Just to be clear is the bandana the only reward ? Because I got an A 5 times in a row and got the bandana with the first A. Nothing else for the rest of them...
I didn't wear the jacket when I did the cheer gestures, and all I did was cheer and I got it in one try. And yes, you only get the Ranka headband this week, no matter how many As you get in a row - you just need one A to win it. Next week is the Sheryl headband.
What's the best advice for this? Just follow the crowd? lol Seems like no matter how hard we tried last night we couldn't get anywhere above a B...
I'm still somewhat confused here. I understand the part about doing certain gestures, but I'm confused as to when and how many we need to do. The prompt at the bottom of the screen shows the gesture and a number following that. Then after that shows up they show either the Macross heart symbol or Ranka in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Do we need to do the gesture they show at the bottom and that many number of times as a group? Or do we only need to do the gesture shown only once when that Macross/Ranka symbol appears? If its only one time for when the symbol shows up, I can easily see why we were only able to manage a grade of B five times in a row last night, since a lot of us were simply repeating the gesture over and over and apparently that penalizes the overall grade. Help?
Thanks recca now I can stop playing lol. In order to get an A I just kept cheering non stop. Also kept my eye on a few Japanese in front of me. When they stopped and clapped I did too. Clap is the response mostly at the end. But not all the time. So keep your eye's open...
I didn't watch the screen. I watched 3 people that seemed to know what they were doing and I did what they did. I think? Karen won when all she did was cheer and that wasn't very often. As said before by faga, some won just by being there (inside the fence/rail). It must have something to do with the collective crowd's participation?
Kane While I was getting these A's my friend who was next to me was only getting B's the whole time. I do know one thing this morning the lag was horrible...
Okay guys, I made a guide for this event. It's made with the most accurate info I know. But it may have mistakes. Thanks to Faga, Cherie, and Devowa for all the help! *NOTE: I deleted the chart. I made corrections. Look at the next page for the corrected version.
Ooh got a question, at the lyric with the "Nod" gesture, do Ranka supporter top wearers need to Nod as well, or just cheer all the way through the entire song?
Oh one more thing, could someone post a picture of the Ranka headband rewarded from the event? Curious to see what it looks like. (Apologies for the multiple posts here)
I don't know for sure Chad. But seems unlikely that Ranka support wearers can't do the other emotes too. I think the area adds points to the total score when anyone gets it right. I know there are reports of different people in the same instance getting different scores.. But one time I didn't do a thing and got the same B as everyone else.... IDK... btw, please accept that the guide I made is a work-in-progress. And better information will be added as soon as I have it.
Its great so far FF, thank you again for making it for us, even if it isn't finalized yet And alright, its still a bit early to tell just yet about that one. I might just pick up the Ranka Supporter bundle to see if it'll help, it just might if it saves me having to switch between all the different gestures.
I can confirm this is not a group effort. Just did this event with my other account. As Kane would say it is my bum account. Don't have any Yen on it so you don't need the supporter outfits for this event. At the end all the people were saying what B!!!!. I got an A again and the reward. I just kept cheering...
I said it's a "mixed" of individual and group. If one or the other does it successfully, you get an A. (It could be both results added and if it gets to a certain point, you get an A. Some people didn't reach that limit so they got a B) Could be something like this: Max individual point: 10 <-- I did all the gestures but still got a B with about 7 people in the area, so individual points is probably lower. Max group point: 20 <-- Some people are reporting getting A without doing anything Added points to get an A Grade: 20 This is all assumption so I could be wrong. *Edit: the weight seems to be more with group progress
I have two ps3s in the same area. One I worked hard, the other I didn't touch. Both got an A. Go figure....
The Macross Frontier Premium Live Stage lounge is a very exact replica of the concert arena from the Macross Frontier: False Songstress movie. Here are some pictures from the movie. Click for a bigger image. This is the area where we are in PS Home. You can recognize the chairs and the planters in the distance. Even the Pier that Ranka runs toward. This is a seaside view of our area. YOu can recognize the odd ufo-style building. A stage started to rise up in the bay. Here is a long shot of our concert area. YOu can recognize that ufo building in the distance. As we move even farther away, we can see that this is just a city inside a GIANT spaceship. The little spark of lasers is where we are. You can see the Entire Macross Frontier colony ship now. It's huge!!!
It's possible that emoting at the heart raises your individual score. But mistakes lowers it. But having the Happi on allows you to raise the scores of everyone in the area. I believe if you have the green happi on, you cheer at both the ranka icon and the heart icon.
Here's a shot of over very own AngelSniperWolf (AngelMoonWolf in JP) sporting her new headband! ....and while I'm at it, here's a shot of the stadium too.....
got the green headband yesterdy, will try to attend other events this week to get some other rewards (guess there's at least a pink one for Sheryl)