Thought it might be handy to have a thread to offer tips and keep tabs on the rewards as people level up. Orb Runner (public space) and Island Defense game (personal space) reset at 8 pm EST daily. REWARDS: Teleporter--reach level 5 nDreams t-shirt--reach level 10 (thx to info that I found on other forums posted by Mr.#1 on leaderboard KCC) Aurora ship (boat) costume--reach level 15 (thx again Chad!) Aurora t-shirt--reach level 20 Aurora silver goggles--reach level 25 Twitcher Wall Art--reach level 30 (thx Chad) Twitcher costume--reach level 35 Aurora Island balloon ornament--reach level 40 Lucille Wall Art (floating boat)--reach level 45 Mini Lucille item (active item)--reach level 50 Aurora portrait--reach level 55 Aurora picnic--reach level 60 Landshark Coffee: Bar--reach level 65 Lucille couch--reach level 70 Jane's Love Seat--reach level 75 Aurora dance floor--reach level 80 Face Melter Seat/Clux-Fapacitor/Captain Barber's Propeller Wall Art--reach level 85 Lilith/Big Bertha/Lucille ornaments--reach level 90 Sir Lord Winterbottom III companion--reach level 95 Aurora Champion Apartment--reach level 100
Teleporter is an active item that can be used at any apartment. It seems the aurora defense mini game has a limit on how much xp can be gained each day as I know no-one who has gotten over 500 on any day, I managed to get 500 myself today with a score about half that of the top scores (2400 or so)... now I did that without the upgrades and I am no good at these types of games... trust me. So it seems the defense upgrades are only useful for trying to get a high score rather than gain experience, I don't know about the orb runner game as I normally get under 1000 score and around 200 experience and that's with the neon goggle upgrade... so if that has a limit I can't get even close to it.
The space resets its scores at approximately 5pm PST (soon to be 4pm PST once UK goes through Daylight Savings on March 27th), so you have from then until that time the next day to hit that 500 XP limit in Island Defense and get a good score in OrbRunner. For Island Defense, I was able to hit the cap around 3000 points I believe without upgrades, so unless you choose to buy them they aren't really required. The key is to not hold down R1 the whole time, shoot in spurts so your guns don't overheat so quickly. Keep yourself moving and checking all sides of you at all times, try and take out whatever you see moving around with a few shots and move on. If you see those slow circular moving bots flying at you, take those out ASAP, they shoot those missiles that take chunks out of your health meter so its important to take them out above anything else. Just keep moving and fire in spurts, and don't panic lol. As for OrbRunner, I would suggest purchasing the upgrades if you have the cash, both packs help as they both offer more orbs to collect and different areas you can teleport to. Its all about collecting the colored orbs and using the teleportation orbs to your advantage. Its also about luck, depending on where those teleportation ones take you and such. Keep moving and grabbing what orbs you can. Don't bother with the orbs that have those freezing/time cut effects unless you're in the last few seconds of the round and have one of those nearby and nothing else. Thanks for the credit btw Hopper, the shirt is okay. I'm hoping they offer more rewards for higher levels though, more clothing items that aren't t-shirts lol.
I purchased the ammunition box/seat. It doesn't seem to help a great deal to me, I noticed enemies take one less hit to be destroyed so 2 shots instead of 3. I think a score around the 2000 mark will give you the max 500 experience points per day. As for tips, don't hold the fire button all the time look at the radar to locate enemies and move around a lot I don't think the enemies that look like old fashioned alarm clocks appear in the radar. UFO=100 points / Ship that dies with one shot= 80 Ship that dies with 3 or 2 shots = 50 points and the others that fire missiles are worth 30 points. UFO make noise so you know when they are about.
It mentions in the orb game that we can earn better upgrades so I would imagine that at some point we get maybe... silver goggles?
Thanks for the tips--its always real helpful. I also found that at the very beginning in Island Defense you can move around and take out some targets in the distance that arent in radar range yet to get off to a good start. As for the targets that do appear on the radar, do the longer red lines that extend from them indicate that a target is closer? I think so, but really havent had much time to even pay attention to that when I'm playing! At a certain point I'm just a spinnin' and shootin' fool! I wish we could hit all the balloons too--then my eyes wouldnt go googly and I could score a lot better! XD It will be interesting to see what other rewards become available as people level up and as the spaces evolve. PEACE
Thanks for all the info! So far I've resisted purchasing anything, partly because DanW has been so gracious by allowing me to go to his Aurora space and get XP points. From what we can tell so far it seems I'm able to get plenty enough XP points without having to buy the extra stuff. Would everyone agree with this general sense of things? Just takes a bit longer maybe. Re-reading here it seems it may not matter much. I can prollly do 2,000 ok and hopefully that's good enough.
yep Trillian--seems 2,000 for each go at the game should be enough to keep you moving along. Glad Dan is letting you play there...Karen, flutter and another friend were nice enough to let me play at theirs as well over the past couple of days. Always cool to have friends that are so willing to invite and help each other out. I am considering buying the space but havent just yet. From what I have read here, the upgrades for the Orb Runner game are helpful, but maybe not so much for the Island Defense game. It will probably just take a little longer without any of them as you suggested, but Im not really in any rush. lol Have fun!
Chad said he won the teleport in HK and JP playing at his EU Personal Space. I tried and I got 2668 / 20 / XP 500 / Level 2. This is the 1st time I hit continue and looked at stats. They are in Japanese? :O I hope if I return and play this again I can achieve Level 5 by adding to my XP? I don't think I will ever get much higher than 2668 in this game, cuz I sux.
Yeah Kane, I was able to hit level 5 on both my HK and JP accounts today and the rewards went through. I'm actually at level 6 on both now with the 500 XP cap in effect. I would be higher but I didn't think to play on those accounts before the reset on Thursday, didn't occur to me until it was too late, oh well. By the way, the Aurora Teleport doesn't work in HK or JP, its simply an active item that does nothing. Looks pretty though lol.
Yeah, thanks for the invite dood. Maybe it was going to come to JP? Why would it have a JP translation in it? I'm probably reading too much into that. ;D Anyway, I noticed that the vertical line on the radar tells you if the enemy is above or below eye-level and by how much.
Lol, I haven't had higher than 2500 yet in aurora defense, today I only managed 1817 and even that was enough to get the 500 xp. I don't care about the score but I just wonder why they've made it so easy to get max xp without the upgrades... not that I'm complaining
In Japan, I put on the Goggles gift from my visit yesterday. When I signed on to JP today I had to put them back on. They were missing from my face. It might have something to do with them being issued as a new item each day like the rest of the old rewards I receive each day.
My top score without upgrades on Aurora Island Defense has only been 23XX and I usually average a lot less than that. Possibly one reason I can't get a better score is I can't stand that game! ;D I mean bleepin freakin whirly derby! That constant shaking that never EVER STOPS! Ugh. Hopefully it's around the 1500 mark to get the max 500 XP per day 'cause that's about as much as I want to play that game. Sorry but that's one of the most obnoxious games on Home imho. Congrats to Chad for getting high scores on that, he must be a real rocker.
so once you achieve 500 xp in both cannon and orb game, there is no reason to play until next day reset? ty in advance family
There's an XP cap of 500 for Island Defense, the apartment minigame. Once you hit that there isn't any point in playing that one anymore until the reset. As for OrbRunner, there is no XP cap so you can earn as much XP as you want.