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PlayStation Network Qriocity resuming service in some countries of Japan and Asia

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by faga4567, May 27, 2011.

  1. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Sony Japan | ƒjƒ…[ƒXƒŠƒŠ[ƒX | PlayStation®NetworkEQriocity™iƒLƒ…ƒŠƒIƒVƒeƒBj‚̈ꕔƒT[ƒrƒX “ú–{‚¨‚æ‚уAƒWƒA‚Ì‘E’nˆæ‚Å‚àÄŠJ

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    The information listed here is information on the release date.
    Because there may be different dates and information search Please note.
    May 27, 2011
    PlayStation ® Network · Qriocity ™ (Curiosity) resumed service in some countries of Japan and Asia
    Sony Corporation, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

    Sony Corporation and Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (the SCE) is, Sony Network Entertainment International (less SNEI), and Japan from May 28, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand's Qriocity ™ and PlayStation ® Network announced in stages to resume service. Also, PlayStation ® Network will introduce in the country along Qriocity or a program that supports the protection of your personal information for the views of your ™. 1 ※ customers in Japan and Asian countries We apologize for any worry, we deeply apologize to you for waiting and service resumed.

    Introduction of safety measures to protect your personal information

    Information as to when you start the service in some areas such as North America and Europe are SNEI, PlayStation ® Network and Services for the Qriocity ™, along with the security company specializing in information security technology and the introduction of more advanced systems invasion of additional software for monitoring and vulnerability, the introduction of warning systems to detect suspicious patterns of behavior from an early stage, enhanced encryption, including enhanced safety measures such as installing additional firewalls Detasekyuritishisutemu講Jimashita. Furthermore, in terms of structure, as part of measures to strengthen information security management, SNEI Chief Information Security Officer is provided to further strengthen information security across the whole network infrastructure, protect your personal information more highly We will continue to implement the measures.

    Gradual resumption of service on

    As of this time to restore service, customers Qriocity PlayStation ® Network will be available and some of the features provided by online ™. The service started in Japan and Asian countries include the following.

    PlayStation ® Network and Service sign-in and password change Qriocity ™
    "PlayStation 3" (PS3 ®) and PSP ® "PlayStation Portable" in online matches
    Friends list, chat functionality, such as trophies, "friend" feature in the category
    PlayStation ® Home
    torne ™ (Tornado) in networking and other services *
    (Incidentally, PlayStation ® Network For Video Content rental purchased at video delivery service of, PlayStation ® Network because it stopped from April 21 service, currently has expired, all for download Can. outages due to in regard to your viewers could not correctly can not be downloaded after purchasing the rental, SCE thank you to contact our customer support office.)

    * PlayStation ® Store and "Curiosity" and settlement services available with video on demand is not included.
    * Torne ™ is a service for Japan.

    Efforts to provide safety and security to customers

    4 PlayStation ® Network held Mon and the intrusion into Qriocity ™, for a range of information considered was taken illegally, the investigation team continues to research institutions, including the outside. As of today, evidence was taken from your credit card information is not reported. In addition, we have also confirmed that there was an abuse of the intrusion caused by this.

    Also a deep understanding of these situations, in Japan, as well as customer support office in the past, inquiries and resume service, a dedicated toll-free support and inquiries regarding personal information protection and exploitation of the SCE equipped with (Hours 09:00 ~ 19:00) 2 ※. If you would like information about a reissue of a credit card and, while you help us with credit card companies, when you experience the re-issue fee, the cost will be covered by the SCE. Note that for these measures may also be changed by the result of ongoing research.

    Furthermore, in addition to the above, for all our customers, inconvenience, and apologize Sorry for the worry, as you look forward to being grateful, after resuming full service "package of gratitude and apology" (see Attachment ) offers free of charge. For more information on these programs will be announced in Japan at the following site.

    “PlayStation Networkâ€éšœå®³ã«é–¢ã™ã‚‹æœ€æ–°æƒ…å*± | プレイステーション® オフィシャルサイト

    Programs in Asian countries, countries in the coming days, will guide the region.

    Hirai Kazuo ■ Vice President & CEO, Sony Corporation

    "On the possibility of leakage of personal information from unauthorized access, and the shutdown of long-term, Asian countries and customers in Japan, I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that has a lot to worry about .

