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Home Personal Space vs Clubhouse

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by SFCCL-SALonghorn, Jul 23, 2010.

  1. SFCCL-SALonghorn

    Jul 23, 2010
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    I'm sure this has been discussed before many times, but I'm new to the site & with all the new updates, I'd like to discuss the advantages/disadvantages to having a Personal Space or Clubhouse.

    Specifcally, I run a a Street Fighter 4 league on the PSN. We usually chat via the PSN messages or text chat, but I was hoping to bring the members into the Home Community. If I were to invest some actual money to create a SFCCL Home space, the natural selection would be a Clubhouse. However, I currently own one for my old clan {KOR}, but have NEVER been satisified with the clubhosue look, options, etc.

    With the ability to buy and play darts/pool, there is new incentive to go into a clubhouse other than to chat. I'm disappointed there isn't more than one clubhouse. I don't like the fact that I can't add any photos. The bulletin board is limited. I don't like the fact that I can't upload videos on the TV screen. Soem Street Fighter items I can buy in the Mall might bring some color to the place, but the Home Personal Space seems like so much better option in terms of customability.

    The biggest advantage to getting a Clubhouse is that it will be open 24/7 to all members. However, it lacks severely compared to the Personal Spaces.

    What are the options, if any, added to the Clubhouses? I know they had mentioned there could be a monthly fee for a Clubhouse, but that never materialized like many Home things.
  2. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Personal Space Vs Club House
    Total users that can be in the space at once, counting yourself.
    Personal = 12
    Club House = 32

    When can users go tot he space.
    Personal = Only when you are there
    Club House = Whenevery they like

    What users can go there?
    Personal = Only people on your PSN list.
    Club House = Any user that is a member of the club, invites can be sent to people not on your PSN list also.

    Personal = Many spaces to pick from, some with there own mini games.
    Club House = Only the one look thats very basic.

    Other Information

    • The owner is able to add the same number of items to both space types.
    • Both support the user of open mics.
    • Club House gives you and leaders the use of a basic notes board within the space.
    • Club House lets you add club leaders who have basic note board and member list controls.
  3. SFCCL-SALonghorn

    Jul 23, 2010
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    Thanx for the reply. Good list. It sucks that both places offer something that the other could use. Personal spaces can also have personal photos added to the walls.

    Just saw your vids on some of the personal spaces. IF ONLY there was an option to make a Pesonal Space into a Clubhouse. I really like the Waterfall Apartment as it has its own game (fishing game) within the space. That, in additional to photos, bulletin boards, darts, and pool tables, would entice club members to visit the space at their leisure. Prior to the darts & pool tables being offered, there was little reason to visit a clubhouse. It was much easier to have the members on your Friends List and then play something without ever going into Home.

    Is there is listing of Personal Spaces with their own mini-games? Love the fishing game. much much lack of commen sense.
  4. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    I have put that idea forward a few time, to give you a pick of a personal space version or a club house version. They could even sell a upgrade from personal space to club house on spaces.

    Some are really big spaces and would be perfect for club houses.
  5. SFCCL-SALonghorn

    Jul 23, 2010
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    Well I am holding a league event on Home next Saturday morning. Due to the lack of attention Sony is giving to Clubhouses, I am jsut having all league members assemble in the Gaming Lounge. Would love to have built a Clubhouse at the Waterfall Apt for the event. Maybe I will but it would be money-not-well-spent since I would always have to be there for any member wanting to play the games, read messages, meet up with other memebrs, or just hang out.

  6. PiaCarot

    PiaCarot Cat Ballyhoo

    Jul 5, 2010
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    Its a real shame that places like Musicality are not a Clubhouse... it would be fantastic for it!

    I ran an event in Home and decided against buying a clubhouse, also CB did a really good LBP night that ran for a few weeks and she just held it in the LBP public space. Quite often I think Clubhouses are just not needed.

    Though as CB points out the ability to come and go plus the extra numbers and the kicking ability make it a "must have" sometimes
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