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Sony Turns Off PSN Online Sign-In Amidst Rumors About Password Security

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Joanna, May 18, 2011.

  1. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Yeah, I was also able to change my password yesterday. I'm hearing rumors that they got the green light during the weekend, and should start this week. It seems to be a unknown source, so I'm not sure how reliable it is.
  2. v_Trillian_v

    v_Trillian_v Fun Lover

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Well Kane if it was just up to me maybe I could find a way, but Sony is involved. Part of the irony in all this is I used fake emails because I'd been taught not to put personal information or information that might find me on the net if at all possible, because it could get into the hands of bad people. I just never thought Sony was bad people.

    Unfortunately I didn't think it through enough. I should have done what ev1 else has, to create a fake email addy that works. Make up some silly name and create an email account that, well, isn't really real 'cause I doubt many people are using their real names for their Home email addys. My thought process was don't use any personal info, that I didn't want any marketing materials, so put anything there.

    To be sure, I also remember trying to use the one good email I had with my SCEA account for the others, but Sony wouldn't allow that in other regions. One email for one region. I guess Sony doesn't really want the same person across the board. And if they really didn't want people going to other regions they should have made sure it was impossible to do in the first place.

    Ultimately I didn't realize I was supposed to forsee Sony saying SURPRISE! no logging in normally anymore. Starting now we've decided you can only log in to change your password IF your account has been "activated." And by that we don't mean by purchasing hundreds of dollars worth of Home items. No no. Sony defines activated as purchasing anything from our PSN store.

    If you didn't do that we'll accept your email and DOB, at least until such time as we decide that's not safe to do. And such time has passed apparently. Millions of customer's very real credit card and other information has already been stolen by someone, but we don't trust you with it. Like, huh?

    So, now you can try contacting SCEE or SCEJ (Anata-wa wakarimasuka?) via email and see what they can do because, well just because we say so. We are Sony.

    The moral of this is don't type messages when you're angry and Sony is doing their best to lose at least one customer. Actually if you consider I was a customer with 4 accounts that regularly spent lots of money with Sony on each of those 4 accounts (even HK! oh this is ugly), they're really losing 4 customers in one. That's pretty amazing, not even the best golfers in the world can hit 4 holes-in-one with one stroke. Congratulations Sony. :sarcasm:

    I refuse to be blamed for this fiasco. And I don't really care about blaming those nameless :censored: right now either. No matter what breaches and issues a company has, If I give my console's serial number, that should be all they ever need, especially when combined with the information already present.

    I'm exhausted. Sorry for the rant if you read this far. Maybe I'm wrong about things, but that's my perspective.

    Like drinking and singing, being mad and creating messages generally are a no no, but do happen from time to time anyway. :smile:
  3. Aeternitas33

    Aeternitas33 Riskbreaker

    Dec 24, 2010
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    Trillian, you have my sympathy.

    A few days ago, I tried to log into my JP account and was asked to change my password. That's as far as I got, but it made me very happy nonetheless. Now I'm just worrying about my Asian account.

    None of my JP or Asian friends have logged into their accounts since the PSN was taken offline. I spoke to one girl last night, and she told me that no one in Japan has access to the PSN right now, and that includes foreign accounts as well. The only Japanese speaking friends I have who are using the PSN right now live in the United States.

    This is part of the risk I agreed to take when I created my EU, Asian and JP accounts. Right now I have over $100 in unused funds sitting in those 3 accounts. I don't want to lose those funds, but even more importantly, I don't want to lose access to those Homes and to the friends I've made there. Facebook is the devil as far as I'm concerned, but PS Home is important to me.

    Right now I'm just grateful that although Sony is increasing its security measures, it also seems to be reluctant to deny anyone access to their accounts. I had no trouble whatsoever changing my passwords for the accounts which either had credit cards attached or which had been funded by PSN cards. The only account I had any trouble with was one NA account which had no purchase history and no credit card attached. That one required me to go online if I remember correctly. Sort of like a double verification. So I'm hopeful that eventually I'll be able to change the password for my Asian account as well. Thankfully I was careful to provide legitimate email addresses for all of my accounts, and also recorded the passwords for all of my accounts.

