First weekend of the PS Network being down went out and enjoy the warm weather... Now almost first week or April is done, simply watch lots of downloaded vids from my PC to my PS3.. Gaming wise nil and anticipating picking up Portal 2 tomorrow Friday and would like to play the online bot co-op, but that is not going to happen until next week May 3rd, 2011 when PS Network is officially up and running.
Today i began playing Metal Gear Solid 4 for the 3rd time since this game does not have any trophies and has a wonderful story.
Trying to keep in good humor, though my last attempt here was badly timed and found unfunny by most I think. Sorry. I realize things are serious and I don't do that well. Or comedy lol. Reading a bit, Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials. Tried to jump into Eternal Sonata to finally finish it but didn't have the heart and it's sooo hard to start suddenly, playing again three-quarters through. Ugh. Way too many things I forgot for that awesome RPG. Otherwise I'm unhappy and sulking. I looked up sulking just now to see if that's really what I want to say. Still unsure, but I found a quote by someone named Mason Cooley: "Sulking is silent because speaking would reveal its folly." I still think the MuiMui have some role in all this trouble. Gonna go burrow for a few more days, or weeks, and stay off the chat box as my last attempt was another bad idea. :drunk: I think most slept through that and I need to shaddup now, nothing to read here. ps great smilies :wacko:
Without PSN I got alot of sculpting done!! I used a program called zbrush. It's unlike every 3d modeling program I've ever used. More like a clay sculpture simulation. Pretty amazing program.
I was out of town with the family last weekend and expected the network to be back online when I returned. So much for that idea. Home downtime activities have included spending time with the boyfriend, enjoying some springtime weather that is finally arriving, enhancing my summer wardrobe selection :clapping:, watching my beloved Arsenal completely muck up their chances of an EPL title, motivating myself to get some exercise, playing a little guitar with my friend's band (to use the term loosely), getting ready for upcoming exams and making my best effort to escape the royal wedding coverage. Not much luck on that last one, it's quite incessant. Of course, I've been visiting the forums to stay up to date, and to toss in a wise-ass remark or two for good measure. Some time away from Home to accomplish other tasks has been a good thing and I don't really use the PSN for anything else. This whole episode hasn't been much of an inconvenience to me really. I am looking forward to getting back on Home nonetheless.
With no PSN I now actually have the time to get caught up on games that I started but never finished. And the main thing is, I have had the time to actually post and catch up with whats going on here at YPSH.
Without PSN I watched on BBC broadcast from London. and downloaded many games for PSP And waiting for Mortal Kombat Kollector from London too
Beat Portal 2 twice. Once to get everything, then the commentary mode and to get that achievement I missed where you find the drydock for the Borealis.
Bought milk. Took over a small country. Tipped off the US on where Bin Ladan was... lol... ok really I spent time with my kids, read some Kurt Von., Made a new hat out of duct tape, refurbished my couch, and occasional played some old games. Guess I can survive without a PSN- who knew!?
More playing the .hack series for the ps2. On the 3rd part now. Also going for bike rides since the weather is nice enough for it.