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Are you ready for a PS3 on your phone?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by kwoman32, Feb 15, 2011.

  1. kwoman32

    kwoman32 Head Administrator
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    Nov 29, 2009
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    Sony recently announced the "Playstation Phone" (Xperia PLAY). Will you buy one?


    From Technorati:
    The Xperia Play otherwise known as the “PlayStation Phone” is an Android smartphone with PlayStation games.

    The smartphone specs:

    The smartphone will run on Android Gingerbread platform.

    It has a 4” multi-touch, scratch-resistant display, a 5.1 mega-pixel, autofocus camera with LED flash, and 8GB micro SD, which is upgradable to 32GB.

    The Smartphone screen slides open to access real game controls, with shoulder buttons, gaming keys and an analog touch joystick.

    It will be powered by Snapdragon with 1GHz CPU and the Adreno 205 graphical processor.

    The Xperia Play also has stereo sound and can support multi-player gaming.

    The device comes pre-loaded with up to seven games. Sony is partnering with major game developers and will have 50 games to draw upon at the phone's release. The Play Station phone is a bid for Sony Ericsson to get back some of the business that has been so dominated by Apple's iPhone in recent years.

    No word yet on battery life or how much the device will cost or the cost of the games.
    The release date is said to be in April per CNN.The carrier will be Verizon Wireless.


    Sony plans a marketplace which will allow you to download games designed for the new platform. The phone has a touchpad as well and can use microSD cards.

    [video=youtube;KEQ9owx4MIg][/video] - Sony Ericsson CEO talks Xperia Play
  2. SoulBladeNG

    SoulBladeNG playstation fanboy

    Dec 31, 2010
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    I was going to switch to verzion anyway now this make it a good reason to switch, And after i hear more stuff about the phone i might get it
  3. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    I would have to hear more about it.

    I actually do have a psp. So I don't really need one. And I'm looking more for a smartphone. The ideal for me would be a 7" tablet that has 4G and cellphone capacity.

    But I do think it's a very interesting concept.

    I'm not sure if I want a cellphone like this, but I really believe a psp today needs to be able to make a phone call to survive in today's market.
  4. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    Far has i know it will only be PS1 games that the PlayStation Phone will be albe to play.
  5. kwoman32

    kwoman32 Head Administrator
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    Nov 29, 2009
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    From what I am told, the new phone will be able to play most PSP games. I'm trying to confirm that now.
  6. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    I'm looking at the at the graphics of some of the games that they showed the ps phone rendering. Some were MUCH higher polycounts than any ps1 game I ever played.

    It's possible that it may play any current ps1 game (downloadable from PSN). And it may be incompatible with PSP or PS2 or PS3 content. And at the same time, it might have it's own NEW game format that is significantly better than PS1 games.

    I assume that might happen since the architecture of a smartphone is so drastically different than any gaming machine out there. I can easily see them designing a new game format from the ground up specifically for this new playstation smart phone.
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    • Baron_Brain

      Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
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      Jan 22, 2011
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      One quick pseudo-correction: the device doesn't have just a single "analog touch joystick" — those are actually "dual analogue touch pads" in the center. Although they appear flush in the photograph, they are actually two slightly raised circular discs, each with a nub in the center.

      An additional bit of information about the Xperia Play was also released at the device's unveiling, something that might hold great importance for current PSN users — if you've already purchased classic PSone titles for your PS3 or PSP, Sony confirmed that you must repurchase each game if you want to use it on your new Xperia Play smartphone (link #1; link #2, link #3). Ouch!

      Personally, I have zero interest in this device — I've already got a PSP; I dislike the PSPgo-like form factor, especially the lack of physical media (I don't buy DL-only titles); and of course it's locked to the Verizon network.

      I bought my current cell phone (an LG) to do one thing only — to make phone calls; it doesn't play music or take photos (although it supposedly can play games using various terrible control schemes). If I want to play games on the go, that's what my dedicated PSP & DS is for.

      My current LG cell still works great, and I don't plan on replacing it until it dies. But whenever that day arrives, I'd prefer a smartphone similar to Firefly's ideal — a 7" tablet with 4G and cellphone capacity (preferably with a database app so I could retire my Palm).
    • kwoman32

      kwoman32 Head Administrator
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      Nov 29, 2009
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      New Sony Erricson ad titled "Kittenliscious". Wonder what our Kimiliscious has to say about this ? :)

    • Firefly

      Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

      Nov 5, 2010
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      +67 /2

      I'm a bit unnerved how her hair floats around on her head during her "dwarf mode"
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