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Contest Ypsh January Giveaway

Discussion in 'YPSH Contests' started by C.Birch, Jan 11, 2014.

  1. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    #1 C.Birch, Jan 11, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2014
    Hi All,

    It's a new year and the sales are on, so here at we are having a January Giveaway for both SCEE & SCEA, all you need to do is enter the giveaways linked below.

    Many thanks to Dani, Codeglue & Juggernaut games for the prizes!

    Please note this is open to "Trusted Members" of the site only, "Trusted Members" are members who have been members for more than 31 days and who have made 25 posts or more.
    • Like Like x 4
    • Informative Informative x 1
    • C.Birch

      C.Birch Site Owner
      Staff Member Administrator

      Mar 21, 2012
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      Fixed the Not so Basic 1.2 giveaways so you can now enter.
    • FriarGirl

      FriarGirl Member

      Jan 22, 2011
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      +0 /1
      will need to post a few times to qualify now
      • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
      • redrumblefish

        Sep 10, 2011
        Likes Received:
        +2 /0
        Awesome Giveaway! Good luck to all entrants.
      • Scotish-Heritage

        Dec 14, 2010
        Likes Received:
        +7 /1
        entered into all 4 draws. to all entrants, 'May the Schwartz be a part of you'
      • mikami


        Oct 26, 2012
        Likes Received:
        +0 /1
        that you may have luck XD
      • Rustbukkit

        Rustbukkit Sci-Fi Guy
        Valued Member

        Aug 9, 2011
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        +4 /5
        Wow! I've been a member since 2011 at least, have 17 posts, and even did a few reviews of personal spaces back in the day (though I can't find them now, on looking to see if I made the grade). So really, those extra eight posts I never made (because I'm more of an observer than a participant), would have made all the difference in how much you can trust my membership or loyalty.. or some crap?

        Way to go on the exclusionary contest folks! That's about as douchebaggy as it gets right there. I'm glad to see that you appreciate long standing members support for your site. *slow hand clap*

        Maybe the next contest can be for people with blue eyes only, or hey.. how about only those of a certain ethnic background? Just throwing out some more great ideas for you.. don't feel obliged to use them though.

        I guess it's time to stop name dropping your forum to new and unfamiliar people on Home then. Have a great day, and good luck to all the members on here that have earned the sites "trust". :cautious:
      • latana_08

        latana_08 Active Member

        Aug 16, 2012
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        +1 /3
        I was member for a long time but dont say to much, is time to write i see.
        • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
        • free2beme

          free2beme Love beyond

          Jun 10, 2013
          Likes Received:
          +1 /4
          Good luck to all those that enter!!
        • Scotish-Heritage

          Dec 14, 2010
          Likes Received:
          +7 /1
          #10 Scotish-Heritage, Jan 13, 2014
          Last edited: Jan 14, 2014
          have fun people, that is what these contests are about. and should i win any one of these contests, i will definitely be putting up images of the items.
        • Rustbukkit

          Rustbukkit Sci-Fi Guy
          Valued Member

          Aug 9, 2011
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          #11 Rustbukkit, Jan 13, 2014
          Last edited: Jan 13, 2014
          How is making a contest exclusionary making it "fair for all".. exactly? I'm pretty sure you have no clue what your own argument is. Also, don't tell me what to do pal. It's a forum, and as a member it's my right to complain when I see it being poorly or unfairly managed. Let me fill you in on how things work with regards to feedback. Feedback is necessary for change and improvement. Simple huh? It's not like I'm bitching that the website border isn't a certain colour.. it's a legitimate complaint.

          Also, Carla has stated that (and I quote), "trying to clearly spam the site to up your posts will see your posts removed and could face a site ban". This is in direct relation to the subject of being a "Trusted Member". Besides which, I have no interest in scouring forum topics that don't interest me to find something to say about nothing. Any other bright ideas genius? I have one for you. Mind your own business. My comment was directed to the site admins and contest holders.
        • C.Birch

          C.Birch Site Owner
          Staff Member Administrator

          Mar 21, 2012
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          I think over the 5 years of this site being run we have given and run a hell of a lot of giveaways and contests, with a lot of PSN card rewards coming from our own bank accounts, a lot more than any other site does.

          And like as been said in my post already, the site will still run a great deal of contests open to everyone, in your own words you say you have been "more of an observer than a participant", this giveaway is about them that have been a participant of the site over the years by being helpful to the community here, don't you feel it's about time them people get a shot at winning something from the site they use and post on and not just someone who joined the site a hour a contest ends?

          I think over the years we have been very open and fair with the contests we have run, with many winners being users who heard about the contest else where and then are never heard from again.

          Why we are thankful you name drop the site and so on, the system used and as been used for a number of years to auto rank people up to the trusted members group is limited and what we have in place is the best way for the system to do it.