    Hopefully it never comes to the point where I would have to *cough* creatively emulate *cough* IP addresses to use my foreign accounts. Personally I have trouble believing that Sony would ever take that step.
  4. Ibanez AEL

    Ibanez AEL Member

    Aug 26, 2010
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    I was asked to change my password on JP Home too.
    Didn't get further than that either.
  5. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
    Valued Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    Oh I guess I need to try. Did anyone have to do an email reset. I'm so nervous about my JP account.
  6. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    I heard stories of people who opened their japan and asia accounts the first day NA went online and changed their passwords. But it immediately afterwards it went into a maintenance message and wouldn't allow log on to PSN.
  7. Boomer_3_14_15_9

    Valued Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    I tried to log-in just now and all I got was the maintenance message too.
  8. Aeternitas33

    Aeternitas33 Riskbreaker

    Dec 24, 2010
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    It's possible you can't change your Asian or JP passwords yet unless you've made purchases on the Asian or JP PSN stores.
  9. Boomer_3_14_15_9

    Valued Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    That is kind of what I thought, but I thought they would send you an e-mail with a link to follow in order to reset your password. I did not even get to the screen were they say we sent an e-mail to your registered address.
    Or do you think they are waiting longer for people that didn't have any downloads to thier accounts?
  10. hyperkane

    hyperkane mm (©_©) mm

    Jan 14, 2011
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    I may be 100% wrong but I don't understand why some think a purchase is going to make a difference when it comes to updating/changing a password? I think I understand why some might think that, but if you're using the same PS3 that the account was activated on, I see no reason to complicate it and why a purchase would need to come into play.
  11. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
    Valued Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    I just hope all goes smooth resetting Asia and Japan. Would be nice if they brought both those regions back online.
  12. Aeternitas33

    Aeternitas33 Riskbreaker

    Dec 24, 2010
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    Because a purchase from the PSN Store tends to indicate there's a real person behind the avatar (especially when you're discussing the Japan Home). After all, it is conventional wisdom in PS Home that most griefers are going to be using default accounts.

    Apart from that, I've always believed that one of the reasons Sony overlooks region travel is that they derive additional revenue from it. They could have easily made the process of verification much more difficult than they actually did. I suspect the reason they didn't is that they don't want to lose any more revenue than is absolutely necessary.
  13. v_Trillian_v

    v_Trillian_v Fun Lover

    Feb 1, 2011
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    I'm sure everyone that either made a purchase via Sony's PSN store or used an email address that is still current for the Asian regional accounts will be perfectly fine. That's Sony's process and I suspect for the vast majority of Home users it will be effortless. It sure was easy peasy for my NA account, since I had made a purchase from their PSN store, which Sony deems bonafide.

    I'm curious though, by what reasoning does Sony determine credit card purchases made when buying Home items ARE NOT valid in some respect as compared to making a credit card purchase via their PSN Store which ARE valid to Sony?
    Valid enough to say your system is officially "activated" when doing so it seems at least.

    When a person purchases from either area, the process seems the same, we're using the same credit card for both. Obviously I can't go through that process right now to truly verify that, but that's what my memory tells me. Seems like a real person with a real credit card in both cases. I just don't see the distinction, the difference that would have them say one way activates and the other does not.

    Also, I thought the process for setting up a Japanese Home account was pretty difficult, without youtube I doubt I ever could have. Anyway, it's not really about making it more difficult or not is it? To me you either allow it or you don't. I do agree Sony definitely benefits by having more paying customers in whatever region, that's common cents.
  14. hyperkane

    hyperkane mm (©_©) mm

    Jan 14, 2011
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    Yes, JP may work differently. However, I have 2 "fake" EU accounts (no purchases) and they both work fine. :p

    Trill, I'm not really "here" today, but take a look at the new workaround A_Mc_Beer posted for the rewards freeze.
    It probably will not help you with your situation, but you never know? :confused:
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