Hi all, First of all very sorry for the recent down time of Your PS Home and the knock on effect it's had to contests like the Minibots Contest. Most things should now be back working right, the last few things i know to that need fixing are: Rewards Android App Reviews system. The most recent fix's are: Reviews System Stores & Rewards Databases. Server e-mail. Thread Attachments. User Avatar images. If you see any other errors please let me know, thank you.
I'm sure many will like this.... Attachment images now show as images in the post editor when you add them to a post and no longer as text.
Carla, I've repeatedly had problems trying to edit my posts. I don't think I can do so at this point. I get the following error: And this edit error doesn't clear up when I try again later either Test Edit
Alrighty, I've narrowed it down to Internet Explorer 9 -- that's the browser which is disallowing the post edits. Security cert issue maybe? Google Chrome 21 works fine. A crippled version of Firefox missing its plugins also was able to edit my post. IE and Chrome are the ones I usually use.
ErrorException: json_encode(): Invalid UTF-8 sequence in argument - library/XenForo/ViewRenderer/Json.php:179 Generated By: Kindle, Wednesday at 7:31 PM