This thread is for Minibots players to post their techniques, share their ideas and post general info based on their Minibots experiences. Please don't forget to use the Juggernaut Games thread to suggest ideas or ask questions about this or any Juggernaut product. NOTE: Our upcoming Minibots Competition will have its own thread soon.
Im at work right now so its hard to post single images from phone, so here is some group screens of rewards.
Got the MiniBots Training Facility when I first spawned in the Hub today. Went to Action District and got the following Rewards when I spawned:Weapon Pad - Mechanite ReaperAmmo PadWeapon Pad - VanquisherWeapon Pad - The DevastatorWeapon Pad - Thunder CannonWeapon Pad - Vorpal BladeWeapon Pad - BlasterRed Power ShieldRed RAMPRed Energy BridgeModular Red WallExplosive Red BarrelRed Energy BarrierRed Blast ShieldRed Pillar *Red Platform*Weapon Pad - The Assaulter*Weapon Pad - The Abuser*Weapon Pad - Death Ray** = received later in the day after a fix was applied to release more rewards
There are 20 rewards including the space. The guns I believe you have to get with coins. I'm not sure what else.
Only got 14 rewards + 1 space. Do we need to own the single player or need to earn the single player rewards to earn the others? Did tried restarting and resetting cache, but with no luck. May try it later if that works out.
I got 14 also. Is there any way to earn coins without buying them? And what rewards do we get from playing?
The five additional items most users (including myself) seem to not be receiving are: • Red Pillar • Red Platform • Weapon Pad - The Assaulter • Weapon Pad - The Abuser • Weapon Pad - Death Ray Same as others, I have yet to obtain these after multiple re-entries into the spaces, resetting the cache, etc. ADDENDUM: I DID finally obtain these five extra items; here's how… I placed some of the MiniBots building-block items I did receive into the MiniBots Training Facility personal space, then left. Upon my return later, I was immediately given these five missing items. (Note: This was on my NA account.) I invited my UK avatar over afterward for a test, and that account also immediately received these items. Hope this helps! And what is the deal with the pseudo-deceptive coins? When I was looking through the armory, I thought we earned coins in-game to use to purchase these items. Only when getting to the end of the armory list did I discover we instead had to pay for these "rewards". Anyone else find themselves in Action District instances with such poor framerates/incredible lag they were barely able to move? Seems we've yet another week where new things aren't quite working they way they should. Impressed I am not.
Didn't you like the items you got? I've actually had my eye on these items for awhile. Not for the game but as furniture. Too bad you can't play multiplayer in Tron apt. That would have been cool!
Eh… huh… what? Where did I imply I didn't like the freebie reward items? Never said any such thing. (For the record, they're okay. Not great, mind you… merely okay.) What I didn't like was the deceptive armory "coin" rewards-which-aren't-rewards nonsense… as well as the horrendous lag in the Action District game version that made gameplay nearly impossible (most users were complaining about the stuttering…). So there. By the way, how could you have your "eye on these items for awhile"? The game/rewards only came online today… Just curious as I don't recall seeing any promotional photos or text about these anywhere. Tag… your turn.
Here's a couple of rewards i got so far: Blaster hand item - 10 kills with the blaster in multiplayer Scorched Earth carpet - 10 kills with grenades in multiplayer. MiniBot's Display Base - 10 kills with the Assaulter in multiplayer. Glass Tunnel - 10 kills with Abuser in multiplayer. Curving Glass Tunnel - 10 kills with Abuser in multiplayer. Healing Pad - causing 900 healing in multiplayer using your deployable Guardian. Edit: Retro told me this: Red Pulse Field Chair -10 kills with the Vorpal Blade in multiplayer. I tried with the trial version but didn't get the reward.