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Featured Granzella Granzella Announces Halloween Event for 2014

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by kwoman32, Oct 11, 2014.

  1. kwoman32

    kwoman32 Head Administrator
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    #1 kwoman32, Oct 11, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2014
    Halloween 2014 is here, and Granzella is back with another spooky event!

    Head to Granzella Plaza in Twilight and wait inside the purple enclosure for the fun to begin! At certain times, Jack-of-Lantern will appear and float around the lounge scattering sweets. Collect as many treats as you can before he leaves! It won't be easy, though, as pesky ghosts around the lounge are looking to make a snack out of you! If you get eaten by a ghost, youfll be sent back to the starting area.

    But don't fret! Pick up the special Halloween cake that Jack-of-Lantern sometimes drops to fight back and knock out the ghosts for good! The Exquisite Fairy, Seasoned Wizard, and Seasoned Witch costumes will also give you added bonuses to help avoid those annoying ghosts.

    Collect sweets to gain Sweet Points! Grab enough points, and youfll earn event-exclusive rewards! If you earn enough Sweet Points to make it to the top of the Ranking Board, you'll get your hands on some more exclusive prizes!
    Will this Halloween be a trick or a treat? Stop by Granzella Plaza in Twilight and find out!

    Granzella Announces Halloween Event for 2014, kwoman32, Oct 11, 2014, 2:33 PM,, jpg, Halloween2014_20141015.jpg Granzella Announces Halloween Event for 2014, kwoman32, Oct 11, 2014, 2:33 PM,, jpg, Wizard_20141015.jpg

    Event starts on October 15th and lasts until November 12th.
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    • ReccaWolf

      ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

      Jan 16, 2011
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      OMG! This is like the final Money God event, only now we have to stay only in Twilight Plaza and we get to stay away from bad ghosts like Pac-Man. lol

      Too bad this is tied up with the final Japan Home event too!

      Let's just hope the hackers from Asia Home won't give us trouble like they did before. :p
    • kwoman32

      kwoman32 Head Administrator
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      Nov 29, 2009
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      UPDATE : Added video - Oct. 14th, 14:00 EDT
    • ReccaWolf

      ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

      Jan 16, 2011
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      Definitely getting the wizard and/or witch outfits. Those are better looking than the other ones 2 years ago. The male one was a bit too outrageous. lol

      The rank rewards are somewhat okay, but at least everyone will have 200 Gift Coins to spend on once they get the gift coin ornament. It's a nice treat for participating. Just wished they added in a PS4 to the Top 3 winners like they did back in the final Money God event. ;)

      Oh, and remember, after the event on November 12th, it'll be the VERY LAST TIME PS Home will be updated & all store items will close in NA. EU Home will have another week to get stuff before Dec. 3rd.
    • Baron_Brain

      Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
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      Jan 22, 2011
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      Beautiful space, and the event looked liked it could be fun… except it was soooo incredibly laggy via our West Coast servers as to be nearly unplayable (definitely not my local network/router/server/etc; it averages 54Mbps plus I've had it all checked; the issue's on Sony's end). The horribly-stuttering framerate also made me incredibly dizzy & nauseous. And let's not forget the Ghost that crashes the game or the ever-present cheaters/glitchers (quite a few of whom are no doubt reading this).

      Sadly, this is one event I doubt I'll bother with again, especially with this lag present. I've far better things to do with my time than waste it on this disaster, nor do I wish to risk being made massively ill again.

      Thank you Sony for ruining our last NA/UK Halloween for myself and the many other users who've been affected by the piss-poor non-upkeep of the West Coast (or other) servers dating back to November 2013).

      At least there's still the Japanese Halloween event to look forward too…!
    • DdarcFyre

      DdarcFyre Member
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      Dec 25, 2012
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      I had the same problem on the east coast. Very bad frame rate, it crashed shortly after I started and lost my points. Didn't even get to see a ghost. Looks like this may be a problem all around. Many people in the queue were counting down to poofing. That's not a good sign.

