[tabs] [tab=Test Tab 1] This is the content of test tab 1 [/tab] [tab=Test Tab 2] This is the content of test tab 2 also with an image [/tab] [tab=Test Tab 3] This is the content of test tab 3 [/tab] [/tabs]
And if you want to know how, you use this format.Code:[tabs] [tab=Name of your tab]Content you want[/tab] [tab=Name of your tab]Content you want[/tab] [tab=Name of your tab]Content you want[/tab] [/tabs]
[Tabs] [Tab=1]so lets see if i can do this correctly[/Tab] [Tab=B]seems to be working[/Tab] [Tab=iii]Nice, may have to update the fossil catalogue with tabs.[/Tab] [Tab=nothing here]... you just had to check [/Tab] [/Tabs]
Yep give it a try in the wiki and see if it works, it should do. Defo helps to stop pages being a mile long
[tabs] [tab=Hi] oh hi there! [/tab] [tab=Hello]...just me again [/tab] [tab=Something smells around here...] :tongue: [/tab] [tab=Carla's favorite NFL team??] :thumbsup: [/tab] [tab=Karen's favorite snack??][/tab] [/tabs] ha-nice feature Carla...I needed to feel a sense of accomplishment after a slow Sunday--I feel better now. It only took me like 5 minutes to find those brackets on my keyboard in the dark too!