1) What is it you did on your PS after the PSN was hacked and shut down. 2) After the first phase of brining it back? 3) Plans for when the network is fully functional. 1) Shutdown: Randomly played games but was mostly bored. 2) 1st Phase: Lots of PS Home LVLing up Conspiracy, Novus, Sodium, and Aurora 3) After its back: Buying the new Sodium space and browsing PlayStation + features
1. Went thru the stages of grief settling on the line of "no psn and no online friends make Zero something-something" YouTube - The Simpsons - No Tv and No Beer‏ 2. Stayed on home for 24 hours, then got booted during the 24th hour from home. grrr. 3. Will shop til i drop.
1.Got more work done in terms of 3D models and film work as well as getting a plethora of trophies. Platinum Marvel vs. Capcom 3. 2.Harvest some more pickories, level up in Auroa, and just exploring what Home had to offer a bit. Did it moreso to sync trophies and play games online. 3. Finally buying that Escalation DLC for COD, been waiting on that forever. Also buy Arcana Hearts 3, wish I did it prior to the shut down, use my voucher code, and enjoy the free games that's going to be offered.
Hey teriyaki, care to place up a picture of your models? I would love to see them. When PSN went down I had just started a new class of building 3d characters. Been very busy ever since. Since PSN came back up I've still been busy. I pop in for daily Aurora points and Nova points. And also daily Free Realm points. But don't have much time to be in Home. My visits tend to be just to talk to a friend, but then I can't stay in long cause of my workload. I've bought a few games, but haven't had time to play them. I'm interested to see what freebies I can download. Should be a nice haul of new items and downloads.
1) Platinumed the Tomb Raider Collection and platinumed the Sly Cooper Collection 2) Portal 2, Nightly Aurora space exp, Egg game exp, Hudson Gate, and working towards platinuming Free Realms 3) Platinuming Free Realms, playing welcome back free games, Playstation Plus, and finding out what the 100 Free Home items are
1) What is it you did on your PS after the PSN was hacked and shut down. 2) After the first phase of brining it back? 3) Plans for when the network is fully functional. 1: Played games and flipped through channels. Hung out with the friends I could on Facebook and MSN chat. I would have gone nuts with out that contact. Part of playing games involved Platting infamous and starting up on finishing another game. 2: Kept playing games lol. I had kind of gotten used to not having psn, so the first week i barely touched home. Plus I was feeling pretty anit-social. I used a lot of the time to Plat Just Cause 2. 3: Not that sure. Gonna see what demos are available, find out what the 100 home items are and possibly decorate with them lol. I'd have to think more about this.
1) Went through some of these stages when it all went down: Confusion. Revelation. Revulsion. Anger. Sadness. Hopeful. Impatient. Angry again. Worried. Hopeful. 2) Happier. 3) Happiest (even if just 3 of 4 regional accounts are returned). After seeing how quickly it can all go poof, I might be a bit tighter with the money I spend. I realize one day this mirage will end, but not like that I hope.
Well for the first two weeks I played the New Mortal Kombat game... After Two Weeks i got in a bad mood that PSN was still down and i could not use any redeem codes i had... So i haven't played it since then! So PSN wrecked my mood from playing any more games for now... And with the Store still offline i'm still in no mood to play any games at this point. Thanks u SONY for wrecking it so i don't feel like playing my games... Due to ur PSN crap! Nuff Said!
1. I Played My Single Player Games, Platinum'd Heavy Rain And Uncharted Drakes Fortune As Well As Burnout Paradise. Fixing My Profile On YPSH And Photoshopping Stuff .. Lol .. I Was Pretty Occupied With College And Doing Stuff Around YPSH And On My Computer 2. I Actually Didnt Step Foot In Home Until 2 Weeks Later, I Went Straight For Uncharted 2 Online .. LoL .. I Got So Used To Playing Tomb Raider That I Lost The Ability To Regain My Controls In UC2. Hee Hee. 3. Play Some More Games, Shopping In NA Home And Maybe EU Home :3
I so wish I had that game. I own it but I let some one borrow it. Now there deployed and I am waiting for his girl to give it back to me.
1) I played Soldner X 2 Final Prototype and got all trophies of the main game plus some of the DLC one, Got 95% on Sonic 2, excluding the online trophy and got a platinum trophy on Bionic Commando. 2) I got platinum on CSI Fatal Conspiracy and Dark Void and started playing Prince of Persia Warrior Within, finishing it on hard, also I wetn back to PS Home, got level 20 at novus prime and i am goingo to aurora to get my daily points everyday. 3) Get my 2 new games, see what 100 home itens will be available for free, take a daily look on PS Store to see all the updates that were lost from april 26 until now, download everything that will be free for playstation plus subscribers and see every new game available to see which ones i'll put on my list to buy.
I only used my PS3 for Netflix during the downtime. It was kinda depressing not to be able to talk to people on my friends list when the PS3 was on. While bored and looking for a game to keep me occupied I discovered Star Trek Online. For me it's a much, better better MMO experience than DCUO. Granted its 2 years old and had alot of development time and added content, but SOE could learn alot from Cryptic. Seems like after 2 years it has more folks playing than DCUO does after 6 months.
1. Tried to log in multiple times until I learned of what happened, then proceeded to start acing levels in both Little Big Planet games as well as practicing the creator tools 2. Played some of my favorite LBP2 online levels, made sure my Home items were where I left them, checked out some RDR rewards. 3. Pick up my free goodies, maybe get Pixeljunk Shooter and Zen Pinball, and possibly get the other mansion spaces.
1st, Lol at the fish finger custard on the edit reason lol. Wait, so you didn't buy a bunch of DC figures and use cardboard and paper to make your own DCUO. Lol. You know I'm joking. Star Trek online sounds cool. I may have to at least look it up.