New this week in NA & EU : New Layered Cut and Sew Outfit 3-piece Set and Layered Tanktop Outfit 3-piece Set items. For women, a slim, cut and sewn layered top design emphasizing the chest, shorts, and flower strap sandals are available as a three piece set in red, blue and green. For men, a plaid tank top, chino pants rolled up to the knees, and cross-belt sandals are available as a three piece set in blue, red, and yellow. Layered Tanktop Outfit 3-piece Set (3 Colors , Men) Blue,Yellow,Green Layered Cut and Sew Outfit 3-piece Set (3 Colors , Women) Green,Red, Blue Spiked Very Short Hairstyle (Men) Bun Hairstyle (Women) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------New this week in EU : Baseball locomotion items and Uniforms. The Pitcher, Catcher, and Batter locomotion items are available in a 3-piece set deal. In addition, you can enjoy a ride in the Bullpen Cart Baseball Uniform color variations will be released successively, one after another! By combining colours on the uniform pants, baseball cap, helmet, glove, and bat, you can create a team of your own! Baseball Cap White & Red, White & Blue Baseball Helmet White & Red, White & Blue Baseball Uniform White & Red, White & Blue Baseball Pants White & Red, White & Blue Catcher's Protector and Uniform Black, White & Red, Black, White & Blue Catcher's Leg Guards and Pants Black, White & Red, Black, White & Blue Baseball Shorts White & Red, White & Blue Catcher's Leg Guards and Shorts Black, White & Red, Black, White & Blue ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------New this week in NA : New Nostalgic School Days personal space. 2 large classrooms, a store next to the classrooms, a long hallway including 1 floor. Blackboard, desk, chair, cleaning equipment, grand piano, anatomical model, science room desk, home economics room desk, indispensable school life items are available. In addition, character panels in the shape of students and teachers are available at no cost from the personal space store. Also, you can change the lighting and time of day to your liking. During the witching hours at the school there's a sense of foreboding that something's happening...Nostalgic School Days Personal Space Self-assembly Blackboard 2-piece Set Grand Piano Set School Desk and Chair Set Cleaning Supplies Set Home Economics Room Counter Science Room Counter Human Anatomical Model
I didn't see the personal space anywhere in the New & Featured items under the Navigator in EU Home, and from the GZ tab. However, they did put out all the freebies from the School Life space.
SCEE decided not to release that space in EU, we have since made them change there mind thanks to the "Most Wanted" thread so sould hopefully be soon.
Wait. How come they're not presenting the personal space? I mean, wouldn't the school furniture lose its 50% off debut sale after 2 weeks without the space?
I took SCEE's response in a different way. I thought the "coming soon" meant "reply coming soon" rather than "content coming soon". I haven't seen the price closely, but I think it was the regular price and not 50% just like JP had.
GZ usually does that with debut personal spaces with items when it comes to different regions than Japan, so I'm honestly not sure myself.