developers of home should note this because anime has a big following (myself included), which I'm sure your well aware of and they take anime very seriously, especially in terms of being able to interact with it.
very true yoko that it is not a true anime anime space but it is still nice. and it is a good space to set up all the predator vs alien items you have or other sifi type things you have bought in home . also on the bottom platform in the space is a good spot to set up a dance floor which is so hard to do in most spaces lol. but like everything else if you like it you will buy it and if you don't you won't buy it
The Toro Apartment does justice for me as an anime anime space. Not to mention the addition of having a kotatsu is icing on the cake for me.
I agree, when my boyfriend and I saw it we thought it was more scifi than anime... I love the school pic you posted, that would be a super kawaii apartment! (Talking of Sakura trees...I bought the animated one when it came out (as I am a Japanoholic n_n) still quite sad it doesn't fit in the garden of the japanese would look lovely)
Yeah that school pic is actually from an anime called "Tenjho Tenge" (see, I don't even think US Home had a Sakura tree, which is something that would definitely make the Japanese space look even more authentic), it actually does kind of remind me of an Japanese style apartment. I really think it could work as a public anime space, due to the fact that different classes could be used to get information on current and upcoming anime. The school itself would be an excellent network for anime fans to gather and share anime related information as well, which is something I would really like to see.
I too agree. I look at it as sci-fi anime, but at the same time with the background (buildings, flying hovercars, etc), I could see it as Home's version of Coruscant from the Star Wars Universe. weird huh? :bigsmile: