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Gaming News that doesn't need a thread

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by VampireWicked, Apr 20, 2011.

  1. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer Comprised of Original Co-Op Missions - Report

    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364Rumored details on Mass Effect's new multiplayer mode.A rumor last year suggested a multiplayer-focused Mass Effect game was in development before a separate report said that Mass Effect 3 would include a multiplayer component. The possibility remains unconfirmed by BioWare, but two new reports today reaffirm that multiplayer is coming in ME3. Eurogamer reports a four-player, online co-op mode is included. It's a "standalone" component and has "competitive elements." The story refers to the possibility of something similar to Gears of War's Horde mode or Halo's Firefight as a possibility. Both of those examples see players working together to fight off increasingly difficult waves of AI-controlled enemies.
  2. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    LA Noire Rockstar Pass savings promotion extended

    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364 Originally scheduled to end this week, Rockstar Games has pushed the kill date of the price drop on the Rockstar Pass for LA Noireuntil next week.More specifically, the Rockstar Pass will be offered on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network for $10 until June 21. After that, it?ll get more expensive.What?ll the almighty Pass get you? Forking over $10 gets you access to all the retailer-specific downloadable content, as well as all forthcoming DLC for the detective action game.
  3. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Ubisoft want console price cut and next-gen to arrive soon

    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364 Ubisoft CEO*Yves Guillemot has cited ?declining? sales in the UK games market as a reason for both Sony and Microsoft to cut the prices of their consoles this year.Speaking to the boss said:*?The UK is declining quite fast.*It?s declining, if we don?t take into account the digital revenue.?And he is confident; ?This year they will continue to drop the price,? he added, saying that both*companies*will feel the ?pressure? of the Wii?s own price drop.
  4. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Ex-Call of Duty devs take Activision case to trial

    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364 Jason West and Vince Zampella have won ground in their ongoing legal battle with Activision this week. A Los Angeles Superior Court judge supported claims that the publisher defrauded the ex-Infinity Ward developers by firing them before royalty payments were due. As such, the case will now go before a trial. The filing for the lawsuit was first made over a year ago.The now-famous clash between the IW founders and parent Activision took place in early 2010, with the publisher firing the two on grounds of insubordination. Much has happened in the time that followed; West and Zampella have set up Respawn Entertainment and are working with EA on their first project while Infinity Ward moved on to make Modern Warfare 3. But this legal battle is only just about to get underway.
  5. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Mortal Kombat Season Pass cuts price on DLC characters

    There are four downloadable fighters on the way to Mortal Kombatthis summer, each at the price of 400 MS points. However with the newly announced, 360 exclusive Mortal Kombat Season Pass, fans can shave the price of one of those characters off.For 1200 MS points the pass allows access to each of the four characters as they become available on Xbox Live, meaning you save 400 points from the 1600 required to buy the characters*separately. It will go on sale on June 21, the same day that first DLC character Skarlet arrives. *Kenshi, Rain and an unannounced new entrant will follow in the coming weeks and months.
  6. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Duke Nukem Forever DESERVES better review scores

    Maxconsole receive Duke Nukem Forever a while ago, and we've been playing it in isolation for a while. And the bottom line is Duke Nukem Forever DESERVES a better Metacritic rating than 49%. It appears as if some gaming media are unfairly targeting the game and getting a sick pleasure from doing so. The fired PR guy was right, there is nothing wrong with bad reviews, but venom filled reviews are another story - "DNF is the guy who gets plastered, runs around naked with a lampshade on his head and doesn't understand that everyone is laughing at him, not with him. " - 0% from 1UP (And you are not funny by the way).
  7. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    FemShep finally being recognized in Mass Effect 3 promotional materials

    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364 FemShep is finally breaking through her workplace?s male-dominated hierarchy, participating for the first time in Mass Effect?s history in the promotional campaign.?There will be a FemShep trailer [for Mass Effect 3],? BioWare?s Director of Marketing David Silverman has confirmed via Twitter. ?We actually had a meeting on her yesterday. We are working on the look now.? The voice, of course, is all Jennifer Hale. Mark Meer?s ManShep is no slouch, but it?s no secret that a majority of Mass Effectplayers prefer to chart the stars as a woman, due in no small part to Hale?s amazing performance.
  8. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Eyes and Hands-on / Batman: Arkham City

    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364 Batman: Arkham Asylumhad an odd effect on me. I played it a little late, and so had a lot of hype built around it. And while I agreed with everyone that it was a good game, I didn?t really get the huge positive reaction out of it that everyone else did. But something happened over time, and whenever I look back on playing it, I have a pretty huge positive reaction. It?s a really good game, and it meshes together a lot of play mechanics extremely well. So basically, hindsight has made me hyped for its sequel, Arkham City. What we?re being promised is, essentially, what a lot of us wished for and more.
  9. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Former Infinity Ward Heads' Activision Lawsuit Likely Headed to Trial

    A judge finds Jason West and Vince Zampella have "sufficient claims against Activision.After being fired from their positions at Call of Duty developer Infinity Ward early last year, Jason West and Vince Zampella filed a lawsuit against Activision for wrongful termination. They were allegedly let go for insubordination, among other things, but the two claim Activision was scheduled to pay them "substantial" royalties shortly after they were fired. Activision has its own lawsuit that describes the duo as "self-serving schemers who attempted to hijack Activision's assets for their own personal gain." EA was later added to Activision's complaint, calling the rival publisher a "co-conspirator."
  10. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    New PS3 model detailed, has PS2 backwards compatibility?

    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364 Sony Japan has announced and detailed a new model of PS3 hardware that will go on sale this month.The company?s official site shows off a*CECH-3000B model. Don?t expect any Slim-like revisions; this new kit lowers power consumption to 200 watts as well as cutting the weight down to 2.6 kg, complete with a 320GB*hard drive. A*DualShock 3, power cable, AV cable and USB cable are included, with the console retailing at*¥34,980.It?s most interesting feature though? The possible return of PS2 backwards compatibility. Tqcast has spotted part of the system specs that suggest PS2 games are finally back. It reads: ?This product, ?PlayStation 2? are having a compatibility with proprietary software?. Could we finally play Oni on our PS3s once more?
  11. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Here's What Playable Robin Looks Like in Arkham City

    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364Provided they play through the entire game, everyone will have the chance to play as both Batman and Catwoman in Batman: Arkham City. The same can't be said for Robin, however; he was previously listed as a pre-order bonus for the game at Best Buy, and in case you thought it was a mistake, the retailer's website has now posted an image and some brief details on what players will be able to do as the exclusive character.
  12. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    PlayStation 4 Won't be Rushed to Market by Wii U

    Wii U doesn't make Sony think, "Oh, we'd better get working on rolling out a new PlayStation here pretty soon."'s unclear exactly where the Wii U should be placed in terms of it being "next generation." Is it just catching up and/or somewhat exceeding the power of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3? Or is it the beginning of the next generation of systems because, by the time it hits the market, it will have been five to six years since the last batch of consoles hit? No matter what the case is, Sony says it doesn't affect plans it has for itsnext gen system, the PlayStation 4.
  13. Art_of_Ronin

    Art_of_Ronin Active Member

    Feb 17, 2011
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    Cool for the Robin exclusive Best Buy pre-order update. I thought the character design would be gay and geeky, but actually this Robin looks quite bad ass. Still debating whether or not I will pre-order it from Best Buy just to get Robin which comes with two exclusive Challenge Map. Decision, decision... :eek:
  14. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    The Village of the Banned: The Worst Excuses From Xbox Live's Banished

    It's an interesting read.One of my favorite ways to pass the time is to revel in the deserved misery of others. This type of behavior on my part isn't exactly the sort of thing I'd want to pass on to my children, but watching the universe dole out rich, creamy ladles of karmic retribution is really quite satisfying. If you've ever used Xbox Live, and I'm sure many of you have, you've undoubtedly encountered some of the worst humanity has to offer. In fact, if Obi-Wan Kenobi had a Gold Membership, he would declare XBL a wretched hive of scum and villainy... and homophobia, grifterism, cheating, and racism. Really, this is nothing you don't already know., grifterism, cheating, and racism This all happens on PS3 as well, if you don't think so try playing TDU2 online, you'll get an ear full.
  15. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364 I think going with Best-Buy Art_of_Ronin, i mean you'll get Robin the two exclusive Challenge Maps right then & there & you won't have to wait till Robin is available in DLC later, I'm getting Arkham City for CatWoman lol, purrrr.
  16. Art_of_Ronin

    Art_of_Ronin Active Member

    Feb 17, 2011
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    Yeah, decision decision. For sure the Catwoman as first playable female feline bad ass and Robin finally reveal and looks good..Grrr..I might wait until later as Robin with his two challenge maps bundle DLC on PSN Store for sale? I do wonder if Robin has his own story to tell in the game like Catwoman intertwine with Batman. I have never liked Robin, but this version of Robin in the gritty Rocksteady Arkham City has got me intrigued...
  17. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Gaming News that doesn't need a thread, Apr 20, 2011, 10:51 PM,, 2364 Maybe they'll make a game all his own where he becomes NightWing & maybe a DeadPool game.
  18. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Try Games for Yourself Right on Wal-Mart's Website

    Gaikai to stream games right to your browser through Wal-Mart's Gamecenter website.Wal-Mart's website now allows visitors to try games out for themselves right in their browser. The functionality is powered by game streaming company Gaikai, which launched earlier this year with a slate of Electronic Arts games available to be streamed. At the time, CEO David Perry boasted about the service, saying, "Nobody else in the world has achieved this kind of streaming performance directly into browsers, it's technically the most advanced interactive advertising unit in existence." He offered the apt description of saying it's trying to be like YouTube for games.
  19. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    they can turn on PS2 compatiblity in all our ps3's overnight if they wanted too.It's not hard for modern computers to emulate that old of a chipset. It just takes a firmware upgrade.

    They just don't want to kill the PS2 console yet.
  20. VampireWicked

    VampireWicked No Cry Baby Cockroaches

    Nov 14, 2010
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    Star Wars: The Old Republic in September ? retail

    [video=youtube;8NE5elL30w4][/video] [video=youtube;-is63goeBgc][/video] EA and BioWare?s long-awaited Star Wars: The Old Republic is heading for a September launch, ShopTo appears confident.The UK retailer has pinned the MMO for a September 9th release on its website.EA or BioWare themselves have never given a specific date or narrow launch window; even a slip to next year hasn?t been completely ruled out, though a second-half 2011 release ismore likely, according to EA higher-ups.?Although we fully anticipate launching Star Wars: The Old Republic[between July and December], the low end of our guidance range assumes the outside possibility of a January [quarter] launch,? CFO Eric Brown said in May
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