A titan passes; Sony have officially brought an end to the production and shipping of their PSP Go. Current listings for the troubled handheld on Sony Computer Entertainment Japan?s website make note that the shipment for the product has ended.PSP Go never had an easy life; announced at E3 in 2009 the system was immediately met with negative press thanks to its high price point. Less than two years later and here we are; the system dead and the next Sony handheld, the NGP, on the way.Of course PSP 3000?s are still in production so in no way is the platform as a whole done for. Future sales of the Go however are now limited to what?s left in stock. Mortal Kombat to include Online Pass Mortal Kombat for Xbox 360 and PS3 will include a redeemable code for online play, Joystiq reports http://www.videogamer.com/news/mortal_kombat_to_include_online_pass.html
Well, we have our gaming press reporter Vampy reporting live from WWW (World Wide Web). Yeah, that is too bad the PSPGo didn't do too well and I was going to buy one just for kicks. May be I will get one when is cheap just to fill my need as an MP3 player and load some of my PS1 games from PSN store on the go may be? Indeed NGP (Next Gen Portable; a la PSP2) is a big anticipation for me by year end in 2011 or early first quarter 2012. As well I read online that MS and SONY is thinking of bringing out their next-Gen console by 2014, thus leaving the Wii2 (hopefully support Blu-ray(?) rumor has it) in the wide open from now to before the two gaming titan launches their next best thing.
The Mortal Kombat to include Online Pass, is that true? I haven't bought a copy but now i'm more worried another company wants to charge those that can't afford full price for multi player. Also I don't play on PC but this will effect those that buy games from Steam to right ? GAME code shortage for Gears 3 Beta GAME unable to supply all pre-order customers with a key for the launch on Monday.Update:GAME posted the following on Twitter: "To all people who haven't received a Gears of War 3 BETA code. These should be fulfilled by Tuesday. You will only miss out on 1 BETA day."Original:The Gears of War 3 multiplayer beta begins its second phase on Monday, but retailer GAME - which is supplying access to customers who have pre-ordered the game - has admitted there is a key shortage.In a customer service email sent out today, For the rest of this go to the following link http://www.videogamer.com/news/game_code_shortage_for_gears_3_beta.html
PSN Still Down PSN still offline & sony doesn't give an exact reason why, alot of PSHome junkies going through withdrawal. Could be a few more days before PSN is up & running. Online multi player parts of games left cold, Hmm with things like this happening offline co-op doesn't look like a bad idea to include in todays games now does it? http://www.betanews.com/article/Pla...wn-Anonymous-claims-no-involvement/1303493257
Yeah, indeed it looks like a major withdraw for all of us that relies on PS Network. I, for one has been thru this since last year when my PS3 got the YLOD and for two month I was on my Xbox 360 instead and keep in touch with my closest PS3 friends via email. I am sure everyone caught up with their daily errand etc during this time as PS Network is down.
It's inconvenient for alot of PS3 owners i'm sure. The down time for PSHome doesn't bother me & lack of online multi player is kinda annoying the only thing that gets to me though is not be able to reach alot of my PS3 friends, I have a few by e-mail & other forums but still annoys me i can't chat with the rest.
