Earn Lockwood Life XP with the new Dream Hideaway Clubhouse. Also new this week from Lockwood is their latest range of Relaxed Poses. Secrets celebrates the saucier side of life, starting with the cute and curvy Bunny Girl. Also there are plenty of traditional Easter gifts in the Gift Machine this week too.
So instead of adding LW Life to the Dream Forest personal space and clubhouse which many of us have already purchased and have been asking for, they simply make yet another space a clubhouse and add it to the list like they did with the yacht last week? Lazy and unprofessional is what they are. Lockwood has no shame and no class, and many people have no f's left to give about them. They refuse to answer their customers about things like broken and intentionally deceitful mislabeled dance packs *cough Tribal Dance Pack cough*, or get back to us on questions they promised to answer months ago after repeated attempts to communicate with them. I voted them worst dev on Home for CS, and best dev on Home for laziness in 2013. The re-skin re-package Queens of Home.
Most devs are the same. But all the time theres users that say how great any developer is without questioning what they doing, even if they release a gold diamond encrusted dog turd of an item. That won't change. Sent from my ST25i using Tapatalk 2
I found ONE Commerce Point that still has "Secrets" line ( bunny suits ) . Theater Lobby. Straight ahead and down stairs. Hurry! Probably gone by tomorrow (April 14th).
Very weird they were pulled without any explanation. They can do stuff like this fast but fixing actual problems fast forget it.
"Hey guys, Unfortunately we've had to remove these items from the store and they won't be coming back. If you got one you're now the owner of a very limited edition item on PlayStation Home! LKWD_Mike" secrets bunny outfit gone - Page 4 - PlayStation® Forums :/
Sounds like a copyright issue. If you had already gifted them but the receiver hadn't got they gift yet. Will it still arrive, if not how do ee claim the tokens back Sent from my ST25i using Tapatalk 2