          If we had just number of days as a member we are back to step one as you could have a user that signed up 31 days ago but as only logged in once and never posted, but could login now and enter, so that's why a post count check was added also, and i think its fair to say, that over the years a user could have easy made 25 posts if they had wanted to.

          Maybe we should 'sell' access to the trusted user group like other Home sites do? We have tried to keep this contest to them that have been a participant, this is 1 time we have done it, all the other times its been about rewarding the community as a whole, what counts yourself also, so please understand you have had a fair crack at a great number of contests, and will still get a fair crack at a great deal more over the years to come.
          • Agree Agree x 1
          • hellmutt

            hellmutt Member

            Sep 6, 2012
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            +1 /1
            #13 hellmutt, Jan 13, 2014
            Last edited: Jan 13, 2014
            I'm hoping I qualify before the end of Jan :) Stay tuned!

            Gonna be a while before I hit 4,306 posts though !
          • Rustbukkit

            Rustbukkit Sci-Fi Guy
            Valued Member

            Aug 9, 2011
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            I'll agree that maybe some contests should be for members who aren't just joining the day before a contest's run time is up. However, I still maintain that long standing members should be included based on their length of time as a member, rather than their post count. I come here once a week at least, to check on new content and reviews. As I stated, I've even added my own full reviews of personal spaces in the past. Surely that should count for something towards supporting the site. Just because I'm not interested in discussing the latest LMO or Fall line up of women's skirts from Lockwood, that doesn't mean I don't support the site, or contribute by adding my own traffic as well as recommending the site to people unaware of it on Home. I just think the requirements for 'trusted' members is not representative of the people who actually use this forum on a regular basis. It's not fair to leave people out based on their interest to give their opinions on content that's released by the dev's… which is what this site is really all about. ;)
          • avilesc

            avilesc 8Bit Gamer

            May 23, 2011
            Likes Received:
            +3 /1
            Good one again!
          • hellmutt

            hellmutt Member

            Sep 6, 2012
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            +1 /1
            I'm OK with the rules the way they are, and view it as a nudge for me to step up my participation from more watching/listening to responding as well.

            Ironically all this arguing will push everyone over the limit and make it a moot point...

            Thanks to C.Birch for the great opportunities :)
            • Like Like x 1
            • C.Birch

              C.Birch Site Owner
              Staff Member Administrator

              Mar 21, 2012
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              +261 /59
              Thread as now been cleaned up a bit, please keep the thread clean and free of any personal attacks or abuse.
              • Like Like x 1
              • kwoman32

                kwoman32 Head Administrator
                Staff Member Administrator

                Nov 29, 2009
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                I think it's time to put the "Trusted Members" argument to bed. It's here for a reason and there will always be some who don't agree with it. Personally, I do.

                I equate YPSH to a company newsletter. Everyone wants it, but few are willing to take the time to add to it to make it worthwhile. That's life. That's just the way it is and probably always will be.

                That being said, while "Trusted Members" may not be 100% perfect in some eyes, it does serve a purpose. In all the events and contests we have run, there are always those who show up to possibly get a "freebie". Then they are not heard from again until the next contest or event. I feel it is long overdue that those of you (you know who you are) that support this site by participating in it, get a little special consideration. That doesn't mean we won't continue to do open events or contests. It just means a little something extra for those who take the time to help the community.

                YPSH has always had one goal.... to be for the community BY the community. It's hard to get people to pitch in and help. Not help US... but help the COMMUNITY as a whole. When the community posts what they find, helpful tips, photos of their creations, suggestions, fashion ideas, you name it, the community benefits as a whole. Not just YPSH.

                So don't just post one-line messages. That's not participating. Post well thought-out responses. Post your cribs in Home Cribs or your fashion shoots in The Dressing Room. Comment about what you like or dislike when we post about what's new from the developers. Give them your honest (but fair) feedback. Most of all, keep it friendly. It's about helping each other. Encourage participation.

                This is one of the few places you can count on for un-biased opinions and real help. Jump in and be a part of it. You'll feel good about it :)
                • Like Like x 3
                • gary160974

                  gary160974 I adore Uzi08

                  Oct 27, 2010
                  Likes Received:
                  +22 /11
                  Too many freebie hunters that want to enter every competition even if they already have the prize. So they can trade codes. Should make the winner do a photo shoot with every item they won as well.

                  Sent from my ST25i using Tapatalk 2
                  • Agree Agree x 1
                  • Baron_Brain

                    Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
                    Valued Member

                    Jan 22, 2011
                    Likes Received:
                    +21 /1
                    Thought I'd give this a try for once, so thanks in advance.

                    Do have to admit you had me a bit confused over the "Bramblenook" entry at first… there's been a lot of variant lyrics over the past 90-some years…

                    Heck, the first version I remember from back in the 60s (Sinatra's) only had a single critter in it… :cyclops:

                    Anyway, think I figured out your version from the… pic. I hope.

                    [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
                    Sent via my iPhone using telepathy & a bit of pixie dust…

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