      The most annoying part is having to wait two hours just to glitch out again. If they can fix it, I'd like to try again but if not, no thanks unless I can get a virtual Halloween-themed barf bag.
    • ReccaWolf

      ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

      Jan 16, 2011
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      Lockwood spaces have not been popping up LKWD Life points lately today. I visited Castle Strakh to start it off, but nothing popped up. Not to mention, the Lockwood shop poles either stayed and didn't get rewarded with Life points or it disappeared completely.

      And yes, the Hub, Twilight, and Strakh's Graveyard spaces were very laggy. I had to delete and re-install Home again. Gift machines weren't working either.
    • DdarcFyre

      DdarcFyre Member
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      Dec 25, 2012
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      I also had trouble getting the Neotopia items in the hub. Had to leave and come back a few times until the rewards were automatically placed into my inventory. All the while, I kept freezing everywhere I went tonight. Especially in Strakh and Twilight. Messy, messy night.

      Reccawolf, when you reinstalled did that help improve the lag at all?
    • PrettyWoman

      PrettyWoman New Member

      Oct 16, 2014
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      HI there I am Tia xoxo:Kim:
      I played the event for the first time in EU this afternoon and I really enjoyed the atmospheric setting. I felt like I had been transported into the mushroom kingdom kept expecting king koopa to appear! I am unsure exactly what to do so I just ran for the sweets and followed the giant jack o lantern, I am proud of myself as I managed to get 1 gold star on my first game. It is quite a shame that the event is every 10/7 hours it's a large gap between these games unless it is run in another space and I am missing the extra points.

      perhaps I will see you all in passing while at the event space :)

      I am yet to play in USA for this event I guess I need a USA id for that then :) it'll be fun to globe trot
      I do have a JP id so maybe I will see you all at the JP Halloween event I don't know dates or times and was pointed here so, hopefully I will get to understand soon. Catsle Strak looked promising yet I don’t have this.

      I have a question on outfits for the event is there any news as to when the fae costume will be released pleas for this event? thank you

      Tia xoxo
    • kwoman32

      kwoman32 Head Administrator
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      Nov 29, 2009
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      Hi Tia.

      I haven't tried the Gz Halloween game yet. Hopefully tonight. I did, however buy one of the costumes for it (the witch one). I saw the Faerie one in the store a s well. This was the store at the space, btw.
    • PrettyWoman

      PrettyWoman New Member

      Oct 16, 2014
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      #11 PrettyWoman, Oct 16, 2014
      Last edited: Oct 16, 2014
      which region were you in Kwoman? I am in EU and cna't find this update maybe Eu is behind usa? I think I will buy one of the suits and mix it with some already won items from GZ
    • kwoman32

      kwoman32 Head Administrator
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      Nov 29, 2009
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      No I was in North America region when I looked. I'll take a look at EU later tonight and see if I can find it there.
    • ReccaWolf

      ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

      Jan 16, 2011
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      @DdracFyre: It did get my neotopia rewards, but the lag was still there in Twilight and everywhere. :p

      I've already been playing both regions and each time when the game starts, it glitches out. One time in NA today, I got glitched out DURING my game, so I lost all my points when a few of them got theirs. :(
    • DdarcFyre

      DdarcFyre Member
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      Dec 25, 2012
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      @ReccaWolf: Glad to see the lag is epic, everywhere we go. ;)
      I'm sorry you lost your points. I know how that feels. :cry: I ended up reinstalling mine and it did help a tad bit with the speed. It also helped lesson the times it would freeze up when I moved to another location. I couldn't go anywhere without having to hard restart.

      I was able to finish one game with my points intact but it did slow down to a crawl a few times. Thought for sure I was a goner but I ended up winning that one. The other games I tried either blew up right before the timer went off or during the game.

