Kings of Spun & Spuno'ween Update Spun Salutations Homies we have a couple of announcements - good and er, a bit unspun... Tomorrow the latest bug fix for Spunland should go live - apologies to all of you who experienced the awful crash bug on spawning, and for sundry unspun other bugs which may have been plaguing your frolics in Spunland... So things should be a bit more stable from tomorrow. However... In all their wonderful hard work the Spun engineers have inadvertently made it impossible for Uncle Spun or infamous Dukes of Spun to appear. Well that's not strictly true, they can appear it's just that if they do well, Spunland will not be quite prepared for their Spun awesomeness, and you guessed it.... CRASH. So there will be a bit of a gap before we do the next Spunland Coronation, we'll let you know as soon as we can - hopefully normal service will resume in the first week or two of November. Finally the other good news is that Thursday is Spuno'ween! Calloo Callay! Come visit Spunland in it's dark form - and find your free Spumpkin Broom Broom LMO reward - I'll give you a clue - it's somewhere in the Shop! We'll be spunning around in Spunland on Spuno'ween too - so don't be shy - we just won't have any other special rewards to hand out on Thursday. Uncle Spun will do his usual Blog Post tomorrow anyway, and sam_reynoldsUS and richrich1991 will be the reigning majesties for a little while yet...
There is a free purple and orange LMO riding broom thing if you enter the store in the Spunland space and go through the maze to find it.
Go by the Spunland store in the Spunland space on either EU and NA Home. It will change into a maze. Don't worry, the ghosts won't harm you. Search around the maze until you see a floating broomstick. Click X to claim your LMO broom. It's only for one day, so hurry!