Are you making too many sharp turns? I got it in one try, knowing where all the gates were and used less sharp turning. BTW, guys, has 20 pound cards in stock, so if you're in need of UK pounds for EU, now's your chance. A bit pricey but what can you do with many sites out of stock of the same cards? And, yes, it does email you the redeem code and you pay through PayPal.
Its funny how this time around the 1st place item is easier to gain (like EA Poker concept to have "one win and the rest fold"), but the 2nd place and third place is a tad harder to earn for the AUDI Sled game.
I honestly had like 1.70.something and got it. I'm going to meet you guys this Saturday sometime at 8pm EST to get the Silver outfit from the Sledge game, so if you want to, come on by. I'll try to make it, because I got plans.
Rachel, I struggled to earn the bronze suit (even though it's male only) while racing by myself for a while. I eventually earned it that way. Once I had a time of 1:07.5008 that wasn't good enough. That said, it's much easier to beat the time if you race with 1 or 2 others. If you can avoid bumping each other, you can draft behind someone and go faster. My best time is 1:05 now, from a race with 2 other players.
FYI, has UK cards for sale (£25 and £35) Their £25 cards are the same price as gaminglue's 20's. Their £35 cards are available for less than the current exchange rate, quite a good deal for American buyers.
Thanks a lot for your help last night, guys. I hope everyone else got their Silver outfits from Kane.
I can't believe I read this previously and just went along my merry little way. I almost want to say shhhhh now lol. I just got a 35 GBP card for a total of 51.62 USD. Status of Payment: Completed. Status: Under Processing. So I'm awaiting an email telling me oops, sorry, we didn't mean to sell the card for less than the current conversion price of 35 GBP = 57.3300 USD. If anyone ever wanted to and such, you'll likely never find a better deal than this one. It's possible they're using this sale as a loss just to attract people to their website, but wow that's a great thing for us. Thanks so much Liza! Edit: Forgot about the exchange with Dan awhile ago, he got me 40 GBP for 50 USD! Guess that's better yet!
I'm still waiting for my code from still. I think they may be off weekends, since I put the payment in for them on Friday night.
I got the code after doing a live chat about why I hadn't received it. For first time customers they have an extra verification process where the chatee (?) calls to verify some things. After that initial order it's supposed to be 15 minutes. So, buying from worked out fine. As it should of course.
Okay, this is getting out of hand. I've just emailed with no response as to why my payment is still processing for a 20 UK card code. I'm hoping to get the code sometime this week. This is becoming a pain. Maybe it's because I'm not the only one getting 20 pound cards and this one's the last shop to get them? I'm not sure. They should've said something about it...
I've used successfully as well (Thanks Karen!). And I've found out the UK Singstar Store works with US Games, Yay! Something else to waste money on
I've read in another forum (neogaf) that gameglue is a pain in the ass when it comes to a PSN cards. Do not buy more cards from them, they tend to scam the people like they are doing with u Recca, pay attention to that.
Burro, I gotten their email from them today. They were actually settling a dispute over the 20 UK Pound cards which were obsolete a few weeks ago. They're also giving me a refund back too. I have checked my Paypal account and it was indeed cancelled. I've already put an order down to for 25 pounds. I should get the code soon. And, BTW, Burro, I have used my HK cards with a lot because they are cheap, and they don't dilly-dally when sending me the code.
Did anyone get the t-shirt from buying a Studio theme? I'd be interested to see what that looks like. There is one dynamic theme in EU PS Store that looks pretty cool--the one with the genie(?) holding the lanterns on each side with stars and moon in the background, but I'm not so sure its 2.39 cool lol I'll have to decide....
I bought the one with the moving shapes that scrolls from left to right or vice versa. And no, I didn't get a shirt over there either. I wonder why?
I may be wrong but it's possible they'll send codes out to those that bought the themes for their free tshirt? I know the EU team doesn't normally use the same way japan and asia do and just send store links via psn message, but if the tshirts don't unlock automatically I would think they will email codes at some point. Rant begins...Not that I'm at all interested in paying for any of those so called "artistic" themes myself just for yet another Tshirt... Rant over
Here is a link to EU forums where they are discussing the shirt issue. Its hard to tell by the posts, but could it be that the theme has to be purchased in Home? You can take the teleporter from the Studio space to the PS Sphere space where I saw them on sale. Sounds like another case of Sony being Sony with mis-leading info and no follow-up clarification. Also, what happened to the Saints Row2 stuff (hot dog and pimp outfits or whetever they were)? No word on that either I guess.
Don't think we got the saints row stuff yet in EU, maybe the same thing with what happened in NA where they mentioned those a few weeks ago and now are just there, now they've said they'd be in EU but aren't yet lol as for the tshirt that is a bit of a bad move if the themes have to be bought through home...