got all rewards from Setsubun 2013 Ogre Extermination, and in range 28, in the safe zone for top 50. there are not much time left. I still will work on the game b'cos there 2 items left from old woman.
Glad it's finally over. Thankful that my rank in JP which was once in the 600-something range, ended up in the upper 900's. So I got the tiger ears soon after entering the space. I saw two people with the full tiger outfit but no one with the bike. Anyways, just glad it I don't have to do it again til next year. lol
I hope that GZ would learn from their mistakes on using ranking boards for rewards again. It was a bit dumb on their part, with all the hackers and cheaters. Next year, I hope it'll be torn down and not have it again.
I think GZ should let the people complete certain scores will unlock the rewards in stead of push people to be the top 10 to unlock the special rewards. I am happy I am in the top 50 in aisa region, since not much people spend money there.
I reached the top 1-50 in NA & HK, so I got the bike and tiger clothing items. Japan I've got tiger ears only, since all I played for was teakettles and nothing more. EU I was ranked 177 but was rewarded only the ears and feet, but no arms. Wasn't the arms supposed to unlock at 1-400? That's unfair!