    Received this matter, while a criminal investigation by authorities and prepare your investigators in the United States had established a data center, Mairi to build more robust systems around the clock service to be available to everyone at ease Mashita. In order to safely enjoy the best entertainment to everyone who has established a system of thorough will continue every effort to promote initiatives for improving security. "

    Daikanminkoku 1 ※, will guide you well is readied for resumption of services in Hong Kong.
    Service resumed after some hours 2 ※. The current opening hours (10:00 to 18:00) will continue to extend support to.

    And over

    ※ "Qriocity" is a trademark of Sony Corporation. Also, "PlayStation", "PlayStation", "PS3", "PSP" are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment.

    [Exhibit: Japanese customers, "thanks and apology package" - more

    [Game content]

    Before 21 April 2011 "PlayStation Network" was up for the customer to "PlayStation Store" in the following content ("PlayStation 3", "PSP" "PlayStation Portable" two titles each, a total of four titles ) offers.

    ▽ "PlayStation 3" format
    You can choose two titles from the following five titles.
    · The Last Guy
    - Come on LocoRoco!! BuuBuu Cocoreccho!
    - Echochrome - Overture -
    · WipEout HD
    - Hasurakingu

    ▽ "PSP" "PlayStation Portable" You can choose five titles from the title the following two formats.
    Iki - but despite being a hero or or2 PSP the Best
    Donchaka · ♪ Patapon 2 PSP the Best cleaner for everyone
    - LittleBigPlanet LocoRoco-Midnight Carnival-Portable

    - Regular update service;
    Before 21 April 2011 "PlayStation Network" offers the following content to your clients who are registered.
    - Flat-rate service package "PlayStation Plus"
    Existing customers: the right to offer free use of 30-day period was added to the service outage
    (We will automatically extend the procedure. The offer period will be announced later.)
    Non-customers who need: a day free subscription right 30 "PlayStation Store" Toro Station [Weekly] provide membership card Purachinya / P Purachinya existing customers membership card: Using a 30-day period was added to the service outage right to provide a free
    (We will automatically extend the procedure. The offer period will be announced later.)
    Non-customers who need: a day free subscription right 30 "PlayStation Store" provides

    [Video Content]
    All the "PlayStation Network" / "Qriocity" ※ For details provided free rental video content specific to everyone's user account at a later date, we will guide you.

    - "PlayStation Home";
    Before 21 April 2011 "PlayStation Network" was up for the customer to "PlayStation Store" offers the following content to the hotel.
    - A special personal space (own room) provides a free
    ※ For details finalized, "PlayStation Home" will be the official guide at the site.
  2. ZeroRyoko

    ZeroRyoko Bad Sailor Girl

    Jan 10, 2011
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    This is good, another step towards getting psn back up everywhere.
  3. BlackSide

    BlackSide Member

    Nov 30, 2010
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    Good news .. thx :)
  4. phunky~phenom

    phunky~phenom I Sing With An Accent

    Apr 21, 2011
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    Does this mean service will resume in some Asia countries and Japan starting from the 28th of May? I've just check HK's official PlayStation site. Still no update regarding this matter. Anyways, it's good that they finally mentioned something regarding PSN return to Asia and Japan. :)
  5. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    From May 28 (local time), Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand are coming back. For the other countries, we probably need to wait a bit more.
  6. phunky~phenom

    phunky~phenom I Sing With An Accent

    Apr 21, 2011
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    Awesome. Thanks, faga. :)
  7. phunky~phenom

    phunky~phenom I Sing With An Accent

    Apr 21, 2011
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    Finally got an update from (Asia)

  8. phunky~phenom

    phunky~phenom I Sing With An Accent

    Apr 21, 2011
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    Welcome Back Package for Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia.

  9. sam_reynolds01

    sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
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    Some good news for their region at last, I was feeling guilty every time I signed in.
  10. Art_of_Ronin

    Art_of_Ronin Active Member

    Feb 17, 2011
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    Ok, so I have compile a "One Stop Shop" of four region Customer Appreciation Program from SONY. Some are older info which you all might know and some new started by Faga in this thread, so I am just summarizing it into "One Stop Shop" info post for you all to refresh your mind or for some new reader with what all four region is offering. :eek:

    North America SONY Customer Appreciation Program

    Japan SONY Customer Appreciation Program

    United Kingdom SONY Customer Appreciation Program

    Hong Kong SONY Customer Appreciation Program
  11. DCS

    DCS Active Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I'm just waiting on JAPAN and HONG KONG!

    OH YEAH!

    Hurry up JP ans HK we want ya now!

    By: DCS
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