Lockwood posted on face book: The Dragon Egg Game's community score has been revealed... 300,000,000! You're doing admirably and have just cruised past 236,000,000 - keep it up!
Hello. I just had an idea. Since it`s hard to say when/if JP will get the gift machine. How about adding more rewards you could get from Vicky, while at the same allowing the player to buy sodium points with real money. If it was balanced correctly it could provide additional revenue and renew/continue interest in Sodium 1 & 2.
I think a Mercia personal space would be cool. It could incorporate design elements from the space itself (including one of the doors of course lol) and maybe give you a place to display weapons, armor and other items collected in-game. It would be a good place to use the rewards from the game itself as well. I just wish I had that entrance item from the beta.
3 votes for a safari house don't forget the clothing to go along with it (even though the dream island clothing could count as safari fashion) ;D
Mercian Gifts! Equip your fellow Mercian’s with exclusive weapons from the Gift Machine today: > Mercian Soldier's Shield > Mercian Hunter's Bow > Mercian Northland Warshield > Utopian Gladiatorial Blade > Mercian Conqueror Warblade
I took a chance. Gifted the bow to myself. it's not so great. The red tipped bow is MUCH better. EDIT: Got a reply from Lockwood about the giftable Mercian weapons and shield. In other words they are great for beginners. But you will probably get killed alot using them on higher levels. My suggestion for new players is to buy the bow with red-tipped . Its strong attacks can carry you through the entire game. Armor will help too. And buying armor bundles give you rock pockets so you can add more magic stones. Just make sure you check the name of the rock pocket. Buying two of the same type won't help you.
I'd love to see some stronger weapons in the Gift Machine then, Be nice to see a couple of weapons for the more experienced players
FF could you give us the stats on both that bow, and the Mercian Hunter's Bow please? Just to get an idea of the ballpark range of their relative power... :eat: I was thinking that just from the name progression for "Utopian Gladiatorial Blade" and "Mercian Conqueror Warblade" that those two GM items each 'might' have useful features (for ex like +9 fire resistance, +5 lightning)? However, the insane token pricing makes these items more expensive than buying from the PSN Store. There's no incentive even to buy these things. I *would* be interested in the warshields if they had extra stone slots though.
sure, can do. entering Home now.... ok, got it, Mercian Bow Defense: Fire=3, Lighting=3, Plague=3 Attack=40 Alak Mak Gragor's Bow (red tips) Defense: Fire=5, Lightning=5, Plague=3 Attack=60 I also just got the Raider's Bow. That's purchaseable with gold from the game. No real money necessary. Defense: Fire=9, Lightning=5, Plague=2 Attack=70 There's also one more purchasable bow from the store worth getting for me (level 25), but it takes awhile before it shows up. Khul Mercali Primeval Bow Defense:Fire=12, Lightning=12, Plague=8 Attack=75 btw I'm stuck on level 25. haven't been able to get the enemy to spawn so I can defeat him. I've had this problem before on earlier levels. I guess I just have to wait until the servers fix the mission.... I noticed that I'm screwed cause I start out each zone with about 20% damage. Even if I leave one area on full health, I'm always at 20% damage when I arrive at the next zone.
Hey I haven't received any rewards since level 19, I'm not on 26, what's going on? I did jump to Midway and won a game, and didn't get that reward as well, so maybe its something to do with Home.