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Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by therob21, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. therob21

    therob21 Giantess of Glamour President, Roberta
    Valued Member

    Aug 15, 2010
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    I know I joined in 2010 but that was a long time ago. Anywho, allow me to re-introduce myself as "Rob" and I may not be on much but I will come from time to time to comment and talk with others so I can have good people skills, even online. :) Thank you for your concern.
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    • BIg Red Machine

      BIg Red Machine Active Member

      Jan 25, 2012
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    • mad-man

      mad-man Dark Jedi

      Feb 11, 2012
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      welcome !
    • InSight

      InSight Active Member

      Feb 10, 2012
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    • Brian White

      Jul 31, 2013
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      #5 Brian White, Aug 3, 2013
      Last edited: Aug 3, 2013
      Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Brian White. I am a huge fan of PlayStation Home. I have been a PlayStation Home member since 2008, and I have lots of fun with it. I have met a lot of good people on PlayStation Home, and many Home members are really nice people. I am currently trying to look forward to buy the water scooter on PS Home, but I didn't know where can I buy it at. I am a college student. I go to South University, and also College of Southern Nevada (CSN). My favorite hobbies are: playing videogames, watch TV, draw pictures, surf the internet, and listen to music.

      My hobbies are:
      playing videogames
      watch TV
      Play with my PC
      Listen to music
      Surf the Internet

      I have been diagnosed with Autism, but to be more specific, Asperger’s Syndrome since the age of two. I have graduated from SECTA (Southeast Career Technical Academy) in 2009 with an advanced diploma and honors recognition. After I graduate at CSN with an associate’s degree, I really want to go to another college where I can study videogame designing/developing to achieve my dreams as game developer, but because of my disability, I have struggled to reach my goals, and to make my dreams come true as a videogame developer. I work very hard to achieve my goals in college and in my personal life. My mom has always encouraged me to work hard to achieve my dreams and not allow anyone to interfere with my dreams regardless of how difficult it may be and/or what types of disabilities you may have.
      I also learn that there are goals in life that people need to achieve in order to be successful. People need to work hard in order to attain great success that can help them in the near future. I also believe that parents should encourage their kids to study hard in order to succeed in life, and make further advances in the near future in order to better themselves.
      My only activity at the moment is to study very hard. I spend most of the time in my graphic classroom, or at the writing center to make sure my papers are corrected and have no errors. Due to my disability, it’s not easy to make friends and communicate with other people. People always make fun of me because of my disability, and sometimes they do not accept me for who I am, and ignore me. That causes me to be lonely, and forces me to withdraw from others. I do have some friends that accept me for who I am and for those I am very thankful. I have met a lot of good people that will help me reach my goals.

      I have a major in 3D Animation, and minor in theatre. I love using 3DS Max and Photoshop. I am also interested in Theatre, because this can help learn how to act and understand different character personalities that can help me in the future and improve my social skills.
      Also, again, my goals are to finish college and achieve my dream as a game developer in order to achieve my goals.
    • kwoman32

      kwoman32 Head Administrator
      Staff Member Administrator

      Nov 29, 2009
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      Hello Rob and Brian. Glad to have you here. If you need anything, just ask! Enjoy!

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