5pm EST would be very good, is not late, also I have the easter egg hunt item if you need to have a look at it. I think it's quite good value myself. I like it a lot.
Trillian and her golden harum: XD Trillian, me, DanMW, FF and neko--thanks to all of you and everyone else who came and helped all of us win the suits...that was a good time! @Dan--yeah I would love to come and check out the Easter egg thing--too bad we never did get to that!
Oh geez lol. I must admit the guys looked pretty awesome in those golden sledge suits. I had to resort to putting on one of the rare golden outfits I have to compete with their radiance! Seriously, thanks so much Hopper for your patience. We would routinely enter the race before you even started the countdown or during it or something oopsie like, thereby screwing it up. That space is a tad touchy right now. Kinda like someone I know (just so there's no misunderstanding, that's me i guess ;D). Plus if it wasn't us creating human error, the space itself seems to have issues. But even with all that, I had a great time playing with everyone! Once six of us finally got in it was like a version of bumper cars on skiis! I can see why they made the track with less hard curves now. This new course, allowing us to lazily go to the right or the left, also allows us to usually stay relatively close to each other and also allows us to gain some good speed and, accidentally or not, wham! smash into another racer. XD That tends to change the game. Fun! BTW whoever took those pics did a great job if i may say so, i especially like the bottom right one, good job thanks!
It looks like you guys had a lot of fun, I wish I'd seen this to sign up as well but been having lots of connection problems lately. I did visit a friends space and played the game with my NA account so its not region locked, but not sure if the rewards are locked though as I didn't win any although I didn't know until now that they are male only - does anyone know if they are for other regions? Also, Trillian, I love your hair, where did you get it?
@ Hopper - Those were the pics you mentioned before I left? Lol, those are cool, wish I had been there XD Btw, thanks again for the invite over, had a blast racing against you all, we'll have to do it again soon to accumulate some points for the silver sledder outfit @ Mermaid - You might be able to play the game but I assume the rewards are region locked. I might test this out to see if they are or not but I believe they are. This was the case with the Supa-Fun Robo Goalie apartment (rewards were region locked) so I'm going out on a limb to say the Audi Sled rewards are as well.
I must say the Gold sled suit is nice and chromey. Thanks to Hopper's invite and everyone last night (Trillian, Ashlongo (if I spell you ID correctly as you are reading this), KCChad, Nekochama, DanMW and many more user IDs if I miss) to help and organize and to achieve the Gold sled suit. Might do couple of runs to earn points and achieve the Silver sled suit in the near future with you all.
@Mermaid Got that hair style from Singstar in EU, it's part of the Flame Red Catsuit outfit. It can be bought separately though, and that's always nice of course.
I heard all you need is to accumulate your race point up to 100 and you earn the Silver Suit. As for Bronze Suit you just need to get 1:07:500 and less to achieve it.
We need to set up a day/time for anyone who wants to go for that silver suit. Each win is 5 points with a full race so it will happen quicker than some think. Im at about 70 now, so after I get to 100 I wont be trying to win but will be there to help others. We can get it for a bunch of us I think in fairly short order with some cooperation. I never know how to best get these things together, so I'll just ask how 6 am EST on Saturday sounds? Just kidding...maybe noon EST? Or maybe even later tonight if anyone wants to. ...maybe July 22nd at 4 pm? lol
I was more than happy to host the little racing party on Saturday. It was a load of fun. Plus, it made me feel a little less guilty about freeloading in everyone's Aurora Island spaces all the time. By the way, has anyone beat my 1:01 time yet? I have a feeling that I never will. It took a few rather fortuitous elements to accomplish that time. Mainly everybody drafting off of each other without bumping at all.
@ MsLiZaChan I can relate about feeling guilty freeloading the Aurora space, I'm a 4-region regular at DanMW's space almost every day. I missed a whole week and didn't even start in HK or Japan until recently, but it's been head-shaking fun, mostly. ;D That sounds like a fast time, 1:01, congratulaions! I know this new sledge space is keying on the points rather than the time, but it will be interesting to see if anyone has done it faster. Hope not!