The EU region is pretty much bugged. I've only gotten one star, and there is an issue of freezing. I froze twice while waiting for the game to begin in an hour, and was unfortunate to reload Home again and came into the Twilight space too late. NA's Twilight still has the issue of glitching out during the middle of gameplay, so it's still bad. There's also a problem of them not bringing out the rewards and no chat dialogue, including the chat menu in the EU region. I did look into my chat system requirements from my Safe Menu, and did switch the chat to Enable, but it's not working. Not to mention, I've been on Aurora today, and reached 115, but it didn't reward me at all. Something's up.
I had to download Twilight Plaza again, so maybe the glitch could possibly, hopefully be fixed, but I will keep you updated on my side.
Yeah, seems to be something's off in EU region's servers. I'm thinking of looking into their forums and seeing what's up at SCEE. I'm still missing my pumpkin hat from the EU Twilight game over there. I've also checked Granzella's tweet and they said they'll be fixing issues that have been reflected at the Twilight games. I also tweeted to them about our missing Halloween theme at our Twilight photo booth at NA Home, so hopefully they'll add that in the next update.
I've been glitched out 3x in a row since the fix and keep watching my place fall on the leader board. Maybe Granzella will be super nice and award everyone the pumpkin coach at the end. And I'm only saying that because that's what I've been after. I know, I know. It's not fair to the top 100 to do that, so maybe they can offer a deal where we can download anything from them up to a certain price point to offset any frustration endured during freezes/glitches. Was the Money God game this glitchy? If they just re-masked the game, I don't see why it would have so many errors if they didn't need to touch much of the coding.
The Money God game wasn't glitchy at all, since the game consisted of 4 GZ spaces played throughout the days at different times. Upon the first week, though, hackers got into it and started pumping their scores, including those that were asleep or didn't move, and that gotten a few players suspended their accounts from Sony Asia and had their scores reset to zero - even if you're innocent or guilty of the crime. It was very horrendous and peeved a lot of players, but the Twilight paths used from Money God for this event hasn't changed a bit - just added the red ghosts as obstacles.
Thanks for the info, ReccaWolf. Guess if the main difference is the additions of the ghost(s), that's where the program has gone wonky. FYI, on FB they mentioned that they will have more fixes done for the maintenence upload on Oct. 29th. And for Canadian players, there was a problem with accounts who have their language set to english and they are working on that, too. No date given yet for that fix. Hopefully this will be the fix that works. I had two games freeze on me yesterday but not giving up on it.
I'm far behind in EU region, and I've only scored 20k so far - with only 2 more weeks of the game to finish up to reach 100k. I do hope they'll fix the issue as well. The worst part is the timing when they'll start and if it'll conflict with my works hours and sleep.
Game is still crashing today. Anyone know what time the Oct 29th maintenance is supposed to take place? Granzella's been quiet about it for two days concerning any updates.
Still hearing reports on glitching, crashing, and freezing issues in the GZ event. Still no word about the missing Halloween theme in both regional Twilight photo booths for the daily 2000 points. This has been a nightmare.