With PlayStation Network still down, Sony admits it was hacked Posted 1hour ago http://www.betanews.com/article/Wit...ill-down-Sony-admits-it-was-hacked/1303586929
Sony unable to say when normal service will resume PlayStation Network and Qriocity services remain offline and it appears Sony has no idea when these services will return.In a note on the PlayStation blog yesterday, SCEE's James Gallagher wrote: "I know you are waiting for additional information on when PlayStation Network and Qriocity services will be online. Unfortunately, I don't have an update or timeframe to share at this point in time for the rest go to http://www.videogamer.com/news/psn_remains_offline.html
?Some? PSN, Qriocity services to resume this week Sony held a press conference in Tokyo earlier today in which they announced a slew of details about getting the service back online. Deputy President Kaz Hirai explained (later re-iterated on the*PlayStation Blog) that the firm plans to bring back online play, Qriocity, account management and password reset, un-expired movie rentals, Home, the friends list and online chat in the first phase of restoration. The noticeable omission there being the PlayStation Store, which will hopefully soon follow. As far as we know this first phase will occur at the same time worldwide. http://www.thatvideogameblog.com/2011/05/01/some-psn-qriocity-services-to-resume-this-week/
Sony's PlayStation Network Still Down, no ETA So what's the timeframe? That's the catch: There isn't one. Sony has stopped making any mention of an expected date of delivery for the restoration of the PlayStation Network. Antsy gamers are just going to have to wait it out?and keep checking Sony's official PlayStation blog for more daily information. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2385050,00.asp Revived PSN to get CoD Black Ops Double XP weekend Treyarch working on plan to give PS3 owners a Black Ops Double XP session.PS3 gamers won't miss out on a Call of Duty Black Ops Double XP session, Treyarch has confirmed. http://www.videogamer.com/news/revived_psn_to_get_cod_black_ops_double_xp_weekend.html
PlayStation Network Still Down as Sony Prepares for Possible Website Hack As if Sony wasn't under enough pressure after the two recent hackings on the PlayStation Network, a group of hackers indicated on Friday that the gaming giant could become victim to a third attack on the Sony Websites over the weekend. http://technorati.com/entertainment/gaming/article/playstation-network-still-down-as-sony/
Rockstar backing LA Noire with massive TV campaign Enough about PSN ETA it's getting tiresome. Any video game news on any games game systems please post or reply A four-week terrestrial and satellite push will reach five million males, claims Rockstar.Rockstar is backing imminent crime thriller LA Noire with a huge marketing campaign, which includes a four week push on terrestrial and satellite TV which the publisher claims will reach five million males.The GTA and Red Dead Redemption publisher is aiming to make LA Noire the "blockbuster entertainment event for 2011" and has already kicked off its marketing with TV spots during the Champions League semi-final matches on ITV. http://www.videogamer.com/news/rockstar_backing_la_noire_with_massive_tv_campaign.html
If PSN Doesn't Come Up By Thursday, Then It Will Most Likely Be Another Week .. I Think Today Starts The 3rd (or 4th) Week Of It Being Down. As For LA Noire .. That Looks Pretty Good!
Square Enix cancels games, Alien game graphics 'out of this world,' says Vaizey A predicted profit now set to be a net loss.Final Fantasy and Deus Ex publisher Square Enix has cancelled a number of unnamed games and going forward aims to improve the process through which projects get the greenlight.There's no indication of which games were culled, but we do know Gun Loco bit the dust earlier this year http://www.videogamer.com/news/square_enix_cancels_games.html NEW ALIENS GAME Alien game graphics 'out of this world,' says Vaizey Creative Assembly studio expanding in the coming year.Hot on the heels of SEGA's confirmation of the new Aliens game in development at The Creative Assembly, British Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries, Ed Vaizey has given his opinion on the game. http://www.videogamer.com/news/alien_game_graphics_out_of_this_world_says_vaizey.html & yea Kimilicious my friend is definitely getting LA Noire
Me? about Square Enix or the new ALIENS GAME lol sorry things got mixed together a little & Yes checkout the link
Battlefield 3 and Modern Warfare 3 going head to head The Buzz:Source claims two FPS juggernauts will release within days of each other.Activision's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and EA's Battlefield 3 will release within days of each other, according to a report on MCV. Modern Warfare 3 is expected in the second week of November, so you can expect Battlefield around then too. http://www.videogamer.com/news/battlefield_3_and_modern_warfare_3_going_head_to_head.html
PSN dev network still down in UK, but looking up Internal PSN dev network online for some.The currently down PlayStation Network could return region-by-region according to Develop. This echoes a post made on games forum NeoGAF which stated: "The internal PSN developer network is online again, at least it seems for some, although things are still a bit shaky at the moment such as lack of new account sign up." http://www.videogamer.com/news/psn_dev_network_still_down_in_uk_but_looking_up.html
We don't need Xbox 720/PS4, Pitchford explains 'We're not demanding it yet,' says the Gearbox boss.We don't need a next generation console platform, Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford has told VideoGamer.com. The outspoken creator of Borderlands didn't stop there, but outlined the many reasons why the current crop of consoles is good enough. http://www.videogamer.com/news/we_dont_need_xbox_720_ps4_pitchford_explains.html Oh Yea & PSN is Online requires new password for access