I have an item in my rewards that shows those 3 glowing symbols from the room under the staircase. Is that supposed to be an actual item or is that just to tell me that I finished the....(I can't remember the name of it now).
Nah, that's just the unbinding ritual. It's there to show you completed all 3 quests and unlocks the door.
For me personally, I would say it was worth it. The games are well done and somewhat challenging and the rewards are decent. These are the rewards as Carla posted on the first page of this thread: The doll is a 6 slot active item that spawns ghosts, I think the boiling pot is an active as well, the scythe is a huge hand item and the Demonic Cutteridge Estate personal space as the final reward is pretty cool.
The boiling pot is active, you get a skull with glowing green around it that floats out of it. Mine wedged in the ceiling at one point, lol. I do love the fact that two of those rewards do interesting things when you place them, but use a low number of slots. My favorite thing about this update is that is seems like they are doing a kind of HP Lovecraft/Cuthulu thing with the Demonic Cutteridge Estate, which is scary, but you don't always see at Halloween (but should!)
Silly question: is the Mysterious Lantern offered in the Ghost Stories bundle(s) a locomotion item? if so, how do I activate it?