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PSN FAQ – Restoration Questions Answered

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Joanna, May 16, 2011.

  1. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
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    Dec 24, 2010
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    Just some interesting comments and information.


    PSN FAQ – Restoration Questions Answered – PlayStation Blog
    PSN FAQ – Restoration Questions Answered

    + Posted by Jeff Rubenstein // Social Media Manager

    Now that PlayStation Network is once again operational, a great many of you are once again enjoying playing games online. Of course, that’s only part of the Network’s offerings – and you’ve got some questions about how the downtime affected planned releases and online events. Here are answers to some of the more pressing queries:
    Q: So what exactly is working right now?
    A: Sign-in for PlayStation Network and Qriocity (including the resetting of passwords), online gameplay for PS3 and PSP, playback of rental video content on PS3 (if within rental period), Music Unlimited powered by Qriocity on PS3 (for current subscribers), access to services such as Netflix, Hulu, Vudu, and, “Friends” category on PS3 (including Friends List, Chat Functionality, Trophy Comparison, etc), in-game leaderboards, and PlayStation Home.

    Q: I’m having trouble changing my password/I forgot which email I used on my account/I used a fake email to set up my account.
    A: Click here for a set of tips on resetting your password. If you’ve gone through the process and are waiting for an email from us, please note that the very large number of requests has caused certain ISPs to slow the rate at which recipients get emails from us. Please be patient as the systems work through the backlog.

    Q: The PlayStation Store hasn’t updated since April 19th. When can I download digital games that were planned to be released since then?
    A: To date, three Tuesday publishes were missed, which included items like Under Siege and the MotorStorm Apocalypse demo. Rest assured that you won’t miss any of this great content. To catch up on the large amount of material, we’ll be publishing to the PlayStation Store multiple times per week once commerce functionality is restored. We will update the PlayStation.Blog with information on timing of the Store restoration, as well as the full list of new content as each publish occurs.

    Q: How will PlayStation Plus members be affected by the PSN downtime? A number of games/items were slated to go live or come down on April 26th.
    A: We will be picking back up with the PlayStation Plus content calendar where we left off to ensure that you won’t miss out on anything.

    Q: Sucker Punch has indicated that they will extend the inFAMOUS 2 beta. Any details?
    A: Sucker Punch is evaluating extending the inFAMOUS 2 beta, as well as expanding its scope. Stay tuned for more details here in the coming days.

    Q: Is anything special planned for the SOCOM 4 multiplayer community?
    A: Zipper will announce details on activities to re-engage fans of SOCOM 4 who have patiently waited to play online.

    Q: What about the Call of Duty: Black Ops Double XP weekend that was missed while PSN was down?
    A: We have been in discussions with our friends at Treyarch, and they have ensured that all Call of Duty: Black Ops fans will get an extra Double XP event as soon as PSN comes back online. We don’t have details on timing just yet, but look forward to an announcement as soon as we have news.

    Q: How can I redeem the Welcome Back offer that was mentioned by Kazuo Hirai? What’s in it?
    A: Hang tight – we’ll be announcing all the details soon.

    Q: How can I sign up for the Debix AllClear ID Plus protection announced last week?
    A: More details are coming soon.

    Q: When will the PlayStation.Blog start talking about games again?
    A: Tomorrow! Thank you for bearing with us as our role changed over the past few weeks. We’ll be once again talking games every day leading up to E3, which is just a few short weeks away.
    If you’ve got a PSN-related question that remains to be answered, please ask below, and we’ll do our best to answer.
  2. v_Trillian_v

    v_Trillian_v Fun Lover

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Home is up! :bigsmile:

    Ok, just back, want to be happy-happy, but need help please.

    The process for NA Home and EU Home is not the same. NA Home popped up a prompt to create a new password. I did. And I assume I could have gotten on NA Home (I can). I want to get on EU Home though.

    EU Home gives a message to change the password, then it automatically sends a password request to the fake email address. Yes, I know, bad on me. Since I couldn't use the same email address I used for the NA account, I had to put something in there. Someone even suggested it was best to put a fake on there.

    The one link to help us given in the message above says I need to contact PlayStation support. But, not so helpfully, it gives no contact information to do so.

    "I provided a fake email address, birthday, and or other identifying information and don't remember it
    If you are unable to successfully set a new password using the methods provided, you will have to contact PlayStation support."

    If someone would have that specific contact info, be it a phone number or otherwise, would they be so kind as to give it out? I found a phone number. Says they're too busy and can't help right now, try another day or whatever.

    I imagine trouble no matter what. I'll be calling from the USA about fixing an EU regional problem. This is likely to go badly.

    Then the same process for the other regions. Instead of simply giving me a prompt to easily change the old password to a new one, like my NA account did, this messed up way.

    Has anyone had to do this for EU? Would they please talk about it here?

    Thanks for any help. :sweat:
  3. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
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    Dec 24, 2010
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    I don't know hun if this number would work but they might have a number for you to call. Someone posted this in the chat box not all that long ago.


    If you cannot receive messages at the e-mail address you have registered as your sign-in ID, before changing your password, make sure you have an e-mail address where you can receive messages and then contact PlayStation® Consumer Support.
  4. sam_reynolds01

    sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
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    It seems that the eu blog jumped the gun with the info on the Welcome Back Offer, it's now been removed but the infos here: PSN Welcome back pack detailed
  5. v_Trillian_v

    v_Trillian_v Fun Lover

    Feb 1, 2011
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    thanks for the reply joanna, that's the number i found. they're overloaded apparently so my frustration and worry about ever again getting into my favorite region continues.

    if they would have just allowed my NA email when i tried to enter it originally, this wouldn't have been a prob.

    still confused why the process for EU is diff than for NA. NA prompted for a new password and whoosh it's all done and good to go. but EU automatically made it an email only option to change it. bizarre.

    they better catch those hackers and put them away forever. i'm liable to say some nasty stuff so i better just go away. thanks for your help. i'll keep calling and calling and then have some real fun getting this straightened out.

    over and out.
  6. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    Trill, it's because your other accounts weren't activated for games or video on that specific ps3. Activated accounts are tied to one specific PS3. So they know it's your ps3 when you log in.

    I'm sorry to hear about your trouble, Trill. I hope it all works out. I hope japan won't be so bad.
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