      I can't believe the scoreboard... Those high scores have got to be hackers. There's just no way. No one can stay on long enough to get those kind of points. :dead:
    • ReccaWolf

      ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

      Jan 16, 2011
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      #15 ReccaWolf, Oct 18, 2014
      Last edited: Oct 21, 2014
      EU's Twilight photo booth as a limited edition Halloween theme to take a picture from for 2000 bonus points each day, like Money God's. Unfortunately, NA Home doesn't have it in their Twilight photo booth. And no, they don't have them at any other photo booths.
    • DdarcFyre

      DdarcFyre Member
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      Dec 25, 2012
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      Oh no. I wouldn't seriously accuse anybody, really. I just can't wrap my head around those numbers. (And I'm jealous) Gray Neo had posted on Granzella's FB page about getting bumped off a few times as well.

      Granzella had posted that they're working on fixing it. They said it's an issue with too many participants. They suggest that if the lounge is crowded, to "try again at a later time" because you can end up with a "forced termination". Thing is, I waited for one game while there were just a few people there. Then alluvasudden, in the last 5 minutes, it's like everyone and their grandma showed up. :D Still, when it works it's a lot of fun. I didn't play the Money God game so this is kinda new to me.

      Thanks for the info on EU. I should check that out, too.

      Good luck, everyone!
    • mad-man

      mad-man Dark Jedi

      Feb 11, 2012
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      Kitty is dying while waiting for the game........
      can't goto nom nom nom or
      can't goto poop .....
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      • Baron_Brain

        Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
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        Jan 22, 2011
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        #18 Baron_Brain, Oct 20, 2014
        Last edited: Oct 20, 2014
        This statement quite offended me and others I know who read it. You of all people shouldn't bandy around accusations like that — yes, it most certainly was one, although you insist it wasn't — especially without one shred of proof. Not that any exists, since Neo would never do something so personally-repugnant to her (yes, dear readers, Neo is a woman, and Recca know exactly who she is).

        Neo and I (along with a few others) have been extremely vocal with our disapproval of the many who cheated during every Granzella event — such practices only ruin the events for everyone involved.

        Did it ever cross your mind that perhaps she is #1 simply because she's a better player than you and most others? It has nothing to do with luck, cheats, exploits or a private server, but everything to do with skill.

        Neo also made the Top Ten list during the Money God event — she was one of 2-3 users appearing who didn't cheat or exploit to achieve her legitimate score… unlike others we could mention who were banned for two days and had their scores reset to zero by Granzella & Sony for 100% proven cheating.

        Neo learned exactly how to play this event properly by paying attention during the many Money God event runs that took place at the Granzella Plaza in Twilight venue. I should know, as we were present at nearly every run every hour —16+ hours a day — for the entire three week event. We played, we practiced, we learned.

        I'd suggest being less critical and bitter towards someone who's a better player and able to achieve completely legitimate high scores, and worry more about your own gameplay methodology.

        [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer]
        "For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God.
        Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails.
        Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon.
        Sent via my BrainPADD using magic & a bit of pixie dust…
      • DdarcFyre

        DdarcFyre Member
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        Dec 25, 2012
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        Hi Baron, I'm sorry if I opened a can of worms, here. Was never my intention. I was not serious when I said the high scores were hacked. It was not even a matter of questioning another player's skill. I was implying more on how hard it has been to just start or stay in the game without it crashing and losing points. It was not meant to be a bad reflection on the players who are working really hard to earn those scores and I really hope that what I wrote did not lead to a path in the wrong direction.

        I completely missed out on the Money God event and hadn't been reading the boards at that time. I didn't know that people were locked out for cheating. If I had known that, I would never had made my original statement, even in jest. I'm glad at least Granzella was able to take care of that situation in the past and I'm sure they're ready to deal with it now if that sort of thing is going on again.

        It's our last hurrah. Let's enjoy it while we still can.
      • DdarcFyre

        DdarcFyre Member
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        Dec 25, 2012
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        Real quick, I saw new posted dates and times in Japan:
        10/23 - 16:00
        10/23 - 18:00
        10/24 - 20:00
        10/25 - 19:00
        10/25 - 21:00
        10/26 - 20:00
        10/26 - 22:00
        10/27 - 19:00
        10/27 - 21:00
        10/28 - 20:00

        I was just hanging out in the square, when a few low-tone beeps went off, then a white bar with scrolling text appeared at the top of my screen. No idea what is says but if you can read Japanese, you may want to check it out.
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