Just checked a little while ago and nothing just let. I made a thread about it on the EU forums so people know, maybe MB reply, idk ;D
First Motorstorm tee is now live in Home Square. As for a second tee, that can be won from yet another "user friendly and oh so trusty" Facebook app....;D MotorStorm Web Apocalypse on Facebook (Can't seem to get past the part after you choose your level, tried using Chrome, Safari, and Firefox but none work, any help? )
Thanks Chad. Oh, Facebook for a second shirt? Well Mark Zuckerberg designed a Social Networking Site that only works about 2% of the time and is a Ba-zillionaire for making it? Go f'n figure? But seriously, I rarely get Facebook apps to work. EDIT: I see the yellow shirt with black sleeves in my PDA rewards list, but can't find it. It probably ugly anyway. ;D Was in my storeage. It's not TOO ugly. :wink:
Thx for heads up on Home Square Chad. I gave the Facebook app a try as well and had no luck after 1/2 hour of trying to figure out what they are instructing you to do to start the race. When I click and drag the key to make a new bookmark it just shows as "blank" and I dont think it is supposed to according the pic they show. Maybe its not working right yet as usual or maybe someone else can offer some ideas as to what actually has to be done. EDIT: ok I ran the first two races but you need to post times for all 3 to get the shirt and the 3rd one says "coming soon". Maybe next week? Looks like some people on EU forums thread have said they already got both so I honestly have no idea.
The Motorstorm worked for me on Facebook. There are three levels you have to complete all three levels to get the code to get the shirt. right now only Level 1 and Level 2 are Playable! I got two levels done. But the third Level is not active yet! I wonder now how long it will be before the third level is live. I need that to get my shirts. AWW! By: DCS
I was able to play both the YouTube and Facebook levels on the app with what little time I had, I had to wait a bit for the track and car to load up on the page but they came up. As for the last level, it now shows a "Coming soon" label over it so you can't access it. Swear that wasn't there earlier when I couldn't figure out what to do, go figure Carla, were you able to get the tee from the Facebook app? Can't access your rewards page from iPhone
at least i got the Yellow and Black T-Shirt from Home Square so far. And it goes nicely with my Old MotorStorm Pants from a few years ago. LOL! YAY! Oh and wearing the Scarecrow Mask also. Makes one Scary Outfit!
Yeah. I got to the "game". As usual, this app sux. :O No wonder there are only LIKES on these things. Could you imagine if they had the option for DISLIKES !!!! :O
Those who are having troubles with the Motorstorm Facebook app with accessing the last level, I'm not quite sure if its an error or what, but I posted a thread in Home Technical Help section of the EU forums. Please leave a post there when you get a chance, hoping to bring light to this and maybe a fix as well. Thanks. Motorstorm Facebook App, Level 3 "Coming Soon"? - Official PlayStation® Community -PlayStation.com
I passed the two levels but not the third. It says "Coming Soon". I'll take a look at the post of yours, Chad. EDIT: It's still saying "Coming Soon". I had also read the replies, but it's still not working for me. Still the same two levels. Dammit, I want that 3rd level unlock! What am I doing wrong? And, I'm using Firefox BTW.
Nothing Wrong the third Level is not available just yet. They just want to make us wait. Don't worry it will be on one day we just have to wait it out. It's like the new Mortal Kombat Demo is out today. For Plus Members only... We have to wait till next tuesday before we can get it. Same deal really. We just have to wait it out. Hopefully the round three one will be out soon and not have to wait a week to play it... AWW! By: DCS
Yes--just a guess but Im thinking maybe the other shirt (from Facebook) was intended for the game's release day. I think thats the 15th...?? Guess we will have to wait and see. They love doing this sort of thing...keep everyone guessing and wondering for awhile. Ah well--it is only an ugly t-shirt after all lol
Yeah, it may be they wanted to test a few things before putting it up again, and maybe the first part they started before made it glitchy or bugged, and went to fix it. Yeah, still "Coming Soon" but I'll wait for it. I have posted my two levels' times though.
If that's the case then, bummer :/ I was up early on my side too and missed my chance lol. Oh well, if it really isn't a technical issue and they want us to wait it out, we wait I suppose.
Yep the third game is available and that one was easy and quick and the code pop-up came up soon as ur done to get ur code. But PSN is offline right now so can't redeem my code. Darn it PSN! LOL! More Waiting! RATS! By: DCS
Well, this is weird. The third level is up, but as I go and play it, I'm sent to Road Runner search almost everytime! WTF?
Thx for the heads up Jake. After signing out of facebook altogether three times, re-running the 2 races that I had already posted times for yesterday along with the 3rd one, re-running all 3 a couple of times, trying 2 different accounts, swearing, making a pizza, flying a kite, doing a jig, jumping through a hoop, swearing some more, doing 5 jumping jacks, and taking a bow............I FINALLY got a code!!
I don't know where my code is. I swear I posted my times up clicking the Share blue button on the bottom, and I'm not seeing a code anywhere! I even replayed the levels too. I need help! If anyone has a spare code from a separate FB account, let me have it. It seems that the "Save time to unlock exclusive content" keeps giving me this PvP error or something. I really need help.