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You Received A New Item..... Bug

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by A_Mc_Beer, May 24, 2011.

  1. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    You mean about the mini-game in EU's Home Square? Yes, I just edited it on my EU post from before already, Faga. I got them all. Thanks. ;)
  2. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    OMG Chad. :furious: This just sucks....Dan yesterday with EU acct and now you. This bug is downright nasty--and its spreading rapidly now it seems. I have to tell you, there seem to be different variations of this bug or something because the fix that I used did not work for Dan and there were others that I tried along the way that people said worked for them but didnt for me. Its just so hard to say with this thing...I wouldnt want to tell you for sure that you will receive that level 15 reward with the fix that worked for me. Dont know what else to say...its just such a cruel irony that I got mine fixed and then Dan and you go down the next day. Hang in there--let me know what happens if you try that "fix".

    Also, Trillian got through it too, but her freeze started in NA CP and her "fix" was a little different than mine...maybe she could send you the specifics on what she did too.

    :beta: UGH!!!!!
  3. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    My US account just got infected when I got one of the Midway reward. The erasing of the game data does make me get into home, but when I try to earn another reward it goes back to freezing. Are people able to get new rewards after the freezing incident?
  4. v_Trillian_v

    v_Trillian_v Fun Lover

    Feb 1, 2011
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    (Note: I would recommend trying Hopper's method first and foremost. His doesn't rely on gifting and that's a plus)

    Having had this happen to myself and also personally knowing what it's like to be unable to use an account for some 38 days, I can relate.
    Earlier today this :censored: freeze bug infected two of my friends, GT and Kouki. Slowly but surely this bug seems to be happening to others. While my new item reward freeze happened upon being rewarded (yay not) a SOCOM tee at NA Home's Central Plaza, theirs occurred at the EU Sega Baseline Battle game. It's difficult to say whether my method will help in another region.

    It seems to come down to just a few things, and maybe there's no essential difference in my method and the order in which I did things than most others, but I do know it worked for me and to whatever extent Hopper was following my steps, it worked for him too.

    I sincerely hope this works for you:

    1) Back up the Settings and Script Files in the Saved Data Utility folder. Back up the Home icon in the Game Data Utility.

    2) Note whether there are more than one of any of those three files. If there is, make sure to copy for backup the most recently dated one and delete all of them (maybe back up the older ones too if you wish).

    3) If possible, have a gift waiting for you somewhere other than Harbor Studio, a personal space where the Lockwood Gifting machine is out. Deleting the following files means Harbor should be without the Lockwood machine. If for whatever reason that is not possible, that you're unable to receive a Lockwood Gift, it will just have to be skipped. Perhaps you've got all the Lockwood gifts already, or the cheap ones have been given and you'd rather not have gifted something spendier than 16 creds. Maybe this step isn't critical. Just have to try without then. It's how mine went and so I suggest it.

    4) Delete the Settings file in the Saved Data Utility. Delete the Home icon in the Game Data Utility. Delete the Script Files in the Saved Data Utility. (i know, i know, the order of deleting can't make a difference, but that's my order)

    5) Do at least the first one or two steps of the tutorial. (that's all i did, two maybe, i panned up and then hit X or something on the balcony, maybe did a 3rd step in the tutorial process)

    6) Goto wherever the Lockwood Gifting machine is and receive that awesome 16 cred "present" you can't even open. Jump for joy if you receive this gift ok, because it's now likely you're good and will be able to receive other rewards.

    7) Start testing out things, get a reward somewhere if possible. Goto Aurora and see that your level is still showing.

    8) If after some point you feel things are normal again, consider copying back your Script Files folder so you don't have an incomplete LocoRoco Island or whatever else.

    Sure hope it works for some others. It's so exasperating.
  5. v_Trillian_v

    v_Trillian_v Fun Lover

    Feb 1, 2011
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    I was able to get new rewards after fixing this new item reward freeze bug. So there is some hope sometimes.
  6. KCChad

    KCChad Trophy Junkie

    Dec 31, 2010
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    I tried out Hopper's method of fix and was able to get back into Home. Haven't tried earning any other rewards but I had no freeze issues in any spaces, including Home Square where I had won the Baseline Battle Robot that froze Home over.

    What I wanna know is, can I try earning that same reward and not have any more issues? I was a bit disappointed to have spent hours on that game only to come to freeze up and lose that reward :/
  7. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Is there a reward from any personal space that you can think of that you dont have yet Chad? I would maybe try that first before you go back through that game again to get to level 15. Or do what Trill suggested with the Lockwood gift....or do you already have all of those? I think the hardest part for you might be finding a reward that you dont already have! lol Did you get the t-shirt from the Novus Prime personal space training mission? Dan told me about that one and the 3 Tron ones--I never knew about any of those!
  8. KCChad

    KCChad Trophy Junkie

    Dec 31, 2010
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    Only thing I can think of would be something from the Lockwood gift machine. I believe I have the training mission tee....not sure about Tron though. To be completely honest I think I have everything up to date from personal spaces....:p
  9. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    ok. Part of the reason why I suggested that too was I got a reward (Tron t-shirt), after doing what you have already done to get back into Home, BEFORE I went back to Aurora so it seemed like getting that one first cleared the one that was freezing me. Its just so hard to say what will work and what wont anymore, but if you do try the Lockwood gift take a look at what Trill posted about it, because I tried that at one point and had the machine in the space that I entered and froze getting that too. Its just such a shame that we are left to ourselves to find work-arounds because they cant seem to get it fixed in a timely manner. They sure have time to publish new content though.....grrrrrrrr
  10. Diamond_Dust

    Diamond_Dust ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞ Innocent ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞

    Dec 23, 2010
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    I tried Hopper's method a few pages back and to my surprise it worked :p I also got a few new rewards (from IREM, and one I missed in the RE5 lot) and I was also able to load up into Aurora without problems and get my level 10 shirt as well (yes, I'm an itty level 10 :()
  11. KCChad

    KCChad Trophy Junkie

    Dec 31, 2010
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    I think I beat this stupid rewards bug thanks to you guys....I deleted and backup-ed my files, then went and got some Tron tees (Guess I got lucky never getting those :D) Then went back to that tennis game and hit level 15. I probably won't make it past that :p....
  12. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Well, I just bought a Dragon's Lair II game already, and as you know -it comes with an arcade cabinet for your personal space. So, if I use this trick, won't I get it back? Hopper, I'm going to need your method again, it looks like. :(
  13. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    What I did is posted on pg 2 of this thread Recca--not sure about rewards from disc-based games though. Its just trial and error for each user with this nasty bug it seems. I'm just anxious to get it behind us with the official fix for everyone!
  14. Pendrake

    Pendrake Active Member

    May 27, 2011
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    I couldn't resist going in to Home, despite my reward freeze fears. Completed the WKC quiz, it froze me. Deleted Game Utility Data, got back in, no reward. The quiz was available to play again, which was nice as I thought my chance to win may have been gone, but I won again and froze again. :(

    This really is annoying. Sure, there are solutions involving going to other people's Tron apartment and whatever but that all sounds very eleborate and I can't be sure that I know anybody with the apartment. I wouldn't mind so much if we could just wait till the fix on the 30th, but these are limited time spaces and rewards, so I may miss out completely. I REALLY hate this bug and have no idea how or if I can win this costume, let alone try the tennis.

    Most annoyed. :(
  15. Iced-Tea-Bagger

    Iced-Tea-Bagger Active Member

    Apr 21, 2011
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    i already have the tron shirts so i guess i'm screwed until sony fixes it
  16. KCChad

    KCChad Trophy Junkie

    Dec 31, 2010
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    Anything else that's easy that you can earn? I don't think it has to be the Tron tees in particular, for me those worked only because I didn't have them on my EU account where I had gotten the bug myself.
  17. Iced-Tea-Bagger

    Iced-Tea-Bagger Active Member

    Apr 21, 2011
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    ok, i tried it going into my garage but it froze up again in 1 second, i might try it again with something easy but i cant think of any shirts i don't have. i'll only try it again when it gets closer to E3. people are reporting this all over the official site, most are mad that they are gunna miss E3 its like the downtime all over gain there.
  18. Pendrake

    Pendrake Active Member

    May 27, 2011
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  19. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    Tweet from NDreamers

  20. Pendrake

    Pendrake Active Member

    May 27, 2011
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    I just tried the following without success:

    Deleted Game Utility Data file
    Saved and deleted Home settings, Character settings, script settings and Harbour apartment
    Deleted and reinstalled Home (12GB)
    Completed tutorial
    Went to WKC to earn reward
    Reward freeze

    That's pretty much the method from page 2 except I didn't use a Tron apartment. Now, I do own a Tron apartment but I already have the rewards from there. So, I'm still stuck without rewards and E3 draws nearer